Long Hair Sighting


With Love & Silk
My friend and I saw a woman with gorgeous mid-back length hair. Normally, I would NOT just walk up to someone and start talking to them about their hair, but I thought of you guys! You guys are good at it, plus I wanted to contribute some info. about her hair regimen if I could.

So I went up to her and complimented her generously on her hair. Then I proceeded to ask her about her regimen. She replies "my hair stylist." (as if to say whatever her hair stylist does is her regimen) So I say "Oh, you go to your stylist every week." She says yes. So I say "Well, what does she use on your hair?" And sista girl says "I have no idea." So, I see that she is not willing to share her long hair "secrets." At this point, I really want to tell her that my hair is longer than hers, so stop acting so snooty. (I'm wearing a bun) In fact, my friend does not understand why I am so impressed when my hair is longer than this chics. I remind my friend that I don't really see my hair often, because it's always up so I don't see the length of it everyday. Anyway, I was just trying to show some admiration for another sister's hair and get the 411 on how she takes care of it. I found it hard to believe that someone with such beautiful hair had "no idea" of what her stylist uses on it.

Anyway, in the end--she did end up offering her stylist's name and number. I wrote it down--not that I'll be calling. My current stylist is perfect for me!
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Thanks for posting this information Supergirl and looking out for us by asking the questions.

But how does someone not ask what their stylists use on their hair? Wow :shocked: she must have total confidence in her stylist, maybe it's such a bad thing afterall I guess since her hair is long already. :)
Please !! That girl knows exactly whats being done to her hair and whats being used in it!! She'd be a dummy to pay her money every week and not know anything. I wonder if that was a real number that she gave you. I too find that hard to believe.

Btw What do you think her hair type is?
And when can we get an update for your hair album?
Supergirl you are my inspiration!!
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well i will say she might not know much when i was paying $80+ per perm in NY all i knew was that my stylist used Mizani Fine on my hair after that who knows, but the ***** has no excuse for being stank. This is why i have a hard time speaking to strangers or giving compliments.
She really may not know what her stylist uses on her hair. Other than the perm my stylist uses(Motions) I don't pay any attention to the other products she uses on me.

There was no excuse for her being snotty to you though.
Some people just don't like giving away their "secrets" so they play dumb. I've found the best way to ask people about their regimen is to say, "How do you get your hair so shiny/curly/straight/etc? They are usually flattered so they will be happy to talk.
Off topic..but SG..your hair is looking WONDERFUL! I was waiting for you to update! Which Chi do you have? Don't you love it? How often do you use it?
SexyC said:
Please !! That girl knows exactly whats being done to her hair and whats being used in it!! She'd be a dummy to pay her money every week and not know anything. I wonder if that was a real number that she gave you. I too find that hard to believe.

Btw What do you think her hair type is?
And when can we get an update for your hair album?
Supergirl you are my inspiration!!

What she said!
Actually, I have a couple of friends that are faithful to going to the salon every 2 weeks and neither of them know what is used on their hair. One girl doesn't even know what kind of relaxer she gets.

They're just not the types to ask their stylist questions and they do trust them alot. They'll tell me what she uses if I remind them to ask her. I'm just curious, because I don't go the the salon often and I like to stay informed. When I do go to the salon, I always find out before hand, what products are used and then I ask again while they're applying it. Oh well, thanks for trying supergirl.
I could see how she could have really been oblivious. It is possible that she didn't really have a list of products that she attributed to her hair being the way it is. I didn't even know of hair regimens per se until finding this forum and I had mid back hair even then. If someone asked I would have just given them the name of my stylist- I would have probably looked at them crazy if they asked what I did. OT- but my thoughts are that the lion's share of hair is not really the particular product anyway.
I am laughing so hard. You should have kept asking her a million questions just to get on her nerves. It's a shame that some women are not willing to help others gain knowledge about taking care of their hair. If there's anything that I know and another woman asks me for help, i am like an open book, I love to help people out any way i can.

And I know it sounds 'dumb', but i WAS one of those people who never knew what my stylist was using. When i was little I nor my mom ever went to a salon so basically when i turned 23 and started going....i really didn't understand anything. I thought all stylists were hairCARE EXPERTS and that whatever they used, they researched it and they knew my hairtype and they'd know what to use better than I. And if I continue seeing them....my hair would grow and grow and grow and grow until it reaches my waisteline.... Needless to say, what a big disappointment. Afterall if you think about it... a stylist is a profession...so you trust these people to listen to your description and then create the masterpiece that you want. I mean can you imagine hiring a lawyer or a tax consultant and instead of trusting her to know the law, instead you go to a law library and start researching and finding answers yourself? :confused:
That is just wrong. I also saw a lady with gorgeous a;most waist length hair. I just didn't aproach her to ask her about it. On the other hand , My hubby's cousins have gorgeous above waist length hair. They have shared such things as using a bun and doing condition washes with me. Some people are more willing to share then others.
Why is everyone jumping on this poor woman and thinking she was automatically a liar? Maybe she really didn't know.
DatJerseyDyme said:
Off topic..but SG..your hair is looking WONDERFUL! I was waiting for you to update! Which Chi do you have? Don't you love it? How often do you use it?

