Last Out of the Closet-Bisexual Men


Well-Known Member
CNN) -- Robert Winn met his wife, Christine, in college. He was a fraternity boy. She was a sorority girl. Early in their relationship, he made a confession, a thorny secret he camouflaged from his closest family and friends.
The truth sputtered out awkwardly.
Sensing his nervousness, she speculated he would announce he was sick -- or perhaps dying?He told her he was bisexual.
On the surface, Robert Winn, now 40, and Christine Winn, 41, appear to be like any other blissfully married heterosexual couple. They boast nearly 18 years of monogamous marriage. He's a well-respected physician, who works with the LGBT community in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She's a successful hospital administrator.
The couple says they've grown closer over time, but like any marriage, two people can have differences -- including sexual orientation. Christine Winn is straight, and she has been supportive of her husband, who is openly bisexual.
"I don't think about it [his bisexuality] as a part I have to accept," she said. "It's just a part of him like any other husband who loses their socks on the floor or doesn't take the trash out."
Her husband feels a sexual and emotional attraction toward men and women. While he fantasizes about Angelina Jolie just as his straight male friends might do, he is also attracted to Brad Pitt.
This may sound like the best of both worlds, but being openly bisexual can be complicated. He frequently battles the stereotypes of bisexuality: That bisexual men are promiscuous. That his relationships with men were just an adolescent phase. That his bisexuality is imaginary. That he's really a gay man trying to camouflage his orientation.
"There is a whole list of assumptions of what my life might be like, that somehow she is some sort of front for me because I'm not willing to accept I'm gay," he said. "People are confused by bisexuality. There's just not a lot of support for people who fall in the middle like me."
More than 50 percent of Americans accept the idea of a gay or lesbian relationship, signaling growing support for same-sex couples, according to a Gallup poll in May. The poll, however, doesn't address the issue of bisexuality, often defined as having a romantic attraction to both men and women. It's a sexual orientation some advocacy groups and researchers say remains challenging because neither the gay community nor the straight population advocates for men and women who are attracted to both sexes.
"It's either you're in the closet or out of the closet, and it's not that simple," David Malebranche, a physician and professor of psychology at Emory University, says about the common perception of bisexuals.
About 1.8 percent of men and women between the ages of 15 and 44 identified themselves as bisexual, according to a 2005 survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers caution the government's figures are murky because many bisexuals will not identify themselves

Ben Pierce, a 22-year-old recent college graduate living in Massachusetts who identifies as bisexual, can understand why bisexuals are hesitant to come forward. He likens being bisexual today to being biracial in the 1960s, a period when racism and discrimination were widespread. A person who was mixed race often couldn't feel comfortable among either racial group, Pierce explained.
"You're caught in between these two very different groups of straight people and gay people, and neither one really accepts you," he said.
Over the last century, scholars began to examine the dual attraction to females and males through scientific research. In the 1920s, psychologist Sigmund Freud theorized that bisexuality was an innate trait found in humans. Several decades later, sex researcher Alfred Kinsey became infamous for his six-point scale to determine whether a person was heterosexual, homosexual or in between. The spectrum showed there are varying degrees of homosexuality and heterosexuality.
Some sociologists say bisexuality has become more tolerable among the mainstream world, particularly younger generations. The word "fluid" is often tossed casually across college campuses to describe the mixed feelings for both genders. Sociologist Eric Anderson is examining college student perceptions of bisexuality in the U.S. and England. So far, his results among college athletes showed that 90 percent of the students surveyed believe bisexuality exists.
"There is more exploration of sexuality -- even visible dating and exploring -- versus before, when it was more closeted," said Shane Windmeyer, director of Campus Pride, the leading national organization for LGBT college students.
Some say that coming out as bisexual has been easier for women than men. In recent years, several Hollywood female stars have proudly declared their bisexuality. Female celebrities like Lady Gaga, Lindsay Lohan and HBO "True Blood" actress Anna Paquin have said they are bisexual.
"It's [female bisexuality] something that's tolerated because sometimes men see it as entertaining and exciting for them," said Denise Penn, director of the American Institute of Bisexuality.
That hasn't been the case for bisexual men like Robert Winn, the Philadelphia physician now married to a woman.
Coming out bisexual in the 1980s was an agonizing experience for Winn, who was raised Methodist in a military family. His childhood was filled with feelings for girls and boys. He dated his first girlfriend at the age of 15, a teenage romance that eventually ended.
Months later, strong feelings erupted for someone else: a boy at his high school. The two boys shamefully kept their relationship underground.
"Afterwards, we would be embarrassed, confused and not talk about it and then go on with our lives in a normal context," Winn said.
When Winn was a teenager in the 1980s, public support toward gays and bisexuals plummeted as the HIV panic stigmatized the gay community. Bisexuals were blamed for spreading the virus to the straight population, experts said.
Winn realized then there was an unexpected upshot of bisexuality.
It's [female bisexuality] something that's tolerated because sometimes men see it as entertaining and exciting for them.

