Let's discuss and show pics of unique wedding stuff found while researching


Well-Known Member
Stuff that you find that's unique, or that's convertible (for after wedding)...or even stuff you've never thought about before (but should be obvious or not). I'll go first. I found a site that turns pics into canvas. Now I've heard of this before but never applied it to wedding stuff until now. When I saw the end result I thought this is a definite. How great is this? I'm definitely doing this in my home (wedding pic converted to painting/canvas).



What unique (at least to you it can be obvious to others lol or not) wedding stuff have you found while researching? I think this is a fun way to remember a wedding forever.:grin:
I wore the blue one first for pics then changed to the yellow for walk down the aisle and part of the reception. I then changed clothes and wore the blue once again for that outfit. in between all tat I wore my flats.
I had Moo Minicards made to go out with our thank you cards. One side had the web address to a site with our wedding and honeymoon pics, and the other side had a pic from the wedding.

I don't have any pictures of our cards, but this is the basic idea. We had some cards left over, so we made them into cute little refrigerator magnets.
We did the moo cards too! And we had the website for people to upload pictures on one side and on the other side pictures from our engagement session. We are different pictures for each card. Fun!

I had Moo Minicards made to go out with our thank you cards. One side had the web address to a site with our wedding and honeymoon pics, and the other side had a pic from the wedding.

I don't have any pictures of our cards, but this is the basic idea. We had some cards left over, so we made them into cute little refrigerator magnets.
I had Moo Minicards made to go out with our thank you cards. One side had the web address to a site with our wedding and honeymoon pics, and the other side had a pic from the wedding.

I don't have any pictures of our cards, but this is the basic idea. We had some cards left over, so we made them into cute little refrigerator magnets.
These are so cute. See it's the little touches like this that matters.