Lasting Rollersets Instructions


New Member
Someone PM'd me asking how I make my rollerset last and I thought it would be nice to share w/ the whole board.

<font color="blue">First for a curly set, use rollers a size smaller than you usually would use for your set, right now I'm using the yellow magnetic ones, I don't know their diameter. Second, use an anti-frizz leave-in or a regular leave in conditioner (a cream or lotion one, not a liquid), but also spray with a setting lotion (the cream will balance the setting lotion's crunchiness) then add a good serum *on damp hair* and rollerset. Third, make sure your hair is completely dry *before you take out your rollers* and after it's dry let your hair cool on the rollers (it helps retain the curl shape, while warm your hair will droop more). Lastly only break up the curls slightly with your fingers after you've let it cool and let your hair naturally fall as the week goes on.

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Thanks Kenesha I love your rollerset in your avator.
You have this rollersetting thing down pat Girl.
I will try adding a serum my next rollerset.