Lurkers who have tried but failed and blamed us...


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who is a lurker on this board (it's news to me)... She's always complaining about her natural hair and how many times she cuts it and still can't get the curling texture that she wants and how it's always tangled and lacks softness. Being the great friend that I'am, I told her about S.A.A... I told her she can put it in her conditioner and everything and if she can't find anything that works well for her, she can make her own using the products from
She completely turned down my advice saying that she has a friend who went on this website and started using the S.A.A.. She was about collar bone length at the time and now, her hair is about 2 inches long. I was stunned by what she said... I was like:burning:. that chick didn't know how to take care of her hair in the first place. She was basically blaming the LHCF for her hair lost and cancelled her membership. I took it personal because I'm on this board too lol.
Anywho, it's not my fault if she still has black hay on her head... I tried to tell her.:D
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LOL @ ''black hay''!!! :lachen:

Oh well, if she wants to blame LHCF, then she can keep on living in denial....... With 8 strands of black hay on her head! :rofl:
I have a friend who is a lurker on this board (it's news to me)... She's always complaining about her natural hair and how many times she cuts it and still can't get the curling texture that she wants and how it's always tangled and lacks softness. Being the great friend that I'am, I told her about S.A.A... I told her she can put it in her conditioner and everything and if she can't find anything that works well for her, she can make her own using the products from
She completely turned down my advice saying that she has a friend who went on this website and started using the S.A.A.. She was about collar bone length at the time and now, her hair is about 2 inches long. I was fukk3d outby what she said... I was like:burning:. That h0e didn't know how to take care of her hair in the first place. She was basically blaming the LHCF for her hair lost and cancelled her membership. I took it personal because I'm on this board too lol.
Anywho, it's not my fault if she still has black hay on her head... I tried to tell her.:D

Can you tone down the language. If she is still lurking, this won't help. Even lurkers should be treated with the same respect that is extended to paid members.
Belle, every post i see from u has me rolling!! I can see how someone may use LHCF as a scapegoat due to there own ignorance/ack of patience etc etc...Maybe there should be a disclaimers on LHCF like "try out products and techniques at your own descretion"...
Some people want instant gratification and unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Believe me, my own relatives and good friends gave up after only about 3-4 weeks on here. I only have one friend that has stood the test of time and her hair is thriving.:yep:
Can you tone down the language. If she is still lurking, this won't help. Even lurkers should be treated with the same respect that is extended to paid members.

I totally agree with you Keen. Bashing that person isn't gonna help the situation. I mean really if she's a friend wouldn't you rather know that you tried to help and support her as much as you could and if she CHOOSE not to listen hun that's on her. Why waste good energy posting mean stuff that she might just read and make the whole thing worse?

:ot:why is it that when one of us is wronged and posts about it, it seems that sometimes the thread gets hyjacked with really mean comments by thoes that are trying to "help"? Not trying to be mean or anything.......I guess I should just leave before someone gets really pissed :)....:bye:
Can you tone down the language. If she is still lurking, this won't help. Even lurkers should be treated with the same respect that is extended to paid members.
Sorry if I offended you in any way but I was just telling MY story but I'll definitely tone down the language. My thread is now censored.:grin:
Yeah, it was the SAA that made her hair break off. :rolleyes:
That's nuts! Let her be bald.
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I totally agree with you Keen. Bashing that person isn't gonna help the situation. I mean really if she's a friend wouldn't you rather know that you tried to help and support her as much as you could and if she CHOOSE not to listen hun that's on her. Why waste good energy posting mean stuff that she might just read and make the whole thing worse?

:ot:why is it that when one of us is wronged and posts about it, it seems that sometimes the thread gets hyjacked with really mean comments by thoes that are trying to "help"? Not trying to be mean or anything.......I guess I should just leave before someone gets really pissed :)....:bye:

I thought it was funny that she called the girl her friend, and then called her a h0e! With friends like these.....:lol:

And this :burning: is hilarious :lachen:
I totally agree with you Keen. Bashing that person isn't gonna help the situation. I mean really if she's a friend wouldn't you rather know that you tried to help and support her as much as you could and if she CHOOSE not to listen hun that's on her. Why waste good energy posting mean stuff that she might just read and make the whole thing worse?

:ot:why is it that when one of us is wronged and posts about it, it seems that sometimes the thread gets hyjacked with really mean comments by thoes that are trying to "help"? Not trying to be mean or anything.......I guess I should just leave before someone gets really pissed :)....:bye:
Because it makes me feel better. Plus, you're making this into a bigger deal than it is... I don't want this thread to get off topic. I'm not dissing other lurkers because I used to be one. I was just venting... I'm human that's what I do.
:ot:why is it that when one of us is wronged and posts about it, it seems that sometimes the thread gets hyjacked with really mean comments by thoes that are trying to "help"? Not trying to be mean or anything.......I guess I should just leave before someone gets really pissed :)....:bye:

Too late! :swearing:

Because it makes me feel better. Plus, you're making this into a bigger deal than it is... I don't want this thread to get off topic. I'm not dissing other lurkers because I used to be one. I was just venting... I'm human that's what I do.

I feel ya. :hug2:
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I thought it was funny that she called the girl her friend, and then called her a h0e! With friends like these.....:lol:

And this :burning: is hilarious :lachen:

I didn't call my friend a hoe.. I was referring to the girl who actually tried the S.A.A.
I didn't call my friend a hoe.. I was referring to the girl who actually tried the S.A.A.

Well that doesn't change the fact that this :burning: is still funny as hell!

Can you imagine somebody running out of the hair salon like that?

Or in their house after a bad relaxer experience? Running around the house like :couchfire:
People have to realize that this hair journey is all about trial and error. I've tried many products that did not work and have had setbacks as well, but "I's still here"!
Because it makes me feel better. Plus, you're making this into a bigger deal than it is... I don't want this thread to get off topic. I'm not dissing other lurkers because I used to be one. I was just venting... I'm human that's what I do.

and you have every right to vent. if something upsets u, u should be able to feel like u can come on here and tell us about it. so just ignore those ppl who are trying to make u feel bad about expressing ur feelings.
People have to realize that this hair journey is all about trial and error. I've tried many products that did not work and have had setbacks as well, but "I's still here"!

:lachen: Girl you had me thinking about Whoopie G.

I agree though. I tried so many products that sucked. The knock off Humecto for co-washing.... etc. I was all :burning: SWEET JESUS WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!! I still kept at it and now I'm getting somewhere. My hair is longer, healthy, and soft but it wouldn't have been if I just quit.

Alot of women don't realize that there's alot of work involved in healthy hair. I couldn't just take someone's word that it would work for me, I had to experiment and find MY own arsenal. Maybe she'll get it one day. I wish I had known a while back about proper hair care. It's a blessing because atleast my nonexistent kids will have healthy hair LOL!:lachen:
and you have every right to vent. if something upsets u, u should be able to feel like u can come on here and tell us about it. so just ignore those ppl who are trying to make u feel bad about expressing ur feelings.
Thank you sooooo much girly! it's as if a few people were against me. It's something that happened to ME... Who could tell it better than me? cause I was there lmao. It's funny how A can turn into Z.
Well that doesn't change the fact that this :burning: is still funny as hell!

Can you imagine somebody running out of the hair salon like that?

Or in their house after a bad relaxer experience? Running around the house like :couchfire:

LOL! :lachen::lachen:I see it now runnin around like Micheal Jackson at Chuckie Cheese!

Bellebabe I LOVE YOOOOU! :bighug:lmao I alwayz read your posts cuz I KNOW you're finna make me laugh :lachen: lool I know exactly how you feel too. lmao h0e is not a hate's a word of endearment and umm umm pity LOL:look:
LOL! :lachen::lachen:I see it now runnin around like Micheal Jackson at Chuckie Cheese!

Bellebabe I LOVE YOOOOU! :bighug:lmao I alwayz read your posts cuz I KNOW you're finna make me laugh :lachen: lool I know exactly how you feel too. lmao h0e is not a hate's a word of endearment and umm umm pity LOL:look:
awww... Thanks mamita. I feel loved:blush::grin:. The best thing I can bring is a smile and I'm glad it can happen by just being myself. And the whole h0e thing, I call my friends that sometimes because they know it's o.k if I say it. I know I will have some haters regardless (though I haven't met any yet) but you know girly, the ones who care don't matter and the ones who matter don't care.
:lachen: Girl you had me thinking about Whoopie G.

I agree though. I tried so many products that sucked. The knock off Humecto for co-washing.... etc. I was all :burning: SWEET JESUS WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!! I still kept at it and now I'm getting somewhere. My hair is longer, healthy, and soft but it wouldn't have been if I just quit.

Alot of women don't realize that there's alot of work involved in healthy hair. I couldn't just take someone's word that it would work for me, I had to experiment and find MY own arsenal. Maybe she'll get it one day. I wish I had known a while back about proper hair care. It's a blessing because atleast my nonexistent kids will have healthy hair LOL!:lachen:

:grin: I think anything can be turned into a Color Purple moment lol
Well that doesn't change the fact that this :burning: is still funny as hell!

Can you imagine somebody running out of the hair salon like that?

Or in their house after a bad relaxer experience? Running around the house like :couchfire:

I agree these are funny :lachen::lachen: