let me tell yall


Well-Known Member
my hair has never felt so good. it is so moisturized. i usually moisturize once in the morning and before i go to bed. i didnt even have to moisturize this morning and do think i will have to tonight
this is what i did:

i washed my hair with CON red bottle(now i see what yall were who hollering about)
then i let Joico k pak reconstruct condish sit on my hair for 2 min then washed it out
then i deep con with keracare humecto under the dryer for 30 min.
when i got from under the dryer my ends were so hot. i didnt know if that was a good thing or not. so i washed that out and then applied myy first love salerm 21 b5 and proceeded to rollerset.
in my water bottle is water and 4 drops of JBCO.
after i rollerset i flat ironed my roots, added a lil keracare creme hairdress and wraped my hair. i applied saran wrap and sat under the dryer for 5 minutes.
when i combed out my hair it was so shiny and sleek.
i cant stop touching my hair. i am in love

just wanted to tell someone:grin:
Sounds GREAT!!!! Isnt it awesome to find just the right regimen/products/combination that our hair loves???!!! Its such an individualized experience, but when u get it it feels so right!
thanks you guys. yes it is great to find the right products. i just ordered 2 more 15oz bottles of CON red bottle and 1 green bottle off of amazon.com. i never tried the green lable but i heard so much about it im sure i'll like it