Let\'s post hair recipes
Hello all! I wanted to start a thread which listed hair recipes for the scalp and to add moisture to the hair. I am very interested in recipes which use pure shea butter which I have finally purchased and it sure makes the skin soft. I can start with 2 recipes:
1. Mix 10-20 drops of rosemary oil into a bottle of jojoba. Got remedy for dandruff or a dry scalp
2. Pre-shampoo conditioning treatment: Apply olive oil to hair and put on a shower cap for an hour. Then, apply mayonnaise over olive oil and put on the shower cap for another hour. Then wash. Great pre-shampoo treatment and I don't even have to use conditioner after washing. Hair is moist and soft.
Hello all! I wanted to start a thread which listed hair recipes for the scalp and to add moisture to the hair. I am very interested in recipes which use pure shea butter which I have finally purchased and it sure makes the skin soft. I can start with 2 recipes:
1. Mix 10-20 drops of rosemary oil into a bottle of jojoba. Got remedy for dandruff or a dry scalp
2. Pre-shampoo conditioning treatment: Apply olive oil to hair and put on a shower cap for an hour. Then, apply mayonnaise over olive oil and put on the shower cap for another hour. Then wash. Great pre-shampoo treatment and I don't even have to use conditioner after washing. Hair is moist and soft.