"I always had this heterosexual relationship to fall back on," he said. "I could choose to ignore the rest and put it on the back shelf."
Joshua Verbeke, a 29-year-old business student at Indiana University, knows about masking his bisexuality. Verbeke recalls working for a gay advocacy organization that was trying to eliminate sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace. There were instances, Verbeke admitted, when he played along with being gay to avoid criticism and questions about being bisexual. He's heard the phrase "Bi now, gay later" many times.
"I think a lot of bi people are afraid to come out because there is pressure on both sides," said Verbeke, who is dating a 33-year-old man who identifies as gay.
Tensions exist between the bisexual and gay communities, say advocacy experts. Take, for example, the recent legal debacle over a softball tournament. Earlier this spring, three bisexual softball players sued a softball league for stripping their team of a second-place finish at the Gay Softball World Series in 2008.
The suit, filed in the U.S. District Court in Seattle, Washington, alleges that the softball league had discriminated against the three bisexual men by removing the second-place title from the team for being "non-gay."
The academic world has also questioned the idea of bisexuality. In 2005, a controversial study from professors in Toronto, Canada, and Illinois reported males identifying as bisexual were typically not aroused by both sexes. Most of the bisexual men surveyed were physically aroused by images of men instead of women, the study said.
The bisexual -- and gay -- community lashed out against the study, but the study did spur more research on bisexuality. Most of the research on men who have sex with men over the last decade has been driven by the startlingly increasing rates of HIV among the black population. Now, some of the research is changing.
Brian Dodge, a professor of psychology at the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction at Indiana University, is researching attitudes toward bisexual minorities. The American Institute of Bisexuality is considering studying the cognitive behavior of bisexual men through brain scans.
Re: Last Out of Closet-Bisexual Men

Despite the skepticism from others, some bisexuals acknowledge there are upsides to their sexual orientation, even though they remain in limbo between two worlds. John, 41, a bisexual from California, said his sexual orientation makes him open-minded. For privacy reasons, he declined to give his last name.

"The world is not black or white to me, but a rich diversity of colors, and it is not either/or, but both/and," he wrote in an e-mail.

I think a lot of bi people are afraid to come out because there is pressure on both sides.

What other people think is mattering less to Robert and Christine Winn as they get older and their bonds grow deeper. In the earlier years of their marriage, he said his wife felt ostracized by the gay community when she attended his medical fundraisers and conferences. The gay patients and colleagues were often surprised he was married to a woman. Nevertheless, she supported him.

Could married life have been easier if Robert stayed quiet about his bisexuality? Probably so, he says. He ponders that sometimes.

But then Robert would be lying to himself about his identity. And that's something he never wanted to do to himself -- or his wife.

"I didn't want to turn 40, and then come out to my wife about it," he said. "I wanted to be open with her about who I am and what I think. Thankfully, she was willing to accept me."
CNN)Christine Winn is straight, and she has been supportive of her husband, who is openly bisexual.
"I don't think about it [his bisexuality] as a part I have to accept," she said. "It's just a part of him like any other husband who loses their socks on the floor or doesn't take the trash out."

I wasn't able to read the entire article. I'm feeling sick. :barf: How the hell can she compare her husband being bi to not taking out the trash. This man is trash and he is gay. She's desperate to stay with him and she must not value herself to feel like its acceptable to share her husband with another man. She better pray she doesn't get sick from it. As soon as I read that he's a doctor for the gay community I already knew. :nono:
while it's not an ideal situation for me, i'm glad that the couple in this article went into the situation with their eyes open... he could have hidden his bisexuality and basically lied to her throughout their relationship... instead, he did the responsible thing and told her the truth, giving her a choice of being with him or not with full disclosure...

