Let's Conquer the fear and. . . .


Well-Known Member
take back the power that we gave the devil. Let's shut the door and stop letting him just run rampant in our lives and the lives of those we love.

I was over in the thread about marriage and my own post got me to thinking that fear is the one thing that is ravaging the Body of Christ. It is moving us from a place of faith in God and his promise and we are constantly in fear of wars in foreign countries and how they will affect us. We are in fear the economic crisis that the world is currently in and we fear our security at work. We fear crime and the apparent lack of conscience that so many people have when they commit some of the most heinous crimes on a daily basis. We are being desensitized by the fear and it seems the norm for a murder, rape, or violent attack to occur. Fear and Faith cannot coexist.

We have to stop this viscious cycle. It is robbing God of his glory. We are believers and worshippers of God who can make the impossible possible. He can make bread fall from Heaven, water come from a rock. He can bring the dead to life and He even sacrificed his own physical body in death because he knew that the impossible would be possible and that he would rise.

What are we doing? Why are church folk struggle to pay tithes? Why are so many Christians unemployed and unable to sow into God's kingdom? Why are so many of us struggling with praising God in the midst of these seemingly impossible circumstances. Why are we so worried about the evil in the world when we could be spending that same energy praying for God to come and show out and have his will be done. come on in here and confess God's words over your life/situation(s). If you want to tell us what your fear use to be, then that is ok. If you just want to post God's Word then do that. Either way, we have to take back the power that we have given the devil. Take it Back, our lives and livelihood depends upon it.

God is faithful so why aren't we? Didn't he make us in his own image?

Faithful in Our God - Hezekiah Walker

Why Speak Faith?
Words have power! In the natural world they can hurt or heal one's feelings and attitudes. However, in the spiritual world they are containers of power that can change your life, direct your future, and allow you to get your life in line with God's Will! Words can carry God's Power to literally heal your body, bring financial blessing to your circumstances, and bring the promises of God's Word into this natural realm to bless you and your family!

Believe It!
Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin once said, "Faith begins where the will of God is known." You must know the Word of God in order to believe what the Word says. The Word of God contains the power within itself to cause what it says to come to pass. If you believe God's Word, and use it as God intended for you to use it, then the Word will begin to work in your life. You must act on the Word. Faith is an act! The best way to act on the Word is to speak it!

Confess It!
Speaking the Word is called "Confession." There is a saying, "Confession brings possession." In order for the Power of God to cause something that God has promised to be manifested in this natural realm, you must speak, or confess, His Word and agree with God! Then God will back up His promise by bringing it to pass in this natural realm! You must speak the Word!

Receive It!
"Confession brings possession." This means that what you desire and confess comes from the spiritual into the physical realm. A spiritual truth takes on physical form in this world. God is a Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit, and in Truth! (John 4:24) The spiritual realm is higher than the natural realm. God created all matter, and He can change it as well!

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I use to be so fearful of my lack of provision that I could supply to my family.

I use to fear that I was doing something wrong and that I should be in a different place in life, based upon my own plans I had when I was younger.

I use to have such a fear and obsession about provision for things that I needed. I grew up not always having the things I needed(toilet paper, milk, food, etc) and that fear has followed me into adulthood so I sometimes worry, panic and overdo it while shopping in order to be able to provide my own provision in the case that at a future time I wont be able to.

I use to have a fear that I wasn't being given what I deserved. I felt like I was owed something from everybody---God included. I was like a kid when it is time to go to bed at night, I was always trying to be busy(yep, a busy body) trying to have my hand in everything in order not to miss out on my opportunity to get something.

My Confessions:
And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

"But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! Matthew 6:30

The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.

When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.

But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour. Matthew 8:8-13
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So glad the thread is at the halfway point...
what a blessing
God willing..... an initiaitve to a life long daily offering to our God

going to check this out,too

Thank you Super Nova

I hadn't even noticed that. True, if you carry fear to the end of the journey to speaking God's Word, then you are hindering God from making his word come true for you. interesting. very interesting.
Thanks for starting this thread.

I am very scared of starting my career and going back to school. I've put it on the back burner for like two years now because I have that much fear.
Thanks for starting this thread.

I am very scared of starting my career and going back to school. I've put it on the back burner for like two years now because I have that much fear.

Do you have a scripture that you can speak over that situation and dissolve the fear and let God reign and have his way with you? Finding a scripture would mean figuring out why you have the fear. Is it because of the security you have now if you are working? Is it because you fear that you wont be smart enough to make the grades necessary to start your career?
Do you have a scripture that you can speak over that situation and dissolve the fear and let God reign and have his way with you? Finding a scripture would mean figuring out why you have the fear. Is it because of the security you have now if you are working? Is it because you fear that you wont be smart enough to make the grades necessary to start your career?

