Lace front wig: asking for opinions


New Member
Hello, I'm new here.

I bought my first lace front wig about two weeks ago and the reactions to it have been less than favorable.

I got the idea for wearing lace front wigs from this forum, so I thought that this would be the best place to ask for opinions and to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Any help would be appreciated!




I know the second picture is difficult to see. I apologize for that.

Edit: I'm going to try posting those pictures again *ashamed*
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That looks hot! It looks very natural :yep:. 2 thumbs up from me!

ETA: Why has the reaction been less than favourable? I can't see the hairline but from I can see it looks good.
The only thing i can think of is that the hairline isn't realistic because it's really full, which leads me to believe that this is a BSS lace front?
Better options would be places that specialize in full lace wigs because they know how to make a more believable hairline. They're a lot more expensive though.
Other than that, I think it looks good. I have a couple BSS lace fronts but I don't care if it looks believable or about anyone else's long as my hair is protected.
@MrsdeReyes: I get a lot of stares and snickering whether I'm out in the general public (department store, gas station, etc.) or at work. My co-workers say that I look "ridiculous" and that I'm "embarrassing".

@winnettag: Indeed it is a BSS wig. I would love to go to a specialist myself, but the costs are a bit out of my price range.

Thank you for both for your comments.
I think they are being mean, it is not that bad, like mentioned the front looks a little high, if I saw you, I would not say anything, your pretty and it looks like a weave which is not a bad thing at all.

If people saw my wig, now that is funny!!Lol!!!
It looks rather full which give it a wiggy look its still cute. You can go to a stylist and have it thinned out a bit or get bangs cut so you dont have to worry about the hair line.
ETA: I usually go for wigs with bangs or swipe bangs so its not high in the front and it doesnt have that full look. Those are the wigs i get from the BSS.
I think it looks really nice! Maybe you could thin it out and add a little more of a haircut to it, but even if you didnt it still looks fine. To me, the front looks realistic, I hate to see the "Samurai hair" look some people have with the front of lacefronts:perplexed.
I like it, but I do agree with Winnetag that the front is a little to can thin it out or have it style. I am surprised by your coworkers statements...they are ridiculous and embarrassing...forget them!!
is this human hair or synthetic?

if it is human, then you should bleach the knots atleast around the hair line so that the hair looks like it is coming from your scalp. be sure to wear a flesh tone wig cap so that some light color scalp can be seen. Thin out the hair line (and a bit of the rest of the wig around the crown area) with some tweezers. Just pluck it a little like you would pluck your eyebrows. be sure to seal the knots to prevent shedding. I like Patrica Nemocks fabric sealer to seal the knots. You only want to do a light spray on the inside of your cap b/c it will seep through if you use to much and look like you have dandruff.

if the wig is synthetic, you can still try to think it out with pluck out some hairs but you have to look at the construction of the cap. many synthetic lacefronts are individual sewn around the hairline and then are machine crafted beyond the hair line. some of the synthetic lacefronts need all of the hair at the hairline to hide where the individual hairs end and the machine crafting begins. from the picture, it looks more full behind the hair line, especially at the top. I find that hairpieces that are too full up top tend to look wiggy and heavy. So if the wig is synthetic, I would probably look into some methods of thinning behind the hair line so that you can take some of the density out of the wig without making it so thin that people can see the fabric behind the hairline. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but I hope it does. If you are afraid of plucking it, you might want to take it to any hairdress that does styles with synthic hair such as quick weaves so that they can cut it and style it for you. Be sure to have the wig applied when you go in so they don't try to charge you $75.00 to give you an expert wig application, when all they are really doing is taking your money and trying to learn how to apply the wig.
From the pictures is looks nice, but I know from my own LF experience that pics don't really get close enough for you to see the real problem. I'm guessing it's the hairline. I gave up on bss lf wigs b/c I know I don't have the patience to make it look realistic. Now I just wear the standard wig.
I stand by my opinion that it looks great. The length and cut look realistic. I guess the problem is the hairline. I have no idea why anyone would laugh or snicker at you. It is not shiny or fake looking. So what if the hairline is a little full, I have seen way worse on the women who model wigs for a living.
The density looks really high and not realistic. It just looks like you're wearing a wig. As far as the snickering and claims of you looking ridiculous is far fetched. Those people are trying to hurt your feelings and making you feel insecure which is not cool.

Tweeking that hairline with some tweezers or running shears through the top will cut down on the density.

But I've seen ridiculous and you don't live anywhere near that neighborhood.
Have you considered full wigs or even half wigs? Half wigs are great because you can blend your own hair with them or just throw a headband over the front.
I think it looks really nice! Maybe you could thin it out and add a little more of a haircut to it, but even if you didnt it still looks fine. To me, the front looks realistic, I hate to see the "Samurai hair" look some people have with the front of lacefronts:perplexed.

I agree with all the above. mayb u could try bangs.