if more people did this, then we wouldn't have all of the problems that go along with men hiding their true sexuality....
I wasn't able to read the entire article. I'm feeling sick. :barf: How the hell can she compare her husband being bi to not taking out the trash. This man is trash and he is gay. She's desperate to stay with him and she must not value herself to feel like its acceptable to share her husband with another man. She better pray she doesn't get sick from it. As soon as I read that he's a doctor for the gay community I already knew. :nono:

maybe i missed it, but i didn't see anything in the article to suggest that he is actively engaging in relationships with other men.... the article specifically stated that they've had an 18 yr monogamous relationship... so while he's attracted to both men and women, i don't see anything suggesting that she's "sharing" her husband with anyone...
I wasn't able to read the entire article. I'm feeling sick. :barf: How the hell can she compare her husband being bi to not taking out the trash. This man is trash and he is gay. She's desperate to stay with him and she must not value herself to feel like its acceptable to share her husband with another man. She better pray she doesn't get sick from it. As soon as I read that he's a doctor for the gay community I already knew. :nono:

I'm guessing you missed the line about monogamy? :rolleyes: But of course you did, because you instantly jumped into a hot steaming mess of erroneous assumptions, instead of actually reading the article and just maybe learning something.

I wasn't able to read the entire article. I'm feeling sick. :barf: How the hell can she compare her husband being bi to not taking out the trash. This man is trash and he is gay. She's desperate to stay with him and she must not value herself to feel like its acceptable to share her husband with another man. She better pray she doesn't get sick from it. As soon as I read that he's a doctor for the gay community I already knew. :nono:
It's interesting that your response reflects the same opinions that keep many bisexual people (according to the article) from being open and honest about who they are. I couldn't fault you for saying that you don't understand how someone could be bisexual or that you wouldn't handle things the same way (if you were in the wife's situation), but IMO, nothing in the article supports what you've stated in the bolded.
Very interesting article. I'm glad he came out to her because he gave her a choice. I'm not sure what I would do in the same situation. It's easy to say I'd walk away, but y'all who have been in love know it's not that simple.
Interesting article. It's good he acknowledged his attraction to men; that doesn't mean he would act on that attraction hence their monogamous relationship.

I'm sure there are plenty of men like him in marriages, relationships with women and actively dating women who are also attracted to men, but too afraid to express that. Maybe this article will help someone struggling with those issues stay true to themselves.

The article didn't mention their families reaction. I wonder how his family and hers felt about him admitting his bisexuality.

I admit that I'm confused. They uses the term "monogamous marriage" but he is "openly bisexual." Are they playing with terms? Its really hard for me to take the sink, line, and hooker and believe that he hasn't engaged in sexual trysts with men....just call me skeptical.

I admit that I'm confused. They uses the term "monogamous marriage" but he is "openly bisexual." Are they playing with terms? Its really hard for me to take the sink, line, and hooker and believe that he hasn't engaged in sexual trysts with men....just call me skeptical.

No, no playing with terms going on. Now, if they had said he was 'faithful', there might be room to argue that he and his wife have an 'agreement', and that within certain boundaries, it would be okay for him to have sex with men, and his wife would not consider that cheating. That strays a bit into 'open relationships' though, and monogamy is not possible there.

I find it interesting, that it's perfectly logical for most people to be celibate and heterosexual, without any implication that this wo/man can't POSSIBLY actually be avoiding sexual contact with the individuals they are interested in, and yet a bisexual person cannot be monogamous, and still bisexual.

I assume that he had sexual relationships with men before his marriage, just as some non-virgin celibates had sexual relationships before they decided to become celibate. Once that choice - celibacy or monogamy - is made, then their sexual habits reflect that.

For bisexuals, the individual that you are currently in a relationship with does not change your sexual orientation.

I'm in a very similar relationship - I'm 'openly bisexual' in that most people who know me, know that I'm bi, but I'm monogamous, in that my husband is the only person I'm screwing. The fact that I'm married to a man does not make me straight.
This may sound like the best of both worlds, but being openly bisexual can be complicated. He frequently battles the stereotypes of bisexuality: That bisexual men are promiscuous. That his relationships with men were just an adolescent phase. That his bisexuality is imaginary. That he's really a gay man trying to camouflage his orientation.
I absolutely agree with this. I am bisexual myself and as a female I have had to deal with all kinds of negative stereotypes. And it's true that neither the the gay or straight community really accepts you. Everyone wants you to pick a side. People are way more accepting about being gay than they are about being bi.