Well I remember the scripture, "God did not give us a spirit of fear". That helps me sometimes.

No it's not because I'm working now, I dont mind not working and going to school if I need to.

The last time I was in school, I did not finish the program because I did soo badly, I was told to change my major and the program I'm interested is a doctorate so I'm really scared.

sorry to hijack the thread.
Well I remember the scripture, "God did not give us a spirit of fear". That helps me sometimes.

No it's not because I'm working now, I dont mind not working and going to school if I need to.

The last time I was in school, I did not finish the program because I did soo badly, I was told to change my major and the program I'm interested is a doctorate so I'm really scared.

sorry to hijack the thread.

You're not hijacking, the whole intention of this thread is to help us all get to the bottom of our fears so we can confess God's truth in place of our own fears and get release in those areas of our lives. BTW that is a great scripture.

Here is one that may be helpful to you as far as deciding whether or not to go back to school.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
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You're not hijacking, the whole intention of this thread is to help us all get to the bottom of our fears so we can confess God's truth in place of our own fears and get release in those areas of our lives. BTW that is a great scripture.

Here is one that may be helpful to you as far as deciding whether or not to go back to school.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

I really like this one. Thanks.

I have a book that has sciptures about fear, worry, etc. I'm going to look through it tonight and post some in the thread.
Thank you so much for this thread!!!!!!! I will print this out and keep it in my purse! :yep:

For the past few months I have been in fear of pursuing a life long dream. A dream that I have been planning and working on for 6 years!!! I was about to give it all up based on fear. Thank you so much for opening my eyes and I will take back charge and continue working on making my dreams a reality.



take back the power that we gave the devil. Let's shut the door and stop letting him just run rampant in our lives and the lives of those we love.

I was over in the thread about marriage and my own post got me to thinking that fear is the one thing that is ravaging the Body of Christ. It is moving us from a place of faith in God and his promise and we are constantly in fear of wars in foreign countries and how they will affect us. We are in fear the economic crisis that the world is currently in and we fear our security at work. We fear crime and the apparent lack of conscience that so many people have when they commit some of the most heinous crimes on a daily basis. We are being desensitized by the fear and it seems the norm for a murder, rape, or violent attack to occur. Fear and Faith cannot coexist.

We have to stop this viscious cycle. It is robbing God of his glory. We are believers and worshippers of God who can make the impossible possible. He can make bread fall from Heaven, water come from a rock. He can bring the dead to life and He even sacrificed his own physical body in death because he knew that the impossible would be possible and that he would rise.

What are we doing? Why are church folk struggle to pay tithes? Why are so many Christians unemployed and unable to sow into God's kingdom? Why are so many of us struggling with praising God in the midst of these seemingly impossible circumstances. Why are we so worried about the evil in the world when we could be spending that same energy praying for God to come and show out and have his will be done. come on in here and confess God's words over your life/situation(s). If you want to tell us what your fear use to be, then that is ok. If you just want to post God's Word then do that. Either way, we have to take back the power that we have given the devil. Take it Back, our lives and livelihood depends upon it.

God is faithful so why aren't we? Didn't he make us in his own image?

Faithful in Our God - Hezekiah Walker

Why Speak Faith?
Words have power! In the natural world they can hurt or heal one's feelings and attitudes. However, in the spiritual world they are containers of power that can change your life, direct your future, and allow you to get your life in line with God's Will! Words can carry God's Power to literally heal your body, bring financial blessing to your circumstances, and bring the promises of God's Word into this natural realm to bless you and your family!

Believe It!
Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin once said, "Faith begins where the will of God is known." You must know the Word of God in order to believe what the Word says. The Word of God contains the power within itself to cause what it says to come to pass. If you believe God's Word, and use it as God intended for you to use it, then the Word will begin to work in your life. You must act on the Word. Faith is an act! The best way to act on the Word is to speak it!

Confess It!
Speaking the Word is called "Confession." There is a saying, "Confession brings possession." In order for the Power of God to cause something that God has promised to be manifested in this natural realm, you must speak, or confess, His Word and agree with God! Then God will back up His promise by bringing it to pass in this natural realm! You must speak the Word!

Receive It!
"Confession brings possession." This means that what you desire and confess comes from the spiritual into the physical realm. A spiritual truth takes on physical form in this world. God is a Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit, and in Truth! (John 4:24) The spiritual realm is higher than the natural realm. God created all matter, and He can change it as well!

