Let me introduce myself


New Member
My name is Hanna. I'm 29 yrs. old and reside in Marietta, Georgia. I've been browsing the site for alittle over a year and just last week I decided to invest the $5 and become a member. I feel like I already know most of you beautiful ladies because I've been lurking for so long.
Anywho, as far my hair is concerned. I beleive I'm a 4a or 4b. I've been doing the crown & glory challenge before I even knew there was such a thing. I've been braided up for the past 18 months. My plan was and still is to grow out my relaxer. I decided to give up the braids so I could experience what my natural texture is like. I hope to gain more valuable info from you all. Thanks!!!


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Welcome Ms. Hanna -

You just gained a boatload of truly inspirational sistahs by spending that $5. I can't tell you how much you'll learn about hair and products from this board (as a lurker you already know that - right?)

Enjoy your time here. I sure do.:lol: :lol: