Ladies who apply JBCO to their scalps...I have an odd ??


New Member
Ok, I've been using JBCO on my scalp for about 2 months. My hair loves it, and has really thickened up from it! :grin:
However today after my wash and detangling session I happened to look at the hair in the comb to assess the damage, and it looked like I had alot of breakage. I'm 14 weeks post and all the hair strands were long but had no visible bulb. I was really upset until I looked really close and all the bulbs were there, but they were so tiny...way smaller than usual,
So I guess my question is have any other ladies experienced this? Its not a big deal, but I was about to cry if it was breakage.
Hi do you ladies find once you start putting Castor Oil on your scalp it is harder to comb your hair because it makes your hair thicker.
Ive been using JBCO on my scalp for the past few weeks also and love love love the thickness of my hair. However, i too have noticed a lot more shed hair. Most have bulbs - a few don't. At first I thought it was because I need a touch up (which could still be the case). However, I think its more about the THICKNESS of the root combined with combing. I am going to cornrow and wig for a few days and see if that helps.
I'm confused..............are you saying that the JBCO is making your root bulbs smaller and therefore falling out faster?

If so, that is scary!:ohwell:
Oh :shocked: i have just started using this. So you think it's making your follicles shrink?
Eta: actually if i remember correctly, your hair follicles do you shrink when they are ready to shed.
Like if you were to pull out a strand that wasn't meant to come out the bulb would be bigger and sometimes a lil sticky. Maybe check an eyebrow hair and see.
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No my hair wasn't shedding any faster than normal, I usually get a ball of hair b/c i only detangle once a week. But yes my hair is SO much harder to comb, I might lay off for a few weeks after my touchup today!
Hmm, I just joined a JBCO challange and I also began to loose a lot of hair to shedding. I tend to think its the hard water I have to deal with. But seeing this thread is making me wonder.
Its not the castro oil at all i never notice any breakage from it just extra soft hair for my daughter and i
Hi do you ladies find once you start putting Castor Oil on your scalp it is harder to comb your hair because it makes your hair thicker.

IMHO JBCO should be used when bunning or with some other protective style. It's too thick to give your hair that swang....
I wouldn't say that my hair sheds more, I just noticed that the bulbs on the shed hair are smaller. And I only put the castor oil on my hair when it's going into a bun. It's way too thick and sticky for my hair to be down and for me to try and comb it. I just brush the top layer of my hair back into a bun and make it smooth in order for it to look nice. Although I have put some jbco on my scalp when my hair was in tight curls..the curls weren't really hanging if you know what I mean so it didnt really affect it and I just left it alone and didn't worry about combing or even finger combing.
IMHO JBCO should be used when bunning or with some other protective style. It's too thick to give your hair that swang....

Uhmm. I comb my hair everyday and my PS is the phoney ponytail. I may need to just brush when I use it. I was thinking to using it 2 days straight before my wash day so I don't have to struggle to comb all week.

I wonder how other ladies handle their hair while applying castor oil.
Yeah I don't even attempt to comb my hair, I PS all week, and I can barely finger comb. I'm relaxing today, I can't handle all this NG!
I apply JBCO to my scalp maybe twice a week, I haven't noticed any extra shedding. :perplexed I *have* noticed the thickness of my strands :love: and I mix a lil bit with wheatgerm oil & Elucence MB and use as my leave in. :yep: