Koolaid in Henna Mix?


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

I would like to do a henna treatment on Sunday, but I am afraid after all of my hard work, my hair will not come out as red as I would like it to be (I've tried before). Is it safe to add Koolaid to the mix? Has anyone done this to achieve a richer color? So far my recipe is

50g Henna
A little bit of Lemon Juice

Any suggestions would be helpful!

- Pet
How about adding hibiscus powder instead? Fresh hibiscus powder makes the henna mix really, really deep red.
lolol....Thank you girls... JLove, you had me laughing...lol. I'll add some grape juice. I will use hibiscus powder in the future Lavendar, but since I want to do this is on Sunday, I'll use the grape juice since it's easier to get.

Thanks again!