Kinda scared to ask such a question...


Well-Known Member
But does anyone ever feel apprehensive about what their new texture will feel and look like? I'm currently transitioning and I want to be happy with my texture. I seem to have different patches all over my head so I don't know what it will look like. I'm only 5 months in.

I've seen some ladies with some beautiful 4b hair, but I don't think that it will look right on me. The back of my hair is 3c, I believe. *sigh* I just want to be content with my hair! Please tell me there are some other transitioners that feel the way I do!! :spinning:
But does anyone ever feel apprehensive about what their new texture will feel and look like? I'm currently transitioning and I want to be happy with my texture. I seem to have different patches all over my head so I don't know what it will look like. I'm only 5 months in.

I've seen some ladies with some beautiful 4b hair, but I don't think that it will look right on me. The back of my hair is 3c, I believe. *sigh* I just want to be content with my hair! Please tell me there are some other transitioners that feel the way I do!! :spinning:

5 as though you are well on your way..I'm only week 12. No, CheLala,,not apprehensive...excited as I remember how beautifully textured my natural 4a hair was. My fear is the thickness and the demarcation line..hopefully having only used in the last few years Silk Elements, a mild relaxer which never left me very straight will make the transistion less traumatic.
I think it's perfectly - reasonable - to be a little nervous - you don't know what it's going to look like!

I think that the hair that you are born with ALWAYS looks good on you - it's society's impact and taught perceptions that makes people think that what they are born with isn't good/pretty/whatever enough.


I think that you will find your hair, in it's uniqueness, to be uniquely yours and uniquely gorgeous - no matter what it ends up looking like.

And, if you just really, really, really, really, really, dislike it - you can always go back to perms!
But does anyone ever feel apprehensive about what their new texture will feel and look like? I'm currently transitioning and I want to be happy with my texture. I seem to have different patches all over my head so I don't know what it will look like. I'm only 5 months in.

I've seen some ladies with some beautiful 4b hair, but I don't think that it will look right on me. The back of my hair is 3c, I believe. *sigh* I just want to be content with my hair! Please tell me there are some other transitioners that feel the way I do!! :spinning:

I'm definitely there with you. I have had for the very longest an ideal of what i would LOVE to have. And at 6 months I'm seeing that... I might not have exactly what I'd always hoped for. I might have a version of it. I know what you mean when you say "you might know what it will look like" because honestly... it's when it "hangs" that I'll know what it's really doing for me. The puffs are beautiful, don't get me wrong. But I really want mine to hang with heavy luscious coils...

I tell myself that if i'm TRULY unhappy with it after all that time - I'll have a head full of healthy strong tresses - that I'll relax and go straight again. It's all about having a healthy head of hair for me. Whether that's nappy goodness or sleek stuff.

Good luck, mama - you're TOTALLY not alone
Don't feel bad. Even though I was natural during high school I still felt a little nervous when I stopped relaxing 7 years ago. The way I figured if I really didn't like it I could always relax again. It took me some time to get used to my hair and I will be honest and say that sometimes I envy the ladies with hair that is more curly but I have learned to work w/my hair. Even now I Love my hair on most days but relaxing is always an option so don't feel like you're locked into something. Try it out but you always have options.
Thanks all for the encouraging words. I don't want to give up on it til I can TRULY see what it will look like. But yea, there is always going back to relaxers. :)
ALso you must realize that the first 3 inches of your hair will be 'scab' hair.

Hair that still acts like it has a relaxer. So you won't really be seeing your real texture until after you have more than 3 inches of new growth.
But when I was natural I was apprehensive about my texture was going to be but I didn't transition long either 5 months and then BC! I was happy with my hair and learned to love it. But I ended up going back to a relaxer after 14 months b/c I knew how to take care of my hair as a natural and wanted to grow it out long with texalaxing instead.
I am about 6 months in, and am still weary about my texture, but like stated above, a relaxer never got me straight anyway. The texture at my roots and closest to my head is smooth, strong, and very elastic, so that is a positive!

My hair is thickkkkk!, so trying to smooth down this mountian is a challenge at times.
I transitioned for 10 months and I was so scared when I did the BC!! But your hair looks so different once you cut the relaxed ends off!! It lets the curl hang and it looks so much different!!
NEVER be scared to ask a question, NEVER! That's what we're here for! Now of course its natural to be nervous! Natural hair is something we haven't done since we were little girls so you have NO IDEA of what ur natural texture is. I think u just have to have patience and love ur hair for what it is and don't try to beat it into submission. Enjoy the process of growing it out and realize that for the first 6-9 months ur hair is shedding itself of the relaxer, hence "scab hair" so it may not be a true representation of ur actual texture.
I transitioned for 10 months and I was so scared when I did the BC!! But your hair looks so different once you cut the relaxed ends off!! It lets the curl hang and it looks so much different!!
ITA...the curls popped literally as soon as i cut the ends off.

i was scared/disappointed at first since my NG resembled a loose 3c, but when i BC'd all i saw in the back was 4a. but then i realized that i have the most perfect curls in the back of my head...i love to play with them. although i thought i would have more waves/crinkles than curls i still looooove it. i do still have 3c in the front and at the top (which i guess is what i was seeing when i looked in the mirror anyway) but i like the 4a better actually.
Scab hair...maybe that's whats wrong with the middle of my head :grin:

I need to get braids for a few months. I've enjoyed wearing hairstyles that are NOT straight though. Before I began to transition, I would always wear my hair straight. A different hairstyle to me meant changing the position of the part!
To tell the truth, I went into my transition under the impression that I would be sprouting brillo pad hair as a natural. You couldn't have told me I wasn't going to have the most out of