Ladies Please Help ASAP! I dont want a set back!!!!


New Member
Ok, so since mid January {my 1 year nappiversary!} my hair has been in a full head sew in weave. I prefer these to braids because my edges are really weak, and even though I take EXTREME care with my braids my edges still thin, so when I get a sew in i just get bangs and leave my edges out. I'm usually go with moisturizing and washing my hair regularly while in protective styles but this time :rolleyes:....well school got the better of me. I moisturized with the ShescentIt Moisture Mist often enough but I did not wash and condition my hair regularly. I'm taking my install down and my hair is DRY!!!! :nono: Like the type of dry I havent seen since Before LHCF!:sad: My roots and new growth are moisturized but all the hair that was braided feels very dry and I'm worried about breakage. I'm going to detangle with Sauve Humectant, wash with SheScentIt Jojoba Hemp Conditioning Shampoo and deep condition with either SheScentIt Banana Brulee or Elasta QP DPR -11... not sure yet:ohwell: {Which one guys, I go back and forth???}. What techniques would you recommend for a SERIOUS conditioning treatment!

And oh yah, I'm getting another install tomorrow afternoon, short break i know but this was the only time I could do it! Be nice now ladies remember I'm a :newbie::newbie:
Try a deep condition and use a good leave in on your hair when it is being braided back up. Maybe the time you are waiting for a weave use like a suave conditioner as a leave in or something else that will help you retain moisture. Something with a glycerine base may even be good. Check out the thread with the Care Free Curl challenge.

Now you being a newbie, I will be nice so I will nicely say can you hold off on the weave install for a week or two to do a couple of more deep conditionings, oil treatments, moisture treatments so your hair can be in tip top shape before putting it back into the weave?

You want to retain your length but if it continues to stay dry and you are under the weave and it is still drying you may be defeating the purpose.

Do you have a good spritz or spray you can use with the weave install to get to your hair? You should invest in one.
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Whatever conditioners you use, you shouldn't be getting another sew-in until you fix that dryness!

unless you want a setback.

And I just looked at your join date. You're not that new. Not new enough not to know that you don't put another sew-in on desert dry hair. :look:
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Whatever conditioners you use, you shouldn't be getting another sew-in until you fix that dryness!

unless you want a setback.

And I just looked at your join date. You're not that new. Not new enough not to know that you don't put another sew-in on desert dry hair. :look:

Totally agree with the bolded. I am also a newbie but have been lurking for two years :look:

You should give your hair some TLC before getting another install. I personally recommend the Elasta DPR, although i havent tried the others.

IMO; Why not prepoo with aphogee 2 min before DCing with the DPR - Giving your hair a double treat. Then assess your hairs condition, before proceeding with the install.
i agree with the ladies above, you cant eat your cake and have your hair(ok that's not how it goes) but you know what i mean
your hair needs to rest before another weave or even braid until you get moisture in
if your looking for a quick fix, that wont be advisable
yeah dont re-install... take care of YOUR hair first....weaves should not be used to cover problems...

I have extended times inbetween installs just to get my hair right, I suggest you do the same.
I don't know how much protein your hair can take, but, if it were me, I'd do an oil treatment:

coconut cream + oils of choice + tablespoon of yougurt (my hair hates protein) or protein of choice + garlic

Leave this in for a few hours then do a moisturizing dc with heat for a few hours. Then wash/co-wash. Do your preferred leave-ins and protective styles for awhile until your hair has recovered. I would not do another weave tomorrow - it's just too soon. Let your hair recover first.
Thanks for all the advice ladies! I'm deep conditioning right now and my hair is already looking and feeling like normal! :rolleyes: Whew! My beautitian is not available for another month so I'll reschedule then! I Love yall!