Ladies I need your help on this one: Please go to


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this website and tell me if anyone has tried this product. I also checked out the website for Daphne Gnidium and found it interesting. Now the Penn Herb site has a product called Baka that they have good claims about. I am not certain if this is the same one as Barry Fletcher uses or not. They claim that this is all that is in the package, the herb Daphne Gnidium and that no chemicals or other herbs have been mixed in They claim that this is totally natural relaxer. I have heard that it is an excellent conditioner with relaxant properties. What say you? I want to know if any of one has personally tried this product or if you know anyone who has personally tried it. I would love to have a full review by those who know first hand. My computer is acting up. I will post the website address in a following post otherwise if I switch out I could lose my post. (wipe out!) Thank you for all the replies I hope to receive. I have considered trying this out, so it would mean a lot to have some feedback. I know about Copa and Rio. Is this in that category in anyone's experience? Bonjour.;Hair,%20Products%20For%20All%20Types

sorry ladies: I posted this on another post. I also posted the direct quote from that site about the rexer. Now I read a few posts on other sites and someone stated that it does not straighten, it only conditions and loosens.....anyway, it is under Baka Natural laxer on that site I just posted under Hair Products for all types of Hair. Bonjour.
I've never used it but I know the makers of this product has a website.

Hi Hiddy,
this product sounds like it could be similar to Henna or the herbal tame gel relaxer by gold medal. you could use henna by itselsf or add herbal powders and GPB and or 2 tablespoons of oil I have been doing this every 2 weeks and it does very slowly release the curl. but if you were to stop using the henna your natural texture would come back after several washes. Natures gate has a henna conditioner that you could probably use the same way but it may not be as beneficial as pure henna <font color="blue"> </font color>
Hey Mahalialee,

Isn't Daphne Gnidium the active ingredient in Naturalxer? You don't want to use that I take it.Or even just a regular relaxer? Out or curiousity why do you want to use this stuff to straighten? Maybe I missed something with the switchover but I thought you had braids and were using the crown and glory method.

Have you seen this website with this product?

Smart &amp; Natural Hair Strengthener

Sale Price: $10.99

This is a unique blend of organically grown herbs to assist the hair in growing. This blend is hand prepared and is excellent for the hair and scalp for revitalizing new growth. Smart &amp; Natural Hair Strengthener also helps to maintain a natural glossy texture and is great for both children and adults.

There is no natural hair product that is capable of so many wonderful benefits as SMART AND NATURAL&amp;#8217;S HERBAL HAIR STRENGTHENER. It protects against various types of scalp fungus, dandruff and itchy scalp. When heat is used, it goes beyond protection to improve the condition of your hair as you heat and style. Particularly noticed is the manageability of hair by people who live in regions where the humidity is high. Smart &amp; Natural contains certain herbs that mildly straighten the hair without the use of harmful chemicals. It is formulated with essential oils and herbs that penetrate the scalp, as so many other unnatural products do. It stimulates and nourishes the scalp and helps to promote the growth of new healthy hair. Because of its softening and straightening ability, Smart &amp; Natural is widely used on the hair of children, as well as adults, which makes combing and brushing much easier.

the phone # is 281 565 herb
To be perfectly honest, I intend to stay natural. I am always on the lookout for natural ingredients to make hair recipes. this Daphne Gnidium powder, if it is truly natural should have the effect of henna which I use. I use Shikakai, Amla, Neem, Tulsi etc. My desire is to find a resin product, that has not been doctored with any chemical. Yes, I am still doing the Crown and Glory Method. You would not believe how thick my hair is getting. I was shocked with I did my hair last night. I took down the braids because my hair is fine textured and it had a lot of product buildup from daily moisturizing and conditioners and oils etc. My hair will not last as long in the braids as many other people have the success in doing. It starts to stick out of the braids, fuzz (even though I tie it down with a silk scarf and I have a constant halo if I do not.) It is very manageable, but I am finding that now that the back is at bra strap length and the sides are catching up and the front is armpit length, with bangs trying to catch up, I want to keep it strong, manageable and natural. If I order it I will take it to the university and ask the lab to test it to see if it is chemical free. Do you have a website address for the Smart and Natural Hair strengthener. My hair strands are fine, and do not have the strength of that beautiful 4b and so I have to build up the strands because my next goal is waistlength.. I would like to wear it out a couple of times this next year and I do not want it to be damagedI would like to try some roller setting later on as well, when I have finished with the Crown and Glory. I want to do my henna once a month now, my deep conditioner every week, along with a deep moisturizer, when I am not in the braids. I take about a 2 week break. Hope this helps. I will look at the Baka website as well. Please reply. Need all the help I can get. Bonjour.
here is the link for the website:

I am very glad that you are getting such good results with the braids! keep up the good work. Make sure you get rid of all that buildup b/c I was told this weekend that when hair has too much buildup you make your hair shaft not able to receive deep conditioning treatments and moisture, as a result cutting off nourishment to the inside keratin and medulla in the end causing breakage. (maybe what some experience with too much protein buildup?) This is why I am no too crazy about the no shampoo method any more and also stay away from heavy products like beeswax that coat and are hard to wash out.

I emailed the company asking them if they could send me a list of the ingredients and which herbs are hair straightening herbs so I can avoid them.They have yet to reply.

I wasn't aware that henna had that effert. Its only temporary right as someone else posted b/c once you stop using it your hair reverts back? So it's kinda like a really heavy conditiong treatment that coats your hair ? Some gals on another board are having this same straightening effect using shea butter and the no shampoo method over time.

And taking it to a lab is a great idea. I wish I had access to one.
When and if they reply I will be sure to post it here for you.