Let's pray for our youth


Well-Known Member
After that last thread, I feel like God is telling us to pray for our youth. We are handing them over and sacraficing them up if we don't stand in the gap for them.


Father God, in the name of Jesus to pray for our youth. Please forgive us for looking the other way and allowing them to continue to stray.
we come to you to stand in the gap for those teens of this world who are lost or who are losing the battle for their own souls. We pray that Satan's grip on them through media, social media, music, and their friends is losened. We pray that if their hearts have been hardened against you that their hearts be made soft as the living waters which you have blessed them to partake in. We pray that if they can not see or hear your Word that you open their eyes by removing the scales and unplugging their ears.

Lord we see them straying off the path of righteousness that you have called us all to. We see them turning from your Word and your commandments. God please forgive them and give them a chance to return to you. For those who are saved yet continue to willfully sin, please show them the error of their ways and remove those influences from around them that have caused them to stray. For those who are yet unsaved, please remove negative influences and allow righteous people in their lives to be a beacon to lead them to Christ. For some of these teens, the only Christ they see may be through the people they associate with. God bless them to be witness to your Gospel.

God please save our youth from the damnation that Satan is trying to put on them. Please heal the wounds that they have that has weakened them and made them vulnerable. Please empower and strengthen their parents, guardians and adults who influence them. Give those adults the tools and knowledge to help these youth to turn from evil that is dragging them toward the gates of hell.

Let your will be done God as it is in Heaven, so let it be on earth.

In Jesus name, Amen
Amen. I pray for the youth daily. They need it. I'm only 28 but things are worse now than when I was growing up.
My family and I make this a part of our prayer everyday. There is so much more temptation and garbage out here today than ever.
My prayer also is for young, unwed mothers and pregnant teens, that God will be a part of their lives, to help them train these babies up in the fear of the Lord that they will not depart from Him -- for they are assignments. I pray that the desire to do the right thing concerning their children is planted on the hearts of young fathers. God is able to fix anything, if we are willing.
I agree...times are so far removed from my childhood days as well...In my day, the teachers knew the parents, so we couldn't get away with trying to disrespect our elders and there was corporal punishment (controversial for many today) but, we don't have it like that in schools anymore. I was brought up in a Dikembe Mutombo home... "no,no,no.. not today"... "not in MY house" :lol:
Also, there are also laws today in place that help embolden the youth .. they have "rights" now that limit the effectiveness of teachers. They know teachers can go to jail for trying to correct them and they play that card. It only shows the signs of the times. BUT as long as we have Jesus there is hope. The hardest work is done at home.

Amen. I pray for the youth daily. They need it. I'm only 28 but things are worse now than when I was growing up.