& ur co-workers are rude & disrespectful. pay them no mind
Buy a pair of thinning shears. Very easy to use and helps take away the bulk of the wig. If it's really shiny, you can put some cornstarch on it to take away the shine. But honestly, I'm not seeing a problem. I think parting it to the side would be more flattering. Maybe pull it closer to your hairline? Or pull some of your hair out to blend with it and make it look more natural. Unless your real hair is completely different texture or color. I tried that once. It didn't work, so I just shoved my hair back in.

Seriously, I'm reaching and nitpicking, I have no clue what those people are talking about, you look fine.

What's the color and brand? I've noticed if I wear jet black/1 it looks a little more artificial then 1b on me. And I do think some brands make better wigs then others. I bought one from Eve and it looks like a hot mess. Well, had, it was tossed and is now in a garbage dump somewhere.

Truly, I have no clue what the snickering is about. *scratches head* I've seen some bad wigs. Hell, I've worn bad wigs. :giggle: I know bad wigs, damn it, and that wig isn't a bad one. :grin:
1st - how insensitive for your coworkers or anybody to make those kind of comments to you. 2nd - you can rock a nice BSS lace front wig. I have three of them, have not altered them in anyway and have people asking me for advice on where to get them. I am not trying to give the impression that this is my hair (just hair-bernating til spring) but some people still stare because they can't figure it out. I go from BSL to neck length in the course of a week. I'm not expert but I couldn't see your part exposing the lace to give it the realistic look. No worries it could just be a regular wig. In any case you are a beautiful lady and I suggest you continue to do you with confidence!
So many comments! I really appreciate this. Wall of text ahead:

@winnettag, shopgalore, natasha009, livinmylifelikeitsgolden, supermodelsonya: Looking at it again, I can see what you ladies are talking about. I hate the "samurai hair" look as well!

@hair4romheaven: I'm glad that I recently found a stylist that I actually trust. I might have her do that if I find that I can't thin it out myself. I'm actually thinking of getting some thinning shears and testing them out on an old wig of mine. I hate bangs and swipe bangs (I actually hate having hair touch my face period), but I might just have to grin and bear it in order to look better...

@OrangeMoon, MrsdeReyes: thank you! :)

@bellezanegra826: It's synthetic. I'm definitely going to follow up on everyone's advice about thinning it out.

@likewtr4chklit, ladypbc: I decided to post a pic with a closer view.

@LaToya28: I've tried full wigs. I actually have two but I wore them out without thinning them first and got the same responses that I'm getting now. I should probably get those thinned out as well. I have a half wig, but my hair is natural underneath and I hated having to worry about it - even with the headband. Right now I wash it every two weeks, straighten it, do two-strand flat twists for my entire head, then plop a wig on.

@Caychia: I'm trying my best. It gets hard at times, though.

@Lady Speedstick: Definitely going to invest in a pair of thinning shears. I feel it is a bit shiny, but I thought you could use baby powder instead of cornstarch? It's as close to the hairline as possible, but I'm honestly paranoid about losing hair there. I can't pull hair out because it's all braided up and it doesn't match the color and texture anyway. The color is 2, the style is Summer II. The brand is Champagne premium quality lace front wig and it was made in Indonesia. I definitely agree with all that you are saying.

I have more pictures here. Face not looking so nice today, but that's not why I'm here. I re-twisted my hair the best I could and played around with the hair a bit. I'm still going to get the shears.


Brushed it down.


From the back.





Thanks again!
could it be that your hair under needs to be tighter?
I would like to do twist or two corn rows but it makes wigs look to puffy on me. I just have to suck it up and take the time to put more braids in so it lays flat.

Also have you checked hair sisters? I purchased one wig from the BS but for the most part hair sisters is almost HALF the prices of the BS. Of course you cant try it on but you can get a pretty good feel by looking at the submitted photos.

Hairsisters (and other sites) are always having sales as well.
Love the new one, it looks great!!!

You should rest back in the knowledge that your hair underneath is being protected and resting.
Baby powder works fine too. Don't have to stick with corn starch. I've heard good things about Champagne wigs because they give you more lace then other brands.

Adding on to lwilliams post, I've found coils to be less "poofy" then twists so it's closer to the head. But hair is about 3 inches without straightening so YMMV.

The only other thing I can suggest is to tell the haters to kiss your buttocks.
First of all, I am really sorry that those people are talking to you like that and making you feel that way; that is completely inappropriate and unacceptable.

Now, I think that the hair looks nice, it looks especially good in the new pictures; is that hair drastically different than your real/natural hair? Sometimes people react to the stark difference not necessarily the actual end product.

But anyways, like I said, I think it looks nice and people are gonna talk and say crap; especially if it draws attention away from their own imperfections or if they are miserable. Dust your shoulders off and be confident that you are an attractive young lady who is taking the necessary steps to maintaining/growing healthy hair :)