I hadn't even noticed that. True, if you carry fear to the end of the journey to speaking God's Word, then you are hindering God from making his word come true for you. interesting. very interesting.

no-no-no :nono:
I meant there is a 40 day challenge thread on speaking aloud ..and it is past the halfway point..but it's not speaking fear..quite the opposite...
it's speaking God's Promises....Ergo speaking faith not fear
The article on speaking aloud....seems a perfect tandem to this:yep:

So glad the thread is at the halfway point...
what a blessing
God willing..... an initiaitve to a life long daily offering to our God

going to check this out,too

Thank you Super Nova
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no-no-no :nono:
I meant there is a 40 day challenge thread on speaking aloud ..and it is past the halfway point..but it's not speaking fear..quite the opposite...
it's speaking God's Promises....Ergo speaking faith not fear
The article on speaking aloud....seems a perfect tandem to this:yep:

I should have been clear and referred to it, I know about the 40 day challenge, i've been lurking it :yep:. But what I was saying that if we carry fear with us along a journey of speaking God's word aloud, then we are hindering God He wont move on our behalf until we put 100% faith in him and let the fears go. Sometimes we know the Word and we know that we are to have complete faith in it, but our natural man gets in the way and the fear just wont let us wholly have faith in the Word.
You might ask, "If words are so powerful, then why aren't they coming to pass instantly all the time?" You might say, "That scared me to death!" But, you don't drop over literally dead! True! Thank God! If so, we would have a lot of dead Christians to bury! No, the Bible teaches that the mouth, or the tongue, "sets in motion the cycle of natural events." It is, therefore, a process! What the Bible says in James 3:6 is, "And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell." The phrase "setteth on fire the course of nature" in the original Greek, translates, "sets in motion the cycle of natural events." Satan therefore, tries to get you to speak contrary to God's Word, and set in motion a chain of natural events, or a cycle, that will lead to destruction. No, you may not die immediately by saying, "That scared me to death!" But, you ARE setting in motion a cycle of events that enforces fear ("scared me") and death in your life! In this way, satan can attempt to shorten your life! He uses the very power of your own words against you! The thoughts and temptations to speak those words of death and fear are the methods satan attempts to use to "set our tongue on fire of hell. Ephesians 6:16 says, "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." The "fiery darts" are designed to set your mouth against you!

This reminds me of that old serpent in Genesis. Who told Eve, "Surely you will not die". He already knew that it was a process, but he also knew that eventually Eve would die. This is where he began to trick us and make us question God's Word. Eve had a healthy fear of the consequences that God had set forth about eating from the tree of knowledge, but the devil soothed her fear(temporarily) with a lie, telling her that she wouldn't die. God is the only one we should fear.

You may still believe you do not need to fear God, but let us examine the Scriptures to see who did fear God. The Bible tells us:


Abraham feared God-ref Gen 22:12

Joseph feared God-ref Gen 42:18

Moses feared God-ref Ex 3:6

Israel shall hear and fear-ref Deut 21:21

Jacob was afraid-ref Gen 28:17

Israel feared the Lord-ref Ex 14:31

The people feared the Lord-ref 1 Sam 11:7

David was afraid of the Lord-ref 2 Sam 6:9

Obadiah feared the Lord greatly-ref 1 Ki 18:12
Yet you say that you do not have to fear the Lord? Let us see who did fear the Lord:

Thy servant did fear the Lord-ref 2 Ki 4:1

The nations feared the Lord-ref 2 Ki 17:41

Israel feared God-ref 2 Chr 6:33
http://www.parentalguide.com/Docume....htm#2-WHERE DOES GOD’S WORD SAY TO FEAR GOD?
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Every one of us is challenged or tempted to fear. Fear comes from not knowing who to trust, not knowing what’s going to happen, whether you’re going to be taken care of or not. You need to know God will take care of you because you’re His. You belong to God. How does someone belong to someone else? Somebody has to pay in order to own something, and God paid with the blood of Jesus so He could own you and I. And it’s good for Him to own us, because He takes care of the things He owns. You’re never going to find God in a dirty heaven. You’re never going to find God in a car with Whopper wrappers in the back seat.

Since fear is the number one way the devil gains access to our lives, we need to get rid of it! People steal and cheat because they fear. They lie because they fear the truth won’t be enough. They gossip for the fear of being left out. Let me give you the simple steps to breaking out of the cycle of fear:

1. Confess your fear to God.
Fear is sin. I John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

2. You have to seek Him.
Psalm 34:4 says, "Seek Him while He may be found." Hebrews 11:6 says, "Believe He is a rewarder of Him who diligently seeks Him." Spend time with Him – fellowship with Him. He’s a rewarder – when you believe that, you’ll be rid of fear.

3. Confess the Word.
Psalm 118:24 says, "This is the day the Lord has made." Confess it many times daily - "God never made anything bad. Therefore I expect this day to be a great day. I will be glad in it."

4. Break free from worry.
I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me (Phil 4:13), but “without Him I can do nothing” (John 15:5). Worry is a subtracting force that will drain you. Which of you can add a single cubit to your life by worrying? Attack worry as a thought that contradicts the Word of God.
what I was saying that if we carry fear with us along a journey of speaking God's word aloud, then we are hindering God He wont move on our behalf until we put 100% faith in him and let the fears go.

Again respectfully disagree...you only need faith the size of a mustard seed
speaking the Lord's word...aloud...the effort...even in fear can be that mustard seed :)

...I would truly hesitate to undermine our efforts especially as we are those who are diligently courageously posting our hearts.....I would not undermine or have my sisters undermined speaking aloud...with such rules or conditions ....
this takes courage and deserves support!

The walk to Emmaus is hard enough..yes? The Lord appeared and he will in our journey..
in fact He has! His prescence is there as it is with you sister
Encouragement is always good,welcome,!

God knows each of us intimately and loves us uncondtionally
even when I could not even speak the word..paralyzed with hurt or whatever
The Lord moved mountains :)

..but it's not speaking fear..quite the opposite...
it's speaking God's Promises....Ergo speaking faith not fear
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Again respectfully disagree...you only need faith the size of a mustard seed
speaking the Lord's word...aloud...the effort...even in fear can be that mustard seed :)

...I would truly hesitate to undermine our efforts especially as we are those who are diligently courageously posting our hearts.....I would not undermine or have my sisters undermined speaking aloud...with such rules or conditions ....
this takes courage and deserves support!

The walk to Emmaus is hard enough..yes? The Lord appeared and he will in our journey..
in fact He has! His prescence is there as it is with you sister
Encouragement is always good,welcome,!

God knows each of us intimately and loves us uncondtionally
even when I could not even speak the word..paralyzed with hurt or whatever
The Lord moved mountains :)

Thanks for your input, I know that you are woman who has God's hands on you so I really do appreciate your perspective. This got me to thinking: How does our fear affect the blessings that God has for us? I know that he didn't give us the spirit of fear, what does God say about us and fear, other than not to fear? How does he see us when we are in a state of fear? How does he interact with us when we are carrying around fear?
SuperNova I was thinking today about how I have been so afraid of what could come my way. On one side I want those things that the Lord has for me and then on the other side fear is keeping me away from His blessings. After realizing this I became engulfed with ANGER :mad: I am so tired of being fearful! What am I teaching my child? Am I showing her that it is ok to live in fear, be unhappy and not pursue the desires of her heart?

NO! NO! NO! I won't live in fear anymore! Lord I surrender to your will and to your way. My life fully belongs to you and I trust you COMPLETELY with it. No my will but thine will be done. I want to be free of the chains of fear and indecisiveness. I want to love and laugh again without wondering what will happen next! I am standing on your promises and I refuse to let go until you bless me!

Ladies its time to be bold in Christ! He knows our hearts and have seen our struggles. Throughout my 34 years on this earth He has never left me and I don't believe He ever will. Iris's thread brought something out in me today.:giveheart: Its time to FULLY trust in God if we want to see some things come to past in our lives! :yep:
SuperNova I was thinking today about how I have been so afraid of what could come my way. On one side I want those things that the Lord has for me and then on the other side fear is keeping me away from His blessings. After realizing this I became engulfed with ANGER :mad: I am so tired of being fearful! What am I teaching my child? Am I showing her that it is ok to live in fear, be unhappy and not pursue the desires of her heart?

NO! NO! NO! I won't live in fear anymore! Lord I surrender to your will and to your way. My life fully belongs to you and I trust you COMPLETELY with it. No my will but thine will be done. I want to be free of the chains of fear and indecisiveness. I want to love and laugh again without wondering what will happen next! I am standing on your promises and I refuse to let go until you bless me!

Ladies its time to be bold in Christ! He knows our hearts and have seen our struggles. Throughout my 34 years on this earth He has never left me and I don't believe He ever will. Iris's thread brought something out in me today.:giveheart: Its time to FULLY trust in God if we want to see some things come to past in our lives! :yep:

I stand in agreement with you and because I have children, we both understand that we will passing on this to our children if we continue to fear and not trust.
Here's an example I use all the time ..I should remember it myself

Whle my picture book went in to production..which means it was on the verge of coming out in a few months I was sitting in my favorite cafe at the time...drinking a tea...having a muffin
it was about this time of the year..in fact...
Someone had left a N Y Times open on my table..it was open to a special section that only comes out twice a year fall and spring.

