LOA for your hair goals


Well-Known Member
Ok just a thought alot of people are applying Laws of Attraction to different parts for their lives. But what about something that's considerd kind of ahem..."vain" like hair. Since I've been LOA'ing this past year many blessings have come, including lots of progress hairwise, so ladies anyone actively visualizing/believing their future hair goals?
I've lived LOA for years and yes, since I discovered the hair boards (LOA is how I discovered LHCF!) that includes my hair. :) I don't consider having hair goals and loving my hair to be vain though. It's part of self-love, which I believe is the most important practice one can do in life.
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Isis said:
I've lived LOA for years and yes, since I discovered the hair boards (LOA is how I discovered LHCF!) that includes my hair. :) I don't consider having hair goals and loving my hair to be vain though. It's part of self-love, which I believe is the most important practice one can do in life.

Great points. I'm erasing "vain" from my vocab
i've been doing that without even knowing it...i visualize my long flowing hair all the time, i never knew that was a good thing....
naturallylovely said:
i've been doing that without even knowing it...i visualize my long flowing hair all the time, i never knew that was a good thing....

Same here. I've been doing this for quite some time. I imagine my hair waistlength, the color, style, and everything.
Ok I'm a little lost here. I googled the term Laws of Attraction and all I got were links for the movie. Can someone please give an explanation of what everyone else is talking about please?
Interesting you should post this, I was thinking about this last night while doing laundry.

My mother-in-law gave me a book, The Law of Attraction by Michael J. Losier and I've been reading that and giving this a lot of consideration. Interesting...
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Yup ive being doing this LOA thing in life, without even knowing and now things are starting to kick off with life and hair lol. Having faith and speakinglife into words works!!
I just discovered the official LOA bit here on the boards but have been living a similar lifestyle of self improvement and love for a while.

I haven't been visualizing for hair goals but I too am now removing vain from my vocabulary and thoughts.
i have been thinking about positive thinking and LOA and I plan on doing more reading about it. But yes I have started to visualize my hair goal.
Flawdagator said:
Never mind.... I just figured it out. Is it a component of "The Secret"?
The Law of Attraction is what the movie, "The Secret" is about. It's a universal law created by God which we all operate under, even unknowingly. Many have learned about this in the Bible. It is a spiritual as well as a very scientific law. It's a simple law: we attract what we put our attention on.

Practicing the law of attraction in the context of this thread means deliberately focusing on the hair goal we want so we can achieve it. Many focus on what they don't want and wonder why they keep getting the hair results they don't want. We attract what we put our attention on, whether we are focusing on something negative or positive and whether we believe it or not.
I guess unconsciously I've been doing it. That's why I've been working so hard to get to my goal. But now I will consciously be more aware of it. LOA for my HAIR to Be BSL by 2008
Absolutely! I keep a copy of It Works: If you know what you want you can have it by RHJ in my purse. I've also read and frequently reference Quantum Success.
I found out about LOA very early last year and had the opportunity to see the Secret. Since then I've been practising it in every part of my life, I read a lot of books about getting what you want just by getting your mind right first and it seems to be working. I've been visualizing myself with MBL hair every night before I go to sleep. It's growing and I'm retaining good length.
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Nice, wonderful, interesting! I'm a member of another board all about LOA, and it's really - soothing, somehow. Instead of feeling all jangly and distracted, I feel calm and focused, even when things are going all to hell. I'll have to focus on using it specifically for my hair, though - good idea!!
I love the idea of attracting what you want and getting it. I've nevr thought about applying it to my hair; I'll do that...thanks.
Nice, wonderful, interesting! I'm a member of another board all about LOA, and it's really - soothing, somehow. Instead of feeling all jangly and distracted, I feel calm and focused, even when things are going all to hell. I'll have to focus on using it specifically for my hair, though - good idea!!

oh wow, please send me the link, pretty please.:kiss: i think i just attracted this!!!:yep:
It's funny b/c I just decided to start applying the LOA to my hair goals when the New Year came in.
Yes, I made a "vision board" and my hair goal is right up there with all the other things I want in life. :yep:

I honestly believe it's working too!
I just read this book while I was visiting home for the Holidays. And I have done it unintentionally but now that I know I am going to do it intentionally in more aspects of my life and apply it to my hair as well. I have created my vision of how I ultimately want my hair and am keeping my eyes on the prize.:grin: