LHCF's Person of the year make your nominations


New Member
Ok yall, I thought this would be fun, Who is your LHCF person of the year and state why
I choose Sareca, because of her contribution to this board, always willing to help someone out with hair advice or putting up thier pictures, Her hair is healthy and shiny.

Who do you choose?
there as sooo many wonderful ladies here that i would like to nominate.

but, if i had a choice, i would choose ISIS.

  1. her hair is the bomb. she's my ultimate goal
  2. very inspirational. she ALWAYs has something positive to say. i really admire her.
  3. her health and spirit tips have helped a lot of people on this board. the carrot juice thread, her flax seed oil advice, her contributions to the LOA threads to name a few
DSylla said:
there as sooo many wonderful ladies here that i would like to nominate.

but, if i had a choice, i would choose ISIS.

  1. her hair is the bomb. she's my ultimate goal
  2. very inspirational. she ALWAYs has something positive to say. i really admire her.
  3. her health and spirit tips have helped a lot of people on this board. the carrot juice thread, her flax seed oil advice, her contributions to the LOA threads to name a few

I'll second that !;)
I also want to nominate Sareca b/c of her henna FAQ and tutorial. That was such a big help to many ladies on the board, including myself, and I'm really glad she took the time to put it together:)
JFemme said:
I'll second that !;)

I have to third that!!! Isis is definitely the complete package. Hair health, body health, great attitude! She has no idea how much she has influenced me in the health department...
DSylla said:
there as sooo many wonderful ladies here that i would like to nominate.

but, if i had a choice, i would choose ISIS.

  1. her hair is the bomb. she's my ultimate goal
  2. very inspirational. she ALWAYs has something positive to say. i really admire her.
  3. her health and spirit tips have helped a lot of people on this board. the carrot juice thread, her flax seed oil advice, her contributions to the LOA threads to name a few
That's the first name that came to my mind. :yep:
I can't really think of one person who stands out the most. I have gotten so much support and great advice from so many ladies. I think the members in general should be applauded for keeping this site going strong.:D
Country gal said:
I can't really think of one person who stands out the most. I have gotten so much support and great advice from so many ladies. I think the members in general should be applauded for keeping this site going strong.:D

I was just going to say the same! I honestly couldn't just pick one person to nominate. This place is full of amazing women! :)
I was thinking Isis too. Also sistaslick, sareca, theres plenty more

there are just *too* many great women on this board to narrow it down to just ONE person of the year....... :perplexed
Country gal said:
I can't really think of one person who stands out the most. I have gotten so much support and great advice from so many ladies. I think the members in general should be applauded for keeping this site going strong.:D

I second that!!!!
Country gal said:
I can't really think of one person who stands out the most. I have gotten so much support and great advice from so many ladies. I think the members in general should be applauded for keeping this site going strong.:D

Ditto! Kudos all around!:)
I can't pick just one because their are too many beautiful heads on this board in all length. I have a favorite for natural hair, short hair, shoulder length hair, thickeness, apl, brastrap, midback, and so on. I have too many favorites so I cannot choose:) It's too many on here:p
DSylla said:
there as sooo many wonderful ladies here that i would like to nominate.

but, if i had a choice, i would choose ISIS.

  1. her hair is the bomb. she's my ultimate goal
  2. very inspirational. she ALWAYs has something positive to say. i really admire her.
  3. her health and spirit tips have helped a lot of people on this board. the carrot juice thread, her flax seed oil advice, her contributions to the LOA threads to name a few

I totally agree......I vote for Isis as well.
The board celebrities KNOW who they are.:) For the sake of the un or undercelebrated, I'm gonna send some love to the entire sisterhood!

Lots of love and blessings overflowing in the new year!

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Totally agree with everything you said, DSylla!

DSylla said:
there as sooo many wonderful ladies here that i would like to nominate.

but, if i had a choice, i would choose ISIS.

  1. her hair is the bomb. she's my ultimate goal
  2. very inspirational. she ALWAYs has something positive to say. i really admire her.
  3. her health and spirit tips have helped a lot of people on this board. the carrot juice thread, her flax seed oil advice, her contributions to the LOA threads to name a few
Country gal said:
I can't really think of one person who stands out the most. I have gotten so much support and great advice from so many ladies. I think the members in general should be applauded for keeping this site going strong.:D

You said it right,CG.
Kind of a TIME magazine person of the year 2006 approach. I do though love looking at Dlewis' FOTKI progress, she has led me to a more natural approach to hair care, i.e, the Indian products.:p
princesmich said:
Ok yall, I thought this would be fun, Who is your LHCF person of the year and state why
I choose Sareca, because of her contribution to this board, always willing to help someone out with hair advice or putting up thier pictures, Her hair is healthy and shiny.

Who do you choose?

Aww, thanks that's so sweet! :)

I choose Ambitious1013, just because I love watching her hair grow. :)
Country gal said:
I can't really think of one person who stands out the most. I have gotten so much support and great advice from so many ladies. I think the members in general should be applauded for keeping this site going strong.:D

I agree. So many ladies have contributed to making this hair site a success that I dont think we should single out one specific person but say thanks to everyone for all the help throughout the year. All of you ladies are the best.
I don't mean to sound so abrupt but I really dislike these types of threads. It's kind of like a slap in the face for all the un recognized/unpopular women on this board. I think there are a ton of women here that are fantastic! Let's just keep it at that. :perplexed
*Bre~Bre* said:
I don't mean to sound so abrupt but I really dislike these types of threads. It's kind of like a slap in the face for all the un recognized/unpopular women on this board. I think there are a ton of women here that are fantastic! Let's just keep it at that. :perplexed

Yeah I feel the same way. These threads are always a spotlight for the women with the longest/prettiest hair and always end up being a popularity contest.

I didn't want to sound like the wet blanket, and I really don't care that much, but now that I know someone else feels this way then, alrighty then.:lol:
You so crazy:lachen:
LocksOfLuV said:
Yeah I feel the same way. These threads are always a spotlight for the women with the longest/prettiest hair and always end up being a popularity contest.

I didn't want to sound like the wet blanket, and I really don't care that much, but now that I know someone else feels this way then, alrighty then.:lol:
Girl, I'm the prototype for unrecognized and unpopular. Such is life.

I'm not familiar with Isis off the top of my head, so I'll nominate Anky for her long luscious hair and Ekomba for her incredible transformation from bald to past-shoulder-length hair.
zora said:
Girl, I'm the prototype for unrecognized and unpopular. Such is life.

Twas that way in elem, middle, and high school and it hasn't changed. I've grown to prefer it.

I getcha bre~bre. I do. It doesn't matter to me either way, but I feel ya. And since there are so many who might be bothered or feel left out, I'm gonna edit my original post and leave it as a shot out to the ENTIRE sisterhood. That's what matters the most here.:)

I vote MYSELF for LHCF Person of the Year. :)

Imagine what I can do with this award! All of the meaty roles I will be considered for, all the doors I am opening for other forum posters who come after me...

I promise to pass the torch. ;)
*Bre~Bre* said:
I don't mean to sound so abrupt but I really dislike these types of threads. It's kind of like a slap in the face for all the un recognized/unpopular women on this board. I think there are a ton of women here that are fantastic! Let's just keep it at that. :perplexed

You know what? You are right. I had many many ladies going through my head but Isis stood out because of the other benefits her threads brought to my (health) life. I think all the ladies here that contribute and share their experiences are wonderful.

btw: I too am one of those unrecognized and unpopular people :lol:....But I dont let that stop me from giving props to others.

But I totally understand what you are saying.
patient1 said:
Twas that way in elem, middle, and high school and it hasn't changed. I've grown to prefer it.

I getcha bre~bre. I do. It doesn't matter to me either way, but I feel ya. And since there are so many who might be bothered or feel left out, I'm gonna edit my original post and leave it as a shot out to the ENTIRE sisterhood. That's what matters the most here.:)


I know right, but does that make it right for HERE? We are NOT in highschool anymore, we are grown arse women now. Why are we still holding our highschool standards up?:lachen:

But whatever, I sooo don't care enough.:lol:
LocksOfLuV said:
I know right, but does that make it right for HERE? We are NOT in highschool anymore, we are grown arse women now. Why are we still holding our highschool standards up?:lachen:

But whatever, I sooo don't care enough.:lol:

I hear ya! :) H.S. is looooooong gone! But on a certain level, passing out awards could be considered h.s. as well. I usually abstain from this sort of voting (did so in h.s. as well) so I might as well keep the ball rolling. I don't have anything against this thread AT ALL. It's just one of those judgement calls on my part. The folks who I admire know it. So Bre just made me think that maybe the downside outweighs the upside.

I'm gonna shot out the collective and call it a night but that doesn't take away from anyone here.
In all seriousness, EVERYONE contributes to making this forum the way it is.

LHCF is a *wee* bit uptight, clique-ish, nice-girlish and polite instead of real at times, but it's all good. We need a li'l bit of everything up in this pot. I'm friends with some of y'all IRL (in real life), and think you're all interesting in your own way.

I think we all have moments when we shine and other times when we want to say GTFOHWTB to each other (except to me, ha!), but whatever.

Now having said that, I'll just take this here Oscar real easy-like... :sekret:
*Bre~Bre* said:
I don't mean to sound so abrupt but I really dislike these types of threads. It's kind of like a slap in the face for all the un recognized/unpopular women on this board. I think there are a ton of women here that are fantastic! Let's just keep it at that. :perplexed

me too..no offense...they always make me feel like a unpopular doo doo on a stick...:perplexed :)