Lye / no lye for corrective


New Member
I started self perming two perms ago. The first time I was underprocessed because I was scared to death.

This times my roots are straight but i did not bring the perm down far enough.

So I want to do a corrective. I don't want to wait too long because my roots are straight and I don't want to get them confused with the new growth under them and the underprocessed hair above them.

So I am going for 6 weeks.

I want to just apply to the underprocessed hair (not my scalp) and my question is I have been using no lye but think I remember reading somewhere that you should use lye for correctives.

I need to use no lye for touch ups because of my senstive scalp. But I was wondering would it be okay to use lye for my corrective and than go back to no lye for my touch up.

After I do my corrective I plan to wait 4 months to do my touch up.

So what do you guys think of my plan?
And what are your thoughts on the no lye vs lye.

never overlap lye and no lye, unless that's what you want to use for the rest of your touch ups! i'd suggest doing your corrective with no lye, since that's what you said you must use due to your sensitive scalp. :yep:
I was in a similar situation to you. I decided to texlax my hair last December, I loved it at first but grew to hate it. I used Dark and Lovely No Lye Relaxer, which I always have over the years. As my hair was underprocessed I really wanted to correct it and didn't know whether or not to use lye/no lye, I did plenty of research but never found an answer. So I had to experiment on my own hair.

In March I decided to do a corrective with Optimum Care No Lye Relaxer. I had regrowth so I did that first and after applied the relaxer to the ends for about 5-7 minutes. The result weren't great, my hair straightened only little more and I wasn't happy. I put it down to using no lye as a corrective instead of going for a lye relaxer.

Now since then I have just not been happy with all the problems I had with texlaxed hair. My hair though was finally in a healthy state and growing well. I began considering a second corrective, which I know is a no no.

But my conditioning and moisturising regime has been working really well for me so recently I did a second corrective. I used Optimum Care No Lye but this time in Super strength as I had a suspicion my hair was being underprocessed due to using the wrong strength. It was a choice between a lye or No-Lye in super strength corrective and i'm glad I made the right choice this time.

I cannot describe how my hair has turned from night to day. My texlaxed hair is gone and good riddens! I have a section on my top left side were I didn't leave the relaxer on long enough (I relax in sections) and when dried after washing I can see a small texlaxed area there. But i'm very happy overall. I wear bangs too, and went through a test of stong wind and rain the day after my corrective and my bangs did not go puffy or frizzy as it normally would! I am more than satisfied.

I know though that my hair is now more fragile and likely overprocessed, so i've increased my protein dc to once a week now (before it was every 4-6 weeks as i'm protein sensitive - well was, still watching to see if I still am) and I use a protein leave in which I didn't before. I also regularly do a moisture dc twice a week, moisturise daily and will monitor that regime.

But as my hair is now so straight I have no tangle issues, frizzy issues, my hair behaves! And this benefit outweighed the overprocessing concern. I am still scared of breakage but I dc faithfully and really believe in it. But so far so good. HTH!
^^Thank you so much for sharing your story. That does help. I still have about a month to do more research and come up with my game plan. I really appreciate it.
^^Thank you so much for sharing your story. That does help. I still have about a month to do more research and come up with my game plan. I really appreciate it.

You're welcome! I recommend doing as much research as possible as everyone's hair is different. I found it really hard to find others who had done correctives and what their results were. But I am so much happier with my hair texture now. Keep us updated with what you do!
Good info. I'm in the same boat with involuntarily becoming texlaxed. I like it but then again I don't :ohwell: I love the teeny waves I see when wearing my bun and although the texlaxed hair is still amazingly soft, my hair looks drawn up all the time and is discouraging by making me think I haven't obtained any length.

I'm gonna use the same no-lye perm I used in the beginning to try to correct it and do the same thing mentioned above and put it on the new growth first and towards the end put it further up. But I plan to do a cleansing poo a few days before and keep the products down until relaxer time.

Good luck to us all!! :grin:
Good info. I'm in the same boat with involuntarily becoming texlaxed. I like it but then again I don't :ohwell: I love the teeny waves I see when wearing my bun and although the texlaxed hair is still amazingly soft, my hair looks drawn up all the time and is discouraging by making me think I haven't obtained any length.

I'm gonna use the same no-lye perm I used in the beginning to try to correct it and do the same thing mentioned above and put it on the new growth first and towards the end put it further up. But I plan to do a cleansing poo a few days before and keep the products down until relaxer time.

Good luck to us all!! :grin:

Yeah, I used to looooove those waves in my hair at first, I always wear buns too. But I also wear bangs and texlaxed bangs do not look good on me, and i'm trying to avoid heat as much as possible. Now I got rid of the texlax hair my straight bangs just look and behave so much better.

Good idea to do a cleansing 'poo beforehand, I would also do a protein dc, after the cleansing 'poo to get your hair as strong as possible before doing the corrective. But when I did my first corrective it didn't come out that straight, I don't think I left it on the ends long enough, so you must get your timing right. It was only when I used the super strength I got rid of the texlax hair. HTH - Good luck!
Okay I have been doing research.

I think I will just wait until my 12 week touch up and than do the corrective.

Now I am trying to decided to do lye or no lye. I have not done a self relaxer with lye since I joined the board. I am so much more equiped to protect my scalp so IDK. I plan to relax in halves this tme as well.

I have been thinking about going back to the salon but the more hands on I become with my hair the less I trust them. The beautician I had was pretty good (compared to others I have been to). But I know I do more steps and take more precautions than she does. Honestly I like my products better than hers and she refuses to use my stuff.

So many decisiosn.
I think it's a good idea to wait till 12 weeks, you can work to get your hair in the best condition possible. But I don't know if a lye or no-lye is best for you. Unfortunately some of these things you just learn by trial and error. But continue to do your research, maybe you should just speak to a professional (and experienced) hairdresser, and ask what they would do.

I relax my hair in 3 sections, I follow LondonDivas method, which is great. Heres the link:
I think it's a good idea to wait till 12 weeks, you can work to get your hair in the best condition possible. But I don't know if a lye or no-lye is best for you. Unfortunately some of these things you just learn by trial and error. But continue to do your research, maybe you should just speak to a professional (and experienced) hairdresser, and ask what they would do.

I relax my hair in 3 sections, I follow LondonDivas method, which is great. Heres the link:
thanks for sharing LD's link. I plan on doing a corrective within the next couple of weeks with a lye relaxer and doing it in halves sounds like a great idea.
Yeah, I used to looooove those waves in my hair at first, I always wear buns too. But I also wear bangs and texlaxed bangs do not look good on me, and i'm trying to avoid heat as much as possible. Now I got rid of the texlax hair my straight bangs just look and behave so much better.

Good idea to do a cleansing 'poo beforehand, I would also do a protein dc, after the cleansing 'poo to get your hair as strong as possible before doing the corrective. But when I did my first corrective it didn't come out that straight, I don't think I left it on the ends long enough, so you must get your timing right. It was only when I used the super strength I got rid of the texlax hair. HTH - Good luck!

Good point SammieLondon about the protein beforehand and the timing. I'm just gonna have to pray on it and hope it comes out right through trial and error. I hope I can fix mine without having to go back up to the super strength (cringe).

But as far as whether or not to use lye or no-lye. I have no clue what to say about that because it's probably like the others said, it might work well for one and not others. Maybe everyone is saying to use a lye for correctives because maybe it's considered stronger?? I don't know, just wondering. At least you have plenty of time to still research.

Good luck!