Kinda Weird Question...


New Member
I'm the Queen of strange questions, lol. With that being said, how many of you ladies take some of your favorite conditioner, dilute it with water, and put it in a spray bottle to use as your daily moisturizer :look:? If so:

1. How many ounces is your spray bottle and approximately how much conditioner do you use?
2. Would you describe your hair as fine, normal, or coarse?
3. Is this a method you use on a regular basis, or is it just when you're in a hurry?
4. Do you seal with oil afterward?
5. Do you find that doing this helps your hair feel soft and moisturized until wash day?

TIA :drunk:
I don't find any of those questions to be strange...There are many threads about this.

1. I don't measure...I fill about an 8 ounce spray bottle and add a few sqirts of v05 and spray.
2. I think I have medium strands.
3. I use it every morning to moisturize and refreash bed head.
4. I do not seal. Sealing makes my hair scrunchy and hard.
5. :yep:
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I tried this for a while. I mixed aussie 3 min, water, olive oil. And i got a bit to much build up, i was relaxed and i think i have medium strands, i guess it would only be a decent mix if you bun, or wear hair in your natural curls (no fake curls) other wise it will get ruined. So i'm gonna try this again when i'm fully natural. Sorry i couldn't answer the way you laid not , i'm on my phone.
I don't find any of those questions to be strange...There are many threads about this.

1. I don't measure...I fill about an 8 ounce spray bottle and add a few sqirts of v05 and spray.
2. I think I have medium strands.
3. I use it every morning to moisturize and refreash bed head.
4. I do not seal. Sealing makes my hair scrunchy and hard.
5. :yep:

Thanks. I figured there had to be a few threads on this subject, but I didn't quite know what to type in the search engine, lol.
I don't measure. I have an 8 oz bottle. I put in maybe 7 or 8 squirts of vo5, 2 or 3 tablespoons of evoo and fill up with water. I shake it and spray.
I have coarse relaxed hair.
I used it every now and then.Usually a couple times a week when my bun got dusty looking. Only did it for 3 or 4 weeks though.
I didn't seal.
I will only do this in emergency now. My hair was dull and full of buildup. I prefer mango butter and water .
1. i think my water bottle is about 8oz. 50% water, then i throw in a bunch of other stuff along with conditioner or anti-snap, or both.
2. medium i guess
3. my hair is the boss so i do it when it tells me i need to
4. yes. evoo, evco, or with proclaim 7 oil in the green bottle (tryna use that mess up)
5. yes ma'am
I'm the Queen of strange questions, lol. With that being said, how many of you ladies take some of your favorite conditioner, dilute it with water, and put it in a spray bottle to use as your daily moisturizer :look:? If so:

1. How many ounces is your spray bottle and approximately how much conditioner do you use?
2. Would you describe your hair as fine, normal, or coarse?
3. Is this a method you use on a regular basis, or is it just when you're in a hurry?
4. Do you seal with oil afterward?
5. Do you find that doing this helps your hair feel soft and moisturized until wash day?

TIA :drunk:

1) I don't measure. I just guesstimate how much to use. It works for me.
2) fine, dense & kinky
3) If my hair is loose, everyday. If my hair is in a protected style, when needed.
4) I add my oil (castor) into my spray.
5) surely does
Thanks everybody. I really like the idea of just making an all-in-one moisturizing mix. It saves a lot of time. And I also like the idea of adding the oil to the mix so I don't have to seal afterward. I'm so lazy, lol. I guess I'll just have to experiment until I find the right amount for myself. I'm thinking about 2 tablespoons of conditioner and 1 tablespoon of oil, and the rest water. I have about an 8 to 10 ounce spray bottle.
1. How many ounces is your spray bottle and approximately how much conditioner do you use?
I don't fill up the spray bottle all the maybe 1/4th of the way and I put maybe 1 1/2 tbsp of condish and dilute
2. Would you describe your hair as fine, normal, or coarse?
I have fine hairs on my nape and edges and I would say the rest is between normal and coarse
3. Is this a method you use on a regular basis, or is it just when you're in a hurry?
I actually just do this when my hair is in a weave and I use it to spray the braids underneath
4. Do you seal with oil afterward?
Nope...:look: [I should though right?]
5. Do you find that doing this helps your hair feel soft and moisturized until wash day?
Yep! I'm touching my NG and I love wash day is on friday
The amount I dilute depends on the conditioner :yep:

I like doing this because you can make a creamy or liquid mix and make it heavier or lighter as needed.
I did this just the other day. I diluted the conditioner/oil mix that I was using for my pre-poo. I mixed too much and didn't want to waste any of it so I diluted it with water but didn't measure. I don't do this on a regular basis and I will use the mixture to moisten my hair the next time I do a braidout. My hair is medium grade. I don't seal
with oil when using this mixture since it has oil in the mix. Yes this makes my hair softer.
I have a V05/HE LTR/Castor Oil/water mix in an 8 oz spray bottle. Now that I wash one day a week (Sunday), I'll use this to keep my hair soft and moisturized.
btw, I only use a drop of LTR, since I don't need much protein.
I have a V05/HE LTR/Castor Oil/water mix in an 8 oz spray bottle. Now that I wash one day a week (Sunday), I'll use this to keep my hair soft and moisturized.
btw, I only use a drop of LTR, since I don't need much protein.

I'm doing the one day a week washing thing, too. That's why I can't moisturize my hair like I used to when I co-washed dang near every day.
1. How many ounces is your spray bottle and approximately how much conditioner do you use? It's a tall bottle from the beauty supply. I put 50% Water/50% Aloe Vera Juice a bit of avocado/olive oil.

2. Would you describe your hair as fine, normal, or coarse? Fine

3. Is this a method you use on a regular basis, or is it just when you're in a hurry? Everyday

4. Do you seal with oil afterward? After using the spray bottle I use a bit of my reformulated lighter version of Qhemet Heavy Cream and seal with olive and honey balm.

5. Do you find that doing this helps your hair feel soft and moisturized until wash day?
1. How many ounces is your spray bottle and approximately how much conditioner do you use?
I use an 8 oz. bottle from Sally's with enough condish to cover the bottom, that's all. I'll mix water and aloe vera juice, and in the summer add honeyquat or glycerin (not in the winter though).

2. Would you describe your hair as fine, normal, or coarse?

3. Is this a method you use on a regular basis, or is it just when you're in a hurry?
I use a spray conditioner everyday, but not necessarily one I make. I've been trying to use up some others first.

4. Do you seal with oil afterward?
I add around a tablespoon of oil to the mix. I make sure they're lighter oils, like grapeseed, even in the winter, because of buildup concerns.

5. Do you find that doing this helps your hair feel soft and moisturized until wash day?
1. How many ounces is your spray bottle and approximately how much conditioner do you use?
I use an 8 oz. bottle from Sally's with enough condish to cover the bottom, that's all. I'll mix water and aloe vera juice, and in the summer add honeyquat or glycerin (not in the winter though).

2. Would you describe your hair as fine, normal, or coarse?

3. Is this a method you use on a regular basis, or is it just when you're in a hurry?
I use a spray conditioner everyday, but not necessarily one I make. I've been trying to use up some others first.

4. Do you seal with oil afterward?
I add around a tablespoon of oil to the mix. I make sure they're lighter oils, like grapeseed, even in the winter, because of buildup concerns.

5. Do you find that doing this helps your hair feel soft and moisturized until wash day?

Yeah, I've discovered that sealing everyday with heavy oils definitely causes build-up. I should use my safflower oil as the oil I put in my spray mixes, and just save my coconut oil for scalp massaging and sealing on wash days.