Some say that coming out as bisexual has been easier for women than men. In recent years, several Hollywood female stars have proudly declared their bisexuality. Female celebrities like Lady Gaga, Lindsay Lohan and HBO "True Blood" actress Anna Paquin have said they are bisexual.
"It's [female bisexuality] something that's tolerated because sometimes men see it as entertaining and exciting for them," said Denise Penn, director of the American Institute of Bisexuality.
Exactly, the only female celeb that I can think of from the younger generation who is probably truly sapphic-inclined is Lindsay Lohan and I don't think she ever came out but she did acknowledge her girlfriend at the time. I don't see the influx of women declaring to be bisexual for show as there being a rise in tolerance of the sexuality. It is anything but and has, I think, made things worse for bi women in particular because people don't take them seriously. It is seen as something entertaining for the man and phony.

I worry about the conversation that I will have to have with a boyfriend or girlfriend about my sexuality and I know that my bisexual guy friends worry about the same thing.
I find it interesting, that it's perfectly logical for most people to be celibate and heterosexual, without any implication that this wo/man can't POSSIBLY actually be avoiding sexual contact with the individuals they are interested in, and yet a bisexual person cannot be monogamous, and still bisexual.

For bisexuals, the individual that you are currently in a relationship with does not change your sexual orientation.

I'm in a very similar relationship - I'm 'openly bisexual' in that most people who know me, know that I'm bi, but I'm monogamous, in that my husband is the only person I'm screwing. The fact that I'm married to a man does not make me straight.

I wasn't able to read the entire article. I'm feeling sick. :barf: How the hell can she compare her husband being bi to not taking out the trash. This man is trash and he is gay. She's desperate to stay with him and she must not value herself to feel like its acceptable to share her husband with another man. She better pray she doesn't get sick from it. As soon as I read that he's a doctor for the gay community I already knew. :nono:
Where did all these assumptions come from? Just from a person saying their bi? All you know from that is that they are bi!
Dating a bisexual person doesn't make you desperate or show a lack of respect for oneself. And if you had bothered to read the article it clearly states that they are in a monogamous relationship. Shock horror, bisexuals can actually be satisfied with just one person in their life.
And get sick from what? Bisexuality isn't an infectious disease. lol

People's assumptions baffle me sometimes...
Bisexual does not = loose and unable to control sexual urges.

I really think there are alot of people (male and female) that are not 100% heterosexual (but not bisexual as in 50/50 either) although many people do not like to accept that sexuality is on a continuum.

I applaud his honesty.
Ok. Trying to be an educated person....what do you consider a "bi-curious" person....those people that are just having sex...say in a threesome to please a spouse.

If "Bi-sexual" is indeed its own seperate category then we would have to give that person EMOTIONAL as well as sexual attraction to the same sex, would we not?
Bisexual does not = loose and unable to control sexual urges.

I really think there are alot of people (male and female) that are not 100% heterosexual (but not bisexual as in 50/50 either) although many people do not like to accept that sexuality is on a continuum.

I applaud his honesty.


It's so interesting to me how people will come down on couples who decide to proactively discuss and come to an agreement about the status and definition of their relationship, while so many others operate under assumptions that may or may not be shared by their partner.
Ok. Trying to be an educated person....what do you consider a "bi-curious" person....those people that are just having sex...say in a threesome to please a spouse.

If "Bi-sexual" is indeed its own seperate category then we would have to give that person EMOTIONAL as well as sexual attraction to the same sex, would we not?

:lol: I call them freaks. :rofl:

But, in all seriousness, yes, as far as bisexuality goes, it's not just a sexual attraction to the other sex, it's also an emotional attraction. I've had discussions on this in other arenas, and that's one area in which it is really hard to say 'who is a real bisexual, and who is just a trisexual (they'll 'try' anything!)'

I'm speaking from my personal understanding - but if you are willing to kiss a girl, but not willing to fall in love with a girl - you are just being exceptionally affectionate, and not being bisexual. If you are willing to have a threesome with your man, but aren't willing to sexually interact with her - you're just being very nice to your spouse. :look: Not everyone in a threesome is always interacting with everyone else, if you feel me. :look:

Bi-curiousness, on the other hand, is often a kind of bisexual 'virginity'. The person has had experiences with the same sex or the opposite sex ONLY, and think that they might be interested in moving towards the middle of the spectrum, but aren't sure.

Some stay gay/straight, some become bi, some become straight/gay. Because, yes, you can have a woman who is more lesbian than straight, and considers herself bi, or a man who always knew he was gay, but is attracted to a particular woman.
So, it's not always straight people trying to be more 'out-there' - sometimes it's gay people, who are kinda surprised that there is some attraction/interest in the opposite sex.

Sometimes, though, bi-curious can be a label that people use to 'excuse' their trisexual/freaktastic nature, knowing good and well they aren't the least bit curious about exploring a full relationship with whomever, and just need an 'excuse' for their behavior.

Sexuality can often be so much more fluid than just what tab you'd most prefer to have in your slot. :lachen:
That was a great explanation, JustKiya...I was trying to figure out
how to explain i but I don't think I could have said it that way.

I guess I would just like to add that a lot of people have a
misconception that bisexuality is about sex and it really isn't. But
a lot of times, from my personal experience and what I have been
exposed to, bi-curiosity (sp) seems to be more about sex.

A lot of people who start to question their sexuality or are trying
to figure out their sexuality are usually bi-curious and want to
experience the sexual/physical aspect of being with someone of the
same sex, but they are not ready to deal with the emotional/mental
ramifications the incident may bring. So, that's how they "stay in
their lane" so to speak.

Not all people are comfortable with their sexuality or even question
their sexuality. Then there are others that know at a VERY early age
what that may be for them, but they just ignore it. On the other
side of the coin, there are some people who don't explore/question it
until later in life.

That's when the most problems arise, especially if said person has a
spouse and a family.
I don't know how many times we've seen this depicted in television,
movies, plays, books, etc. but it's being depicted for a reason...and
it happens a lot.

Great thread by the way...

Ebonybee I appreciate that you are trying to be an educated person, because a lot of people in the world have misconceptions about bisexuality. That can come from a lot of things, but people will always not know any better if these types of discussions cannot take place.

p.s. I don't think danell is coming back in here....

I'm late to this thread, but Kiya and ravengirl said everything I wanted to say.

Explaining bisexuality can be frustrating, even if you're talking to well meaning people.

I've gotten the whole "you don't know what you want" or "you dont know you want to be with a woman/don't know if you're bi if you havent had sex w/ her" Really? Was your sexuality up in the air until you lost your virginity? :rolleyes:

Yeah, I just went way off track, so I'm gonna shut up now :D
I'm late to this thread, but Kiya and ravengirl said everything I wanted to say.

Explaining bisexuality can be frustrating, even if you're talking to well meaning people.

I've gotten the whole "you don't know what you want" or "you dont know you want to be with a woman/don't know if you're bi if you havent had sex w/ her" Really? Was your sexuality up in the air until you lost your virginity? :rolleyes:

Yeah, I just went way off track, so I'm gonna shut up now :D

I could see myself saying that to someone. I've always thought that bisexuality WAS ABOUT SEX. Especially for the males that just want to see two women (DH included) together. What do call the guys?

My sister operates several adult novelties shops which I am a partner. We went to Vegas for the "convention" this year and of course "2 chicks and a d$$K" is advertised everywhere and it's about sex. The folks that come to the shops and want to leave flyers advertising a "whatever party"'s about sex. I've just never seen or thought there was any emotional attachment to it.

Especially with young girls....I'm talking about high's seems like it's the latest fad...everybody can't be mix or a red bone but anybody can pretend to be BI.
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Also, for those that have an emotional attachment to do or did you decide which sex to seek a LT did you know it would be the opposite sex versus the same sex.

I mean, is it like " I like men 70% but women only 30%?"

I find it interesting, that it's perfectly logical for most people to be celibate and heterosexual, without any implication that this wo/man can't POSSIBLY actually be avoiding sexual contact with the individuals they are interested in, and yet a bisexual person cannot be monogamous, and still bisexual

I'm in a very similar relationship - I'm 'openly bisexual' in that most people who know me, know that I'm bi, but I'm monogamous, in that my husband is the only person I'm screwing. The fact that I'm married to a man does not make me straight.

Basically, for most people, if you're Bisexual, you HAVE to be a cheater.
Right? It's like you live in a sexual playground where you have no willpower or control over yourself to sample ALL the goods.

I have a dear friend who is bisexual. She is now married and has two beautiful kids. For her it was simple. She was and is attracted to both men and women.

YES, her husband knows. Does that means she cheats? NO.
Does that mean she will cheat? NO.
It just means she likes both vanilla and chocolate. that is all.
Also, for those that have an emotional attachment to do or did you decide which sex to seek a LT did you know it would be the opposite sex versus the same sex.

I mean, is it like " I like men 70% but women only 30%?"

