Lighten/Thin your favorite oils! I found a trick!


New Member
Hey ladies

As you know I love castor oil, but admittedly it is thick to work with, but I love the results. I wanted a method to thin the oil where I'd still get all the benefits, but could spread it through my hair more evenly.

Well last night I decided to mix about half and half castor oil with NTM Shine Serum...the result was awesome. The mixture turns a milky white, but it thins the oil beautifully and my hair was super soft this morning and my color looked richer. Plus, since the oil application was thinner, my hair was bouncy and full.

My guess is that any shiner serum, glossing polisher would do the same... I'm going to try a lil proclaim glossing polish mixed with CO tonight...others to try might be ORS, Silk Elements, Fantasia or any of the glossing polishers/shine serums on the market. I would guess that thicker serums like Kera Care's Silken Seal wouldn't work as well, but if someone tries let me know.

That's pretty interesting, sounds like you're on to something. Some serums already have castor oil in it so it's probably a very good combination.:)
Good idea. I have some serums here, and I don't know how to use them. Mixing them with castor oil may work fine, because castor oil is too thick for me to use on my hair. I've been using it only on my hair line.