Last Chance Personal Challenge


Well-Known Member
I am giving my long hair care journey one more chance. I have been natural, relaxed, texlaxed, ect. Through it all my hair won't get past APL without needing to be cut back to CBL or shorter. I have tried protective styling, no heat, low heat, low manipulation, twist for growth, wigs, ect.

I am now trying to keep my hair stretched 100% of the time, bi-weekly DC, daily moisture and seal, and bunning. If I do not achieve APL without having to cut back to CBL or SL I am ending my long hair journey. I will then focus on styling and doing whatever I want to with my hair.

I will give myself from July 1 to December 1 to achieve this goal. Is anyone else on a last chance personal challenge? What is your goal and your time frame?
Right now I wash once a week with WEN Fig. I also use this as my leave in and seal with TCB grease. My moisture level doing this is good. I air dry in braids and usually wear a braid out messy bun or banana clip bun daily. At night I spritz my hair with diluted Aphogee ProVitamin leave in conditioner and rebraid witih rollers on the ends. Once a month I use Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer as my protein treatment. Once a month I use Paul Mitchell Shampoo 3 to get rid of any mineral build up due to the fact I have hard water. I DC sporatically with Silk Elements cholesterol because my hair has the tendency to have moisture overload. If anyone has any suggestions to what may help I would love the help.
I am, in a way. I think my downfall is that im scissor happy, and i need to learn to relax my own hair, but im in the same boat as you as far as not being able to get past APL, despite PSing and numerous preventative measures. Ive decided that after this year, if i havent hit an even APL, that im probably gonna just give up, because ive been lurking LHCF for about a year, which has helped. Sorry for being discouraging and negative ladies, im not trying to look for pity, i just wanted to let Dicapr know shes not alone.
Also, have you tried any vitamins or changing your diet? while the vitamins didnt make my hair grow faster, they thickened it up tremendously.
Anavrin, I have recently started taking a daily multivitamin. I am not sure how much this will help but I am willing to try anything. I am starting to eat clean and have started in the last month decreasing the amount of junk food I am eating.

MrsJaiDiva I cut about 2 times a year. I thought that would be enough because I don't use heat but I am thinking of trimming every 3 months.
dicapr said:
Right now I wash once a week with WEN Fig. I also use this as my leave in and seal with TCB grease. My moisture level doing this is good. I air dry in braids and usually wear a braid out messy bun or banana clip bun daily. At night I spritz my hair with diluted Aphogee ProVitamin leave in conditioner and rebraid witih rollers on the ends. Once a month I use Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer as my protein treatment. Once a month I use Paul Mitchell Shampoo 3 to get rid of any mineral build up due to the fact I have hard water. I DC sporatically with Silk Elements cholesterol because my hair has the tendency to have moisture overload. If anyone has any suggestions to what may help I would love the help.

Why do you think your hair has moisture overload,? Instead of poo to get rid of mineral buildup I use Ion Hard Water Condish it makes my hair super soft. Aphogee leave in is a lot of protein I cant use it without my hair getting hard. Do you notice breakage like when you comb or on your shoulders or bathroom floor? Are you using heat to DC? Do you play in your hair alot? how often do you trim? Are you sleeping in a satin or silk scarf? Are you wet bunning for some that can be to much for the ends. What are you Moisturizing with daily?? If its the Aphogee that may be your problem. Do you seal? I no its alot of questions but do your best to answer so we can help you:)
Anavrin, I have recently started taking a daily multivitamin. I am not sure how much this will help but I am willing to try anything. I am starting to eat clean and have started in the last month decreasing the amount of junk food I am eating.

MrsJaiDiva I cut about 2 times a year. I thought that would be enough because I don't use heat but I am thinking of trimming every 3 months.

