Leave in Conditioner??How do you use it?


New Member
Ladies, how do you use your leave in conditioner? Do you use it every day? Only when washing? Do you use your leave in condition in connection with with setting lotion?? I'd GREATLY appreciate your comments/suggestions. Thanx in Advance.
I use my mixture of leave in (or any other leave in) every morning. I spray my hair until it's damp. Then I add some gel to the front and I treat my ends. Then I either braid or put my hair in a bun.
Only after a wash and set. But i might try and dilute it into a spray bottle and spray my ends daily with it since i wear a bun every single day.
I use mine after washing and conditioning my hair. Since I wash every 3 days, my hair seems to stay pretty moisturized.
I use Infusium after shampooing and conditioning. I use the V05 Leave-in when I want to freshen up a style. For instance, if I put gel on my edges today and it dissipates by tomorrow (Jam gel is famous for this), instead of reapplying gel to those edges, I just spray it with the V05 and brush, and it's as if it's woken up the gel. Their leave-in adds shine too.
I use mine forroller sets!! My question to those who apply WGO, do you apply the leave-in before the oil or after???
I use a leave-in mostly after I wash my hair just before I put oil in my hair. I also use a leave-in most days before I comb or brush my hair if my hair is a little tangled.
I have learned that my leave-ins (spray leave-ins) give the best results if I spray them in when my hair is drip-drop, sip-sopping wet