Little kids and weave...


Well-Known Member
How do you feel about little kids and weave? Within the last 2 days I have been bombarded with little kids wearing weave. First it was my neice:nono:, then I saw an ad for super long extensions on 2 kids that looked no older than 6. What in the world? Just when I thought it couldnt get any worse I walk into a library an hour ago to see a toddler, not even 2 wearing a full head of weave, like MBL.:lachen:Jesus take the wheel! This kid could barely talk:ohwell: but she was swangin that plastic stuff like she had practice.

Am I the only one that hates seeing weave/extensions on little kids? How young is too young?
I don't have kids so maybe I just don't know. But I see some lil girls with those fake BSS lil snap on ponytails (they come in the packages with the lil "Just For Me" looking girls on them). They are the puffy, spiral or curly pony’s. Those are cool because they look like it’s their hair. Its age appropriate, Right?

ETA: Example...isn't this okay for kids?


A full on straight MBL weave just hanging like a grown woman down a child's back is uhhhh not the business at all. That sound like some hoodrattedness right there.
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I don't have kids so maybe I just don't know. But I see some lil girls with those fake BSS lil snap on ponytails (they come in the packages with the lil "Just For Me" looking girls on them). They are the puffy, spiral or curly pony’s. Those are cool because they look like it’s their hair. Its age appropriate, Right?

ETA: Example...isn't this okay for kids?


A full on straight MBL weave just hanging like a grown woman down a child's back is uhhhh not the business at all. That sound like some hoodrattedness right there.

Even those to me are too much. Its like "You are 5, you arent going to prom anytime soon so who are you (or should I say your parent/s )trying to impress. When you are 5 you should be more concerned with your ABCs not the length of your weave.

I pray for little kids that are weaved up/relaxed to the bone at such a young age (my neice included)...I wonder where their edges will be in like 5 years.
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Kids(little girls)+weaves=nono.

it's just.too.much. If the mothers would just actually HELP the childs hair.........weaves wouldn't even come up into the mind.
I don't like seeing little girls with weave. At all.

My cousin's 17 month old is practically bald and her mom wants to put in pixie braids so her hair will grow faster. :blush: She's not even 2! WTF cares if she has hair or not?
Yeah NO! Kids should not be burdened with the beauty standards we have foisted upon ourselves.

It takes less than an hour to wash and comb a childs hair (compared to us sitting in the salon for 4-5 hr or getting braids for 8) take the time to care for your daughters hair. PLEASE.
My cousin has a 5 year old in her class that has a sew-in. I can understand box braids or a curly ponytail on a middle schooler, but weaving up a toddler is just wrong!
I feel for the little girls
I have heard quite a few stories about little girls hair pieces falling out in school
that's sad
Nooo! HATE it!

I can almost stand extensions in some braids or twists, but even that an be too much. Whatever happen to some pigtails and twists, or a puff? Why do kindergardeners gotta be showing up to the playground looking like Beyonce?

They're going to give these babies neck problems with all that extra weight on their heads.
I don't like it. Something about a little girl wearing a weave doesn't feel right. Like they are growing up way too fast.
OP you musta read my mind bc I was about to start this thread today. I was in homewares store about 30 mins ago and I saw a little girl whom must have been all of 6 or 7 years old with a weave. I was really disgusted.

What is going through the minds of these mothers? Do they really think Weave is a hair option for a child?
IDK. Never really sat down and thought about it before until now.

I guess I'm not okay with it. I wore braids from 4 to 19. And in between I'd have my hair down for maybe a month with a relaxer and tracks in my teens years broke my hair down to an inch so I'd have to braid it back up again. It took alot for me to completely rid myself of weaves and still be comfortable with my own hair. I see my neice in braids and how its taking out her edges and it brings me to tears. She wears braids back to back with no break in between.I know I'll never do that to my daughter.I want her to learn to be comfortable with herself first.(I can't stress the issues I had with myself when it came to self esteem and my hair)I can honestly say that for the first time in my life my hair is CBL(may not sound like much but it's a heck of alot of growth to me).Not to sound corny but it's because of this site and the beautiful women in it sharing their journey,asking questions and sharing tips along way that finally got me to love and appericiate every aspect of my being.
I don't have kids so maybe I just don't know. But I see some lil girls with those fake BSS lil snap on ponytails (they come in the packages with the lil "Just For Me" looking girls on them). They are the puffy, spiral or curly pony’s. Those are cool because they look like it’s their hair. Its age appropriate, Right?

ETA: Example...isn't this okay for kids?


A full on straight MBL weave just hanging like a grown woman down a child's back is uhhhh not the business at all. That sound like some hoodrattedness right there.

I think these are cute but i have a 3 year old and i just dont know if i would ever do these styles to her hair unless maybe if it was a special occasion and i wanted something fast, cheap and not so damaging.. but definately not at 3 years old..

i havent seen a child yet with a full head of weave or long extentions here in St louis

But i do see a lot of them with a head full of weave braids before they could even speak...

but i'm not completly against young girls 3plus wearing weaved braids if they are age appropriate(box braids or corn rows) and are not tugging on the scap and if there is not a ZILLION of them.

i just really hate it when i see a 3 year old with micros!!!!
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OP you musta read my mind bc I was about to start this thread today. I was in homewares store about 30 mins ago and I saw a little girl whom must have been all of 6 or 7 years old with a weave. I was really disgusted.

What is going through the minds of these mothers? Do they really think Weave is a hair option for a child?

