Ladies Who Brush! GET IN HERE......plz


New Member
Its no emergency: i just need yall honest opinion on these new brushes. I just read an article on these "styling therapy brushes" from goody.
one brush is called the "Jojoba Brush"......its infused w/ jojoba oil so you can brush away dull, damaged hair: to condition and hydrate hair. It adds shine, replaces moisture lost, banish fly-aways, and smoothes the cuticle: it seems pretty safe:..
...they have one for color-treated hair and dandruff.

Jojoba Brushes: Dandruff Brushes: Color Protecting Brushes

I looked at it and I don't get it. Do you add the oil to it? How is the brush made of jojoba oil?:spinning: I feel slow. I like the way it looks though as if that matters.:look:
I saw this brush in the store the other day. I just laughed and put it back. I didn't even stop to try and figure out how jojoba oil is in the brush. I was just thinking...what will they come up with next. I guess since I don't brush it didn't pique my curiosity. Duh! That's why you said ladies who bad!:spinning:
I looked at it and I don't get it. Do you add the oil to it? How is the brush made of jojoba oil?:spinning: I feel slow. I like the way it looks though as if that matters.:look:

they say the brush is infused w/ Jojoba Oil: so when u brush ur hair: it becomes more shinier and smooths the hair. I does look appealing: if this brush does wat it says: it saves me buying products that will add build-up
I bought the brush and took it right back to Walmart the next day. It's a waste of money because after a few months the oil goes out and you have to replace the brush. I thought it would make a good detangling brush, but it's not worth 10.00
I went to the health food store and got a 16 oz. bottle of jojoba oil so whenever I want some I just go get the bottle, squirt some in my hand and put it directly on my head.

Don't waste your money on that silly brush.
I'm kind of interested in the copper brush. :ohwell: But it kind of makes me wonder if I should just find a penny made before 1982 and rub it on my head.
I...I'm skeptical so let me know how it turns out if anyone buys one.

Sounds like hype - just like those pantyhoes infused with coffee to make cellulite disappear that everyone was buying up...
There's a tip in another thread where you pour a little oil in the palm of your hand, then rub the brush bristles in it. When you brush your hair, the oil is spread evenly throughout the hair. I tried it last night and it works really well. I could also imagine spraying a mist moisturizer on the brush for the same effect. You'll just have to be sure to wash your brush very regularly.