I didn't. :lol: I fell madly in love with DH, and decided he was the person I wanted to spend my life with. If I had met his female equivalent first, I would be partnered with her, not him.

And yeah, a lot of times - esp. from the heterosexual male POV - bisexuality = lesbians who don't mind if I hit it - it's all about sex, taboo, and titillation. :perplexed And because, in this world, the hetero male view is often the dominant view - well. Bisexuality is viewed as nothing more than 'just sex'. It's not accurate, though, anymore than saying homosexuality is just about sex, or heterosexuality is just about sex.

For a lot of bi people, gender doesn't really impact who they fall for - and that's the biggest difference. We can love, sex, partner with anyone who we connect with - no matter what kind of package they have.
I gave this deeper thought this morning. I'm still hung up on the term "openly bisexual" but he is monogamous.

Could I be "openly adulterous" but monogamous? If you aren't pursuing relationships with anyone how can you be "openly ?? I contend that it is the act not the thought that define labels.
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I didn't. :lol: I fell madly in love with DH, and decided he was the person I wanted to spend my life with. If I had met his female equivalent first, I would be partnered with her, not him.

And yeah, a lot of times - esp. from the heterosexual male POV - bisexuality = lesbians who don't mind if I hit it - it's all about sex, taboo, and titillation. :perplexed And because, in this world, the hetero male view is often the dominant view - well. Bisexuality is viewed as nothing more than 'just sex'. It's not accurate, though, anymore than saying homosexuality is just about sex, or heterosexuality is just about sex.

For a lot of bi people, gender doesn't really impact who they fall for - and that's the biggest difference. We can love, sex, partner with anyone who we connect with - no matter what kind of package they have.

So a man or woman who enjoys same-sex sex but has no desire to "partner" with them would fall where on the bi spectrum?
I gave this deeper thought this morning. I'm still hung up on the term "openly bisexual" but he is monogamous.

Could I be "openly adulterous" but monogamous? If you aren't pursuing relationships with anyone how can you be "openly ?? I contend that it is the act not the thought that define labels.

Can you be heterosexual and virgin? Can you be 'openly heterosexual' and virgin? I think so - heck, there are plenty of them running around the forum! :lol: They openly speak of their interest and desire to partner with the opposite sex, but they aren't having sex with them.

Being 'open' means that you state your orientation, not necessarily that you act on it.

It's the attraction that defines labels. The action is a consequence of the attraction - and it isn't required in order to label yourself.

So a man or woman who enjoys same-sex sex but has no desire to "partner" with them would fall where on the bi spectrum?

I dunno, honestly. As I said upthread a bit, I'd suspect I'd call them trisexuals/freaks.
I'd be interested in what they call themselves, too, and whether they are claiming that label because that's what they really feel they are, or whether it's because they want to avoid the stigma of another label. :look:
I gave this deeper thought this morning. I'm still hung up on the term "openly bisexual" but he is monogamous.

Could I be "openly adulterous" but monogamous? If you aren't pursuing relationships with anyone how can you be "openly ?? I contend that it is the act not the thought that define labels.

openly simply means that it's not a secret.... he does not hide his sexuality, he's attracted to both men and women but he's in a monogamous relationship with one person... adulterous and monogamous are, imo, antonyms..... bisexual and monogamous are not linked in that way....
I dunno, honestly. As I said upthread a bit, I'd suspect I'd call them trisexuals/freaks.
I'd be interested in what they call themselves, too, and whether they are claiming that label because that's what they really feel they are, or whether it's because they want to avoid the stigma of another label. :look:

That other label being?

I'm just wondering why they can't be bi too when there are hetero's who have no desire to marry or partner with anyone either. Same said heteros who will boink on occasion- if the opportunity presents itself. :look:
That other label being?

I'm just wondering why they can't be bi too when there are hetero's who have no desire to marry or partner with anyone either. Same said heteros who will boink on occasion- if the opportunity presents itself. :look:

Well, I was specifically thinking about men who like having sex with men and women, but who would flee from the label of being bi, because of the stigma attached to it, esp. in the black community.

And you know, that's a good point. :scratchch I don't know - I think even still, those heteros might fall in love with someone of the OS, yes? I rank it - sex -> love -> partner.

And true, not everyone - no matter what their orientation - is interested in partnering with others. I forgot about them. :look: I think that if you can form an emotional attachment - anything beyond just getting yo nut - then, yeah, take the appropriate label. But then, there are some folks who just don't love other people either, aren't there? :ohwell:
I don't're making me think. :yep: