Loc'd Ladies Input Please


Well-Known Member
Hello! I've decided to start my loc journey and am super excited!! I'm going for a consult Saturday and want to start with comb coils. I am just looking for any tips or advice you can offer. I was going through the loc thread but it's way too long! Thanks so much!!
All I can say is accept all the stages. Don’t go into it with any preconceived notions of how long the process will take or how the finial outcome will look. Embrace the changes in your hair and understand that some days you are not going to feel cute. The outcome is well worth the not so great “teenage” period that is hard for many people. I’ve had mine going on 3 years and I love them.
Posting to bump your thread, I don't have anything to add, I just started my locs in August and I am entirely DIY
When you get a chance read through the entire long thread, slowly is fine- there is a wealth of information in it.
Join us in that thread, there are few of us newbies who keep one another's company. Its fun, I am excited about my hair again after a long time! Have fun with your installation.
I searched for locs on instagram and followed people whose locs I liked, It was another avenue to chat about locs
All I can say is accept all the stages. Don’t go into it with any preconceived notions of how long the process will take or how the finial outcome will look. Embrace the changes in your hair and understand that some days you are not going to feel cute. The outcome is well worth the not so great “teenage” period that is hard for many people. I’ve had mine going on 3 years and I love them.
Thank you! I've been doing so much research it's crazy! I was thinking of permanent extensions but have since decided i would like to go though the journey with my own hair
Hello! I've decided to start my loc journey and am super excited!! I'm going for a consult Saturday and want to start with comb coils. I am just looking for any tips or advice you can offer. I was going through the loc thread but it's way too long! Thanks so much!!


You should join us. Don't let that stop you. That thread has a lot of good info in it! You don't have to read it all today. Or you can always search the thread for things that you want to know about. I love checking in with the ladies and sharing information and ideas.

I agree with what everyone has said so far. Every month will bring new changes. With that being said, take lots of pictures and enjoy watching your hair transform. Stay away from negativity from others who don't understand why you want to lock your hair and surround yourself with people who share your same goals and mindset. Those people will be the ones to encourage you and cheer you on. If all else fails, you always have us! Come over to the other thread and just join the conversation whenever you're ready.

Good luck on your journey!