Love Thermasilk Hair Conditioner

Yes, I have 4b kinky hair and relaxed with Mizani. The Mizani gave me results like no other. I thought I had great results with Affirm, but its nothing compared with Mizani. Mizani left my hair feeling silky, shiny and bouncy. While Affirm left it looking a bit sheenless and coarse. 3weeks after my relaxer with Mizani, I washed and still had silky straight hair (now that's a miracle for 4b hair) after I conditioned with thermasilk, which I thought was a white product, but it gave me results equivalent to Keracare Humecto. Has anyone tried thermasilk. if so, what did you think??
Great question kinkypride, (BTW I love your screen name ;) ) I've always wanted to know this also. I've passed it up a few times at the BSS and had been wondering about it too. :)
Thanks for the compliment! I guess we are the only ones that wondered about this product. I got very good results, so I guess that's all that matters, but I wanted a second opinion.