Everytime I see my neice I cringe. Its getting worse and what does my sis do...relax and weave, grease and repeat.:wallbash: I just wanna walk by her one day and do a drive by DC - just plop some DC on her head and wrap it up in a heated cap.
It is irresponsible and ridiculous. Children should be children and weave is right up there with makeup, acrylics, etc. You can do braids and twists without extra hair added. It would seem that children's activities would make a weave an unwise choice.

I bet these parents wouldn't dream of cutting a girl's hair low. However, the end result may be the same.
Nooo! HATE it!

I can almost stand extensions in some braids or twists, but even that an be too much. Whatever happen to some pigtails and twists, or a puff? Why do kindergardeners gotta be showing up to the playground looking like Beyonce?

They're going to give these babies neck problems with all that extra weight on their heads.

:lachen::lachen: @ the bolded!!
Don't like the potential damage the added weight can cause, nor do I like the damage this can do to the psyche at such a young age. :nono:

--The humble opinion from a mom of 2 little girls
I don't like seeing little girls with weave. At all.

My cousin's 17 month old is practically bald and her mom wants to put in pixie braids so her hair will grow faster. :blush: She's not even 2! WTF cares if she has hair or not?

wow. thats crazy!!
Don't like the potential damage the added weight can cause, nor do I like the damage this can do to the psyche at such a young age. :nono:

--The humble opinion from a mom of 2 little girls

ITA. :yep:

Little girls should not be worried about that sort of vanity at that age.
I add kinky twist hair to the ends of my 5yr old daughters braids because her hair is only about 1 inch in the back. No one knows because I braid and then put barrettes at the ends like its her real hair. I have even done kinky twist that stop at her neck and brought her a mini bun for her recital since her hair was not long enough for a bun.

now weave styles with tracks or phony ponys are a no no for me.
Nooo! HATE it!

I can almost stand extensions in some braids or twists, but even that an be too much. Whatever happen to some pigtails and twists, or a puff? Why do kindergardeners gotta be showing up to the playground looking like Beyonce?

They're going to give these babies neck problems with all that extra weight on their heads.
I actually saw these twin girls, no older than 7, skipping down the street in Harlem with blonde curly weaves, the same shade that Beyonce wears! I was in the salon and we all jumped up and ran to the window for a closer look.:nono:
IMO.. I think it depends on the age of the child.....I wouldn't do it on my dd 10 and under.. but over 10 hmm..maybe.. and I'm only speaking about the clip-on hair.... those lil buns are cute...

I would cornrow dd's hair up and put a lil clip on it... for protective styling... once she's over age 10 or middle school age....

It just depends:look:
For me it depends on what you mean by weave. My girls are now almost 5 and 7. They do wear braids with extension hair added and have been doing so since they were 3 or so.

I prefer for them to wear their head braided because I do not have to manipulate their hair everyday. Having to get everybody ready in the morning and taking the time to get their heads right can get old. However I do style them in one or two puffs on occasion. In addition to the time element, I also have to add water or a product in the morning to get their hair into puffs that will stay all day. That's cool when it is warm but I
refuse to send my babies outside in the cold with damp or wet hair.

I do put in braids with their natural hair, however, the styles do not last as long. More so with one of my daughters with a slightly looser hair type than the other. Her styles always have to be redone sooner.
As far as the time spent styling for doing natural hair alone vs natural hair with extensions added. It is much less time for me overall when I add the extensions. Most of the time their braids with hair added take one to two hours and stay in anywhere between 4 to 8 weeks. Now I do maintain their hair by moisturizing, spraying the hair with a moisturizer and oiling their scalp with a light pomade or olive oil. I mostly cowash while in braids and I also shampoo when needed (when they get something in their hair) or at least every two weeks.

Oh yea, and my two have rocked a phony pony just for fun.

To me it's not about trying to impress anyone, it's about keeping their hair looking nice and being healthy within my time/money/styling abilities. The braids with extensions is what works best for us. I refuse to relax their hair and no longer relax mine.

My kids have never sat down to have their hair braided for 7 or 8 hours. Even my 7 year old would probably be trying to karate chop me at the end of the third hour.

In the last couple of months, they have been wearing more braided styles with just their hair but I am probably going to put in a set of braids with extensions soon. I think it is a good protective style. They like them. Overall, for me, they require less time. They are easy (for me) to upkeep. I can jazz them up with accessories, etc. I do not feel that I do styles that are age inappropriate and I do not use too much hair. My kids like their natural hair and they know that it is versatile.

If anyone dislikes it, that's their problem. :grin: I do what works for me and mine. I do their braids (or my mother will when we visit) and I have never had a problem with edges breaking out or any kind of hair loss or breakage with braids.

Now if you are talking about sewn in weave, that's another story. But my girls will keep rocking their braids with extensions.
IMO.. I think it depends on the age of the child.....I wouldn't do it on my dd 10 and under.. but over 10 hmm..maybe.. and I'm only speaking about the clip-on hair.... those lil buns are cute...

I would cornrow dd's hair up and put a lil clip on it... for protective styling... once she's over age 10 or middle school age....

It just depends:look:

10+ ...okay maybe. But if you dont know your ABC's, heck if you cant walk without falling down you dont need a lacefront. Exactly when and where will you be swinging that yaki? In the sandbox? While watching Dora?

There is protective styling on occasion and a bun for a recital, and then their is weaving up your kid beucase you dont want to do anything else.
I do not like to see little kids with weave in their hair. I think little girls wearing weave at such an early age adds to some of the self-image problems that can develop later. I remember when I was younger telling my mother that I wish I had limp hair like the white girls, because my hair wouldn't lay flat. She let me know that my hair was beautiful. I think that should be our focus with our kids.

I could understand maybe box braids since kinky hair can be hard to comb on a daily basis, but weave is going too far :nono:
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