It was the fall review of children's books in its own pull-out booklet. I nearly wept seeing it. I despaired openly with sadness and hurt envy. Surely I could not possibly hope to be included in this very exclusive acknowledgement of the childrens' writer's elite.. I went home from that cafe depressed

That very next spring...only 7 or months later in the second time the special section came out ..my book ..then...also was out....and not only was my book in that Spring pullout section but its illustration prominently featured in the center of a full page review shared with another author.

I spoke words of despair but God graced me anyway...writing the book was faith
taking the actions in spite of the feelings still is faith
....mustard seed or mountain sized
faith is a journey....and God honors it and our hearts....
I am still humbly learning this

much love
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By the way...that paper left on the table
open to that specific section to me a brand new author
I thought it was a cruel joke

but God was working it out! My faith and submission to Him
then as NOW...
I just found a new fear, anyone with a scriptural reference would be grately appreciated. Since re-starting my walk right and dating God, esscentially, I have developed the fear of even fellowshipping with men because I fear I will slip up and potentially cause them to sin as well. I know there is a Word that speaks against this fear. I believe there is and I want it. If I find it I will gladly post it, if anyone finds it please share.
I use to be so fearful of my lack of provision that I could supply to my family.

I use to fear that I was doing something wrong and that I should be in a different place in life, based upon my own plans I had when I was younger.

I use to have such a fear and obsession about provision for things that I needed. I grew up not always having the things I needed(toilet paper, milk, food, etc) and that fear has followed me into adulthood so I sometimes worry, panic and overdo it while shopping in order to be able to provide my own provision in the case that at a future time I wont be able to.

I use to have a fear that I wasn't being given what I deserved. I felt like I was owed something from everybody---God included. I was like a kid when it is time to go to bed at night, I was always trying to be busy(yep, a busy body) trying to have my hand in everything in order not to miss out on my opportunity to get something.

My Confessions:

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

"But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! Matthew 6:30

The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.

When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.

But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour. Matthew 8:8-13
In Jesus name:amen:
I just found a new fear, anyone with a scriptural reference would be grately appreciated. Since re-starting my walk right and dating God, esscentially, I have developed the fear of even fellowshipping with men because I fear I will slip up and potentially cause them to sin as well. I know there is a Word that speaks against this fear. I believe there is and I want it. If I find it I will gladly post it, if anyone finds it please share.

2 corinthians 12
7To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 8Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
My greatest fear is that I have made so many mistakes in my life and hurt many along the way that my guilt and shame keeps me from praising God. It keeps me from speaking his goodness, because I feel undeserving of it! It keeps me form reading his precious word, because again I feel undeserving of it.

I find myself holding on to hurts that I KNOW will purposely sabotage my marriage. I have a fear of being married and I can't put it into words! I walk around with this cloud that when sun comes I run. I have come to question when somthing good happens to me. I see it as a fly by night thing. Somewhere I taught myself to expect the bad times and not be familiar with the good, because of my past hurts I've caused.

I fear that I would have lived my whole life in this state and never see the joys around me! I can do selfless acts for anyone but won't allow them to receprociate that same. I feel I should give but never get and it has caused me to stagnate my life. Crazy I know!
My greatest fear is that I have made so many mistakes in my life and hurt many along the way that my guilt and shame keeps me from praising God. It keeps me from speaking his goodness, because I feel undeserving of it! It keeps me form reading his precious word, because again I feel undeserving of it.

I find myself holding on to hurts that I KNOW will purposely sabotage my marriage. I have a fear of being married and I can't put it into words! I walk around with this cloud that when sun comes I run. I have come to question when somthing good happens to me. I see it as a fly by night thing. Somewhere I taught myself to expect the bad times and not be familiar with the good, because of my past hurts I've caused.

I fear that I would have lived my whole life in this state and never see the joys around me! I can do selfless acts for anyone but won't allow them to receprociate that same. I feel I should give but never get and it has caused me to stagnate my life. Crazy I know!

God gave you his grace and mercy. You didn't "do" anything to earn it. You have been forgiven so long as you have repented and asked for forgiveness from God, We often punish ourselves out of guilt, but if God doesn't punish us but instead forgives us, then we have to begin forgiving ourselves and let go of the fear that our past behaviors will come back to bite us---We live in God's protection once we are saved.

1 Timothy 1:
12And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; 13Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.
14And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.
15This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
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