Ladies who use lye relaxers, how long before the unused portion "spoils?"


Well-Known Member
Back in the day, my mom used to store hers in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. :lachen:

I'm going to make the switch to lye relaxers soon. With the no-lye, there's usually only one application in the box, you mix it, and throw out the unused portion.

Generally, I know the lye relaxers contain more than one application.

So, how long do the unused portion last before it spoils?

Do you do anything extra to extend the freshness?

I need to kow this as well. I have a tub of designer essentials and I only used it one time. Come on ladies help us out!! :)
I'd like to know this too. I had this unused portion of Mizani and when I opened it it had a strong ammonia smell so I threw it out.
I have kept Mizani around for months - up to four months after first use. The smells get a little strong, but it doesn't last. I have kept all types of LYE perms for months. Don't worry!!
I read on the guy's website from Avlon (Dr Ali Syed) that lye relaxer lasts for up to 2 years if stored in a cool dark place with the lid tightly on. He said he did not recommend the fridge. He also said, which scared me, that a no-lye relaxer continues reacting as soon as you mix it, so there's a big difference between 20 minutes and 30 minutes. I was like whoaaa.

This was a 5 minute interview about lye relaxers in general
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