Look what I found!!!!


New Member
It's a Vibrating & Massaging Brush!!!!
You can massage scalp or massage muscles too!!! Only $5 at Sallys

Can't wait to try it !!!
lol :lachen:where are u always finding these products didn't you post about the braid machine too
(but no I may have invest in that thanks for lookin out)
Ohhhhhhhh Traycee you got me started now!!! LOL I was JUST in there TODAY, I knew I should have looked around some more!! Now I have gotta go back again and SOON to get this!! Great looking out gurlie!! Thanks!:grin:
OMG ......I just used it ........And OH!!!!....That felt sooo good!!!
That put me to sleep....I'm going to bed now ...
OMG ......I just used it ........And OH!!!!....That felt sooo good!!!
That put me to sleep....I'm going to bed now ...

Ohhhh geeeezus!!! I didn't realize you had already bought it. I should have known you did when you said you couldn't wait to try it. Thought you were gonna go and get it and then try it out LOL. But if that put you to sleep ohhh golly, that'll be wonderful for me, then again it'll be bad too, cuz I won't get to be still addicted to this board, and I'm hooked now dangit LOL:lachen::lachen:
I think Im going to try this as well, only $5, I need to increase my scalp messages. Off to Sally's in the morning. :yep: