Let's play a game!


Well-Known Member
LET'S PLAY A GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is an imagination game. "If you can see it you can achieve it!"

Imagine your hair is your goal length. Or if you have already reached your goal picture your hair looking it's very best.

Picture your self in a scene that you would love to see yourself in.

DESCRIBE IT, FOLLOW this as a guide.!!!!!! HHG

In my dream hair scene my hair is __________ length. The color of my hair is______________. I am wearing it _______________style. I am a wearing___________________________________as my outfit. I am __________________________________________________-. My hair is_________________________________________________.I feel________________________________________________.
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In my dream hair scene my hair is a few inches past MBL. It is a warm brown with honey highlights. I am wearing it relaxed with long shiny loose spiral curls.I am a wearing a long pale pink Vera Wang gown. I am laughing and running through a maze of green shrubbery and my hubby is running after me. He catches me and tickles me to the ground we lay there laughing. My hair is on the ground laying all around us and my hubby is smelling it's rosy scent. I feel Feminine and Beautiful.

This is an imagination game. "If you can see it you can achieve it!"

Imagine your hair is your goal length. Or if you have already reached your goal picture your hair looking it's very best.

Picture your self in a scene that you would love to see yourself in.

DESCRIBE IT, FOLLOW this as a guide.!!!!!! HHG

In my dream hair scene my hair is __________ length. The color of my hair is______________. I am wearing it _______________style. I am a wearing___________________________________as my outfit. I am __________________________________________________-. My hair is_________________________________________________.I feel________________________________________________.

This is cool:yep:. Let's see. I'm going to try to embellish on this and put it somewhere where I can see it all the time!!!

My hair is thick, tousled and falls to waist length. It is deep black, and full of body and shine... soft and silky to touch. I am wearing a simple but sexy red top, with spaghetti straps cut low in the back, a pair of fitted jeans and heels. I am wearing my hair out, half up half down, so that I can feel it caressing the top of my back and gently gliding against the back of my arms and elbows. Aaah... the hard work has finally paid off. I feel confident, and sexy. Bring it on, bring it on!!:grin:
In my dream hair scene, my hair is impeccably styled, full and bouncy and cascading halfway down my back. It is a beautiful, sparkling silver with some black still left... a startling contrast to my youthful face.

I am dressed in a stunning red fitted suit and exude a feminine, yet strong and confident air. My husband and family burst with pride as they watch me approach a platform to receive a well-deserved accolade.
In my dream hair scene my hair is MBL length. The color of my hair is shiny black onyx. I am wearing it in a bun, librarian style. I am a wearing the sharpest business suit (a perfect size 6) and stillettos as my outfit. I am walking into my mini-mansion and putting my briefcase down on my large L-shaped couch-. My hair is tugged gently from behind, making is softly fall down my back . I turn as I feel my husband's strong hands running through my beautiful hair with ease and... I'll keep the rest of the scene to myself:grin: This was fun, I haven't day dreamed in awhile :lachen: