Look out, there's a Newbie here with a ton of questions...

Brandi in AZ

New Member
Hello, everyone

My name is Brandi, and I live in Tucson, Arizona. I've been reading this forum for about two weeks, and I've finally decided to join your community. You all seem so knowledgeable and helpful to new people. I have a lot of questions, so here goes.

First, I want to provide some background on me so you ladies can assess my situation. Sorry if this gets too long.

My hair is slightly longer than shoulder-length and relaxed. I think the texture is 4a/b. I have about 2.5 months of new growth now. I usually stretch my relaxer touch ups to 2 to 3 months with no noticable breakage at the interface between new growth and previously relaxed hair. I think my hair grows at a pretty normal rate, but I have problems achieving length because of breakage at the ends. Here in Tucson, it is EXTREMELY dry, so I think that has a lot to do with it. Actually, I'm surprised that I have the length that I do, since I have not been very consistent while caring for my hair. I'm hoping that with diligent care, I can achieve my dream to have hair approximately as long as the late Aaliyah's hair someday. I've had very bad dandruff in the past, but it has gotten better since I've begun washing my hair faithfully once a week. I use Silk Elements Luxury Moisturizing Shampoo, then deep condition with 1 packet of Organic Root Stimulating Olive Oil Replenishing Pak, covering my hair with a plastic cap and sitting under a soft bonnet dryer for at least 20 minutes. After rinsing, I apply Organics Leave-In Liquid Hair Mayonnaise, and Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Oil Moisturizing hair lotion. I then usually blow dry my hair, or attempt a roller set using my soft bonnet hair dryer and jet set rollers. When I roller set, I spray each section with a combination of Infusium 23, setting lotion, and water before rolling. The last time I did this, the ends seemed to come out nice, but my whole head was super poofy because of my new growth, which didn't really bother me. I just wanted a little bump at the ends with so much direct heat. After all that, I applied some Proclaim (from
Sally Beauty Supply) Natural 7 Oil with olive oil, because the first ingredients are: olive oil, castor seed oil, canola oil, and jojoba oil, which I've read here on the board are all good oils for the hair. Then I put on my satin cap and went to sleep. Whew!

Now we get to my questions. You've seen my current regimen which I've only been following for about three weeks. One positive change I've seen is the lack of dandruff, but my hair still feels dry to me. I've read on this board about there being a difference between moisture and oil. From what you ladies know, is there something else I should add to my routine? I'm really excited about conditioner washes, which I'm going to try this coming week. Are there any post washing moisturizers that you can recommend instead of the Olive Oil lotion I've been applying? When you ladies speak of "sealing in moisture," do you mean the moisture added from deep conditioning (which must be rinsed out), or the moistured added post rinsing but before an oil sealant? If so, what product(s) do you recommend?

As I said, I've got 2.5 months of new growth, maybe a good inch when stretched out. Instead of getting a relaxer touch up, in the next week or so, I intend to get a protective braid style (I always get the best growth when I braid my hair). My hair will be cornrolled in the front, when a synthetic curly weave sewn on in the back, if you can visualize that style. Now I need a good hair care regimen for the 2-3 months the hair will be in that style. What do you all suggest? How should I wash it, and what products do you all recommend so that I can maximize hair growth and keep my hair moisturized in the braids? Thanks in advance for all your help!
Sealing in moisture I think means that after you apply whatever the moisturizer is, you use a natural amount of oil to keep the moisture in.

could it be the blowdrying that is causing your hair to not feel so moisturized?

there are so many moisturizers out there, I don't even know what answer to give you:lol:

but for me, I find that the leave-in is VERY important and should be moisturizing. Basically, every step you take in your hair care should be implementing some kind of moisture in your hair (that's in my view)

maybe you can search for the best moisturizers and see what others are using and see their reviews, because since I've started, I've only used a couple that I can remember: Motions Oil moisturizer and ORS Olive Oil

as far as washing a sew-in weave, I really don't know how that would be possible. I've never worn a weave, so I don't really know, but I would assume you'd either not was it:eek: or not wear it for too long so that the hair doesn't get too dry.
Are you open to trying other styles? like box braids that would enable you to wash your hair/moisturize it more often?
just keep moisturizing your ends..once moisturized seal the ends with oil. You will get much more helpful info. from the ladies who have been on here longer. I am practically a newbie myself and am getting alot of info from others here as well. Enjoy yourself on this forum.:)
Welcome! Your regimen does sound very solid. I would recommend cutting out the heat (blowdrying) and just rollersetting to retain length. Conditioner washes are great for increasing the moisture level in your hair; after washing apply your leave-in (Giovanni direct leave in or Elucence moisture balance conditioner are good ones) and then seal with oil (this helps keep the moisture in your hair). The crown and glory website is a good one :up:. You could also try the baggy method to retain moisture & length-here are a few links on the baggy method:




And here is a great link to SistaSlicks thread about moisture/protein balance and how to assess what your hair needs:


Happy hair growing!:)
Great post! And Sistaslick's thread about moisture protein balance is a MUST READ.:)

Welcome, Brandi!

amr501 said:
Welcome! Your regimen does sound very solid. I would recommend cutting out the heat (blowdrying) and just rollersetting to retain length. Conditioner washes are great for increasing the moisture level in your hair; after washing apply your leave-in (Giovanni direct leave in or Elucence moisture balance conditioner are good ones) and then seal with oil (this helps keep the moisture in your hair). The crown and glory website is a good one :up:. You could also try the baggy method to retain moisture & length-here are a few links on the baggy method:




And here is a great link to SistaSlicks thread about moisture/protein balance and how to assess what your hair needs:


Happy hair growing!:)
Thank you so much for all your responses, and for making me feel welcome. I think rather than the weave, I'll get crochet braids instead. I think that will be easier for me to care for. I have another question. I've seen many posts on this board about S curl spray. Waaaayyy back in the day (I was elementary school), I had the dreaded Jherri curl, and I had to use a curl activator spray. Isn't S Curl basicly the same thing? How does it effect relaxed hair?
Well I totally recommend the thread by don't speak defeat. She has a wonderful guide to protective styling and links to all the major threads that talk about moisturizers (leave in and conditioning). This thread has made a major change to my hair. You can find it in the sticky section or you can do a search. I highly recommend it. If you are in rush I personally love biolage leave in spray- I use it daily with some wild growth oil and I have noticed a MAJOR difference in my hair. I also love mizani moisturefuse (something like that- its smell good and it is a really wonderful moisturizer). The sticky threads at the beginning of the hair tips and product review forum are really informative and a great place to start.

HTH :rosebud:
Brandi in AZ said:
Hello, everyone

My name is Brandi, and I live in Tucson, Arizona. I've been reading this forum for about two weeks, and I've finally decided to join your community. You all seem so knowledgeable and helpful to new people. I have a lot of questions, so here goes.

First, I want to provide some background on me so you ladies can assess my situation. Sorry if this gets too long.

My hair is slightly longer than shoulder-length and relaxed. I think the texture is 4a/b. I have about 2.5 months of new growth now. I usually stretch my relaxer touch ups to 2 to 3 months with no noticable breakage at the interface between new growth and previously relaxed hair. I think my hair grows at a pretty normal rate, but I have problems achieving length because of breakage at the ends. Here in Tucson, it is EXTREMELY dry, so I think that has a lot to do with it. Actually, I'm surprised that I have the length that I do, since I have not been very consistent while caring for my hair. I'm hoping that with diligent care, I can achieve my dream to have hair approximately as long as the late Aaliyah's hair someday. I've had very bad dandruff in the past, but it has gotten better since I've begun washing my hair faithfully once a week. I use Silk Elements Luxury Moisturizing Shampoo, then deep condition with 1 packet of Organic Root Stimulating Olive Oil Replenishing Pak, covering my hair with a plastic cap and sitting under a soft bonnet dryer for at least 20 minutes. After rinsing, I apply Organics Leave-In Liquid Hair Mayonnaise, and Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Oil Moisturizing hair lotion. I then usually blow dry my hair, or attempt a roller set using my soft bonnet hair dryer and jet set rollers. When I roller set, I spray each section with a combination of Infusium 23, setting lotion, and water before rolling. The last time I did this, the ends seemed to come out nice, but my whole head was super poofy because of my new growth, which didn't really bother me. I just wanted a little bump at the ends with so much direct heat. After all that, I applied some Proclaim (from
Sally Beauty Supply) Natural 7 Oil with olive oil, because the first ingredients are: olive oil, castor seed oil, canola oil, and jojoba oil, which I've read here on the board are all good oils for the hair. Then I put on my satin cap and went to sleep. Whew!

Now we get to my questions. You've seen my current regimen which I've only been following for about three weeks. One positive change I've seen is the lack of dandruff, but my hair still feels dry to me. I've read on this board about there being a difference between moisture and oil. From what you ladies know, is there something else I should add to my routine? I'm really excited about conditioner washes, which I'm going to try this coming week. Are there any post washing moisturizers that you can recommend instead of the Olive Oil lotion I've been applying? When you ladies speak of "sealing in moisture," do you mean the moisture added from deep conditioning (which must be rinsed out), or the moistured added post rinsing but before an oil sealant? If so, what product(s) do you recommend?

As I said, I've got 2.5 months of new growth, maybe a good inch when stretched out. Instead of getting a relaxer touch up, in the next week or so, I intend to get a protective braid style (I always get the best growth when I braid my hair). My hair will be cornrolled in the front, when a synthetic curly weave sewn on in the back, if you can visualize that style. Now I need a good hair care regimen for the 2-3 months the hair will be in that style. What do you all suggest? How should I wash it, and what products do you all recommend so that I can maximize hair growth and keep my hair moisturized in the braids? Thanks in advance for all your help!

Welcome, you have a good regimen. The ladies with more knowledge can elaborate more on moisturizing/shampooing sew ins:)