Regular trims work for me. I got the split ender, and do a mini trim every 2-3 does my hair a world of good, and I don't have to take an inch off or Inches off because I didn't catch the damaged hair in time. Damage happens from Everything, and Anything....not just heat or excessive manipulation. The CG Method also calls for regular trims as a way to keep air, and water flowing into the hair. Like cutting the brown end off of a rose.
Why do you think your hair has moisture overload,? Instead of poo to get rid of mineral buildup I use Ion Hard Water Condish it makes my hair super soft. Aphogee leave in is a lot of protein I cant use it without my hair getting hard. Do you notice breakage like when you comb or on your shoulders or bathroom floor? Are you using heat to DC? Do you play in your hair alot? how often do you trim? Are you sleeping in a satin or silk scarf? Are you wet bunning for some that can be to much for the ends. What are you Moisturizing with daily?? If its the Aphogee that may be your problem. Do you seal? I no its alot of questions but do your best to answer so we can help you:)

Thanks for trying to help. I don't currently have moisture overload but I did when I was trying to DC weekly. Now I only DC after I use regular shampoo. Wen Fig seems to be enough moisture for my hair on the weekly basis. I haven't heard of the conditioner you metioned but I'll research it!

It was hard for me to guage breakage because up until a week ago I was only combing my hair 1 to 2 times a week. I have started to detangle with a shower comb every night after I moisturize and seal to see if I am getting alot of breakage. Right now breakage is minimal. My ends are just see through with the last 1-3 inches full of SSK and splits. I make it to APL at least 2x a year only to have to cut.
claud-uk, my ends are really bad. The last 1-3 inches are full of SSK, are see through, and are very rough and dry. I was thinking the issue was wet bunning but month after my last trim and no wet bunning and my ends are starting to act up again.
dicapr ssks are the result of not enough moisture you should join the loucious healthy ends challenge to learn more about babying your ends. And im sure if you go into some of the wen threads you will find that most ladies only use wen and do not use regular poo at all, also it can be used as a DC. When it comes to our hair "less is more" try and keep it simple get some braids to give yourself a lil break sometimes when we get frustrated with our hair we end up fighting with it thus causing more problems I wish you luck:) hth
lamaria211 has covered a lot - if you can take the time to answer her questions we'll all be in a much better position to help you, hopefully. Subbing.


Sorry OP, I just saw your replies, my apologies.

I would stop combing your hair on a daily basis just to see if it breaks - that's just asking for trouble. I think once you've got the reason for the breakage/damage/split/thin ends down, it's time to re-address your PS methods so that once you get to SL/CBL you can successfully get to APL and beyond.

Are you sealing your ends?
Do you use heat?
What is your current styling AND your PS regi?
Are your individual strands fine/medium/thick?
How much relaxed ends do you have left?
Any other chemical processes (color etc) that you didn't mention?
Did you get SSK's when you were fully relaxed?
How often do you dust/trim?

What would you like to do, in an ideal world? Grow out the damage gradually and nurse your hair back to health, or cut back to NL and start again? It would be a shame to start over YET AGAIN, so maybe with a little time, a lot of patience and support from the ladies here we can go for the first option and see you through this episode. Don't want anybody to fall by or lose hope, not if we can help.
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claud-uk, my ends are really bad. The last 1-3 inches are full of SSK, are see through, and are very rough and dry. I was thinking the issue was wet bunning but month after my last trim and no wet bunning and my ends are starting to act up again.

You *might* need to up your protein as well. I do a weekly overnight DC with MT. If I skip a week, I can see it immediately. Nothing but SSK's, and my ends feel like dry trash. Its also the reason why i retain so well, because once i started to do regulat protein treatments, the fragile nape hairs just took off and theyre so strong now. You may need a stronger protein, or more frequent protein treatments.
You said that you are going to start trimming more frequently; that's a really good idea. It sounds to me like you need more protein and to trim more frequently. If your hair gets moisture overload that easily then perhaps you should start using a light/medium reconstructor every week for like a month or so to see if that helps. Giovanni Nutrafix is cone-free and is a great reconstructor :) and definitely get a good hair cut so that you are starting off fresh and new. I have to trim pretty regularly (every 4ish months) or I start to get a lot of single strand knots. You will get past this! I'm speaking it into existence!! :3

and does your hair like shea butter? I know some naturals need something sorta heavy on their ends to keep the knots and splits away.