Thanks ;)

It's the 1 inch barrel curling iron.
Supergirl, I like your new hair photo your hair has grown sooooooo much. Keep up the good work. HAPPY HAIR GROWING!
Well supegirl you have great hair and a great attitude. You are such a sweetie to go up to her and compliment her! If only she knew you ALREADY had it going on with or without her! She's a silly 'you know what'!
After what happened to me, I'll never put all of my trust in a stylist again. I chide myself because I was going to my hairdresser every 2 weeks faithfully and all I knew (or cared to know) was that she alternated between Affirm (which one I don't know :mad: ) and Designers Touch. I didn't know if it was mild regular or super. I asked questions but she always dodged them. I should have known then.

If I had not been stretching my relaxers to every 12-16 weeks, I would have no hair right now. . . :ohwell:
You're better than me... I woulda been like Rapunzel up in there! :lol:

But really, she may not have known. My friend doesn't know what relaxer she gets.
I sometimes feel like I'm giving people the run around when they ask me about hair tips, mainly its the people who are like what do you use to get your hair to grow so long? and when I can't name off A product they dont seem interested, but for me I've never stuck to one product for any length of time so I cant give all credit to one product, its more of a process plus what works for one doesnt always work for the next....
I don't know what my stylist uses either but I totally trust her since I have been going to her for over 10 years. At least she gave you her stylists number, some people just don't warm up to strangers very well..:perplexed
Maybe she honestly didn't know. My mother was going to a Dominican women every week to get her hair washed and conditioned. Because of the language barrier, my mom had no idea what was being used in her hair, but her hair was growing long and very healthy.
Cinnabuns said:
But how does someone not ask what their stylists use on their hair? Wow :shocked: she must have total confidence in her stylist, maybe it's such a bad thing afterall I guess since her hair is long already. :)

I don't know what my stylist uses on my hair either. I really don't The only product I could name is the setting lotion she uses to roller wrap my hair. I don't even know the kind of relaxer she uses. What I DO know is that I've been going to her for years and she's never, ever did me wrong. She's one in a million, I guess. :look: But if i knew all the stuff she did use I wouldn't hesistate to tell another person. It's not like I'm giving away the secrets of the universe or anything. Some people can be so petty. :ohwell:
I am natural with long, thick hair and when I tell people that I wash using conditioner (no poo) and then no oil, I get the smirky, yeah right look and that is the truth. I don't know why people think that I have the complicated regmine when I don't. So I will choose to stay on the young lady's side that you spoke too. When I did frequent a salon (when my hair was relaxed) I didn't know what they used. All I knew was that my hair was, thick, healthy and long, that is all I wanted. So don't get so ansty about it.
I would have been able to say somthing like " I rollerset every week"" I got the dominicans" " I wrap my hair every night". She was just being a little shy I guess.
My sis has very long hair and she doesn't know what the stylists use on hers either. She doesn''t do a whole heck of a lot to care for it, but it sho is long.
LegallySpeaking said:
She may have had a weave and didn't want to get busted.
This exactly what I was thinking. LOL. Are you sure it was really her hair Supergirl?

Another reason why she may not have said anything could be because she would be afraid of your reaction. Maybe she is doing something "non-traditional" like washing it everyday. LOL Or, maybe even urine washes! Who would want to admit that. LOL
Whether or not the woman really did know/have a specific regimen, I'm sorry that she was snooty to you. C'est la vie, right? Regardless of her actions, YOUR hair looks *FABULOUS*! The length, the thickness, the shine :Flahsssss- so inspirational!
Chaya said:
I would have been able to say somthing like " I rollerset every week"" I got the dominicans" " I wrap my hair every night". She was just being a little shy I guess.

If someone said any of those things to me I wouldn't attribute that to hair growth. I'd be like and... but how do you make it grow so long? Maybe she just didnt wanna get into it.

Maybe she really doesnt know what her stylist does/uses, I never did.

I just think it's hilarious that your hair is longer than hers and she had an attitude :lol: :lol: :lachen: