Lanolin . . . What is it?


Well-Known Member
I disovered this and wanted to share

LANOLIN is a greasy, yellow substance extracted from wool. Chemically, lanolin is chiefly a mixture of cholesterol and the esters of several fatty acids.

LANOLIN one of nature’s own oils .... a humidifying protector.
LANOLIN exists as a natural oil on the skin and in the fibre of sheep’s wool.
LANOLIN acts as a waterproof raincoat to the animal.
LANOLIN is referred to as "wool fat or wool grease" by farmers.
LANOLIN resembles the sebaceous secretions of our own skin.
LANOLIN is separated from the shorn sheep’s wool after each spring clipping.
LANOLIN is a wonderful emollient- defined as an oil, having the ability to enhance the moisture content of the Stratum Corneum & thereby imparting a smooth softening effect. LANOLIN certainly has this effect. Ask a user.
I like it. It's in my oil mix. I've always avoided it because it was in grease that I used, but it was the petroleum that wrecked my hair, not the lanolin!