Lots of Trial and Error?


New Member
How did you find the right hair care products for your hair?

Did it take lots of trial and error? How many products did you try before you finally found the right one?

Or were you lucky, and didn't have to search much before finding the right products? Also, for the products that you currently use, did you learn about most of them from LHCF?
Definitely trial and error for me. Even revisiting products that didn't originally work for me helped. Product and technique plays a big part, as well. So yeah...trial and error.

ETA to answer your questions:
Did it take lots of trial and error? Yup

How many products did you try before you finally found the right one? 50-11

Or were you lucky, and didn't have to search much before finding the right products? The health of your hair and what it needs at the time matters. The seasons matter, too.

Also, for the products that you currently use, did you learn about most of them from LHCF? Not all of them. I get most product recommendations from my favorite bloggers as a guide.
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trial and error

How did you find the right hair care products for your hair?
I selected a regimen based on my lifestyle and the way I wanted to wear my hair. I decided what I would need for that regimen and selected products based on what I would need. I read a lot of reviews from different websites(not just lhcf, I notice group think affects some reviews here) and based my choices off of those reviews.

Did it take lots of trial and error? How many products did you try before you finally found the right one?
It took a lot of trial and error. I found most of my staples within the first six months. I kept trying new products searching for the next best thing. I wasted a lot of money because I returned to the products that I was using during the first six months.

Also, for the products that you currently use, did you learn about most of them from LHCF?
I learned about 50% of my products on LHCF
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Yup it took a lot of trial and error (about 6 months worth). It was definitely worth it though, because I have all of my staple products and its smooth sailing now. I learned about all my products through LHCF, except for my shampoo...