less frequent shampooing during the winter???


Active Member
Ok, since i'm one to catch a cold very easy i'm not too fond of washing my hair even 1x a week!!!!! I mean this past friday was my hair date and i just let it pass by. NYC is sooo cold now and my house doesn't retain heat well... air drying is not an option now.
and i'mmthinking i may have to abbreviate my hair routine. I cant keep jumping in and out the shower to wash, deep condit and so forth. i'm not worried, its just that i may have to do 1 of 3 things:
wash weekly, ALTERNATE either hot oil or dep conditioning treatments (ex if i hot oil wk#1 i will deep condit wk#2, but never at the same time)
wash bi weekly and do hot oils and deep conditionings in the same day.
lay off the deep conditioning for a while and concentrate on pre treats....

personally my hair does a lot better during the winter months, its grows faster for some reason. last year around this time i was clueless about hair care and i had long hair. this year i feel that if i properly nurse and care for i'll end up with stellar results.

do any of you find that you wash your hair less frequently during the winter?????
Hola Beana. Buenas Dias, chica! Actually, during the winter I wash my hair once weekly. I make sure the house is heated to the max though! Your winter routine sounds like a goody to me. It's very creative /images/graemlins/grin.gif. I believe along with you that you will have "stellar results", in keeping with your routine. Thanks again for posting about using the Hask every two weeks. My hair was getting stiff but only because I was using it daily. I plan on posting results concerning the Hask, and Fantasia Line of products in the next few weeks. Please keep us updated on your winter routine as well /images/graemlins/grin.gif

<font color="red">Iris</font color>
I know exactly what you mean Beana. I live in Brooklyn and man its cold. The heat in my building comes on full strenght in the middle of the day but when you need it most (at night, after a shower)...none!

Lately my shower has been acting funny....extremely hot one minute then ice cold a few minutes later. It takes me longer to wash my hair under these conditions. My hair really loves it when I wash it but...I don't know. I have a winter regime that I usually but I like your ideas.

For me the easiet would be to do the hot oil and then no deep condition. Perhaps I could use Elucence or something else. I don't know. You've given me soemthing to think about.

Hi Beana,

I think it just depends on my mood, whether or not I wash frequently in the Winter. I have gotten caught up in things where a week has gone by and it definately didn't hurt. I don't recall you saying but are you relaxed or natural? Have you considered just doing braids for the winter? I know this is going to help me a lot.
I can't forgo washing my hair every week. My scalp would be just as itchy as it wants to be!!!!! I honestly still do wash my hair atleast 2x a week, if not everyother day.....and MD is just as cold too! I try to wash at night, and let it airdry. When I wake up, atleast the scalp area and most of the hair is dry, it's just the length that's still damp, and I wrap that up in a bun. My hair responds much better to a clean scalp. I haven't even been applying oils to my scalp. I feel like it's finally functioning properly, my scalp that is, I mean, it gets a little oily after a couple days on its own, and no more itching and dandruff. Washing frequently is a must to me, regardless of what time of year it is. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
hey beana i usually wash less in the winter because of the cold, but this year i want to start washing more because in the winter my hair and scalp get dry and it aggrivates my dandruff problem. im hoping the increased moisture will relieve dryness. Im in nyc too and this indoor heat is so DRY that i even get nose bleeds from time to time because my nasal membranes get so dry. Maybe i should stop being cheap and get a humidifier. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
To all the sista's in NYC ya'll ain't lyin about the cold! And heck, I live in MI. I was in Brooklyn year before last to visit my sista-girl and her apartment was soooooo cold. The heat would come on in the middle of the day and then at night....colder than a banker's heart! If you are having to wash your hair when it's that cold....ooooh, Lawd haf mercy! I don't know how you do it!
Washing frequently is a must for me too (regardless of what time of year it is). I just wash my hair at night, and by morning it's just a little damp. If I need to, I can always sit under my hooded dryer for a few minutes. I don't use anything on my scalp, so frequent washing helps to keep my scalp in check (all year round).
My hair is under a hat from Thanksgiving to Easter. I wash it maybe twice a month during the winter. I am getting braids this year. I don't think I'll be washing my hair often this winter either, not when it is this freezing in the fall. Braids take forever to dry, especially when the ends are loose. I don't have time to wait. I am doing the scalp rinse thing this time around. I can probably do that more than once a week and actually wash it once a month.

Can't you just sit in the shower while you have your hot oil and deep conditioner in and let your hair steam? I usually wet my hair and apply hot oil or deep conditioner and sit in a nice hot bath. That is also an option instead of hopping in and out. There is nothing like a hot bath in the dead of winter, er, I mean the middle of fall.
Beana my hair grows faster in the winter also. Winters in WV are cold and dry here, and according to "old timers" we are going to have a bad winter this year. I plan to wash my hair just as frequently during the winter. I conditoiner wash during the night 3-5 times week and if my hair is still wet, I'll put some extra shea butter and hair oils on the ends, put it in a ponytail bun and slap a hat on and go out and about. It may not look as pretty, but it protects your hair.

Your haircare regime looks great for the winter. Why don't you alternate options and see which one works the best?
My winter routine is something like this. I only shampoo once a month during the winter. I rinse twice a week though. I do a hot oil treatment, and then I rinse. I do a cream rinse while in the shower if necessary, usually, I only apply it to my ends and kitchens.
To cut it so that I only have to get in the shower once, I wet my hair with a spray bottle before I put the oil on it. Since I tend to only use products on my hair when it is wet, I don't usually have a product build up so I don't worry too much about spraying water on my dry hair before adding the hot oil.
I also try not to get too fancy during the winter with treatments. Since my hair enjoys the moisture of water at least twice a week, I usually alternate between a straight EVOO hotoil treatment and a treatment of EVOO and jojoba. I sit under heating cap with it for 30min to an hour and then I rinse.
The results I have from this are wonderful. My hair is very soft an shiny and don't require as much product prior to drying. On the weekends I air dry. During the week, I get under the dryer until I am between 70 and 90 percent dry and let it finish drying over night.
When I do shampoo, it is an all day affair. I do a hotoil pre treatment, shampoo, a protein conditioner, and then a moisturizing conditioner.
My final rinse is always with cool water so I feel ya on the cold thing. I am in Georgia so its chilly and nippy, but not downright cold here yet. Come february, though, it will definitely be freezing. I always turn my heat up to about 75 when I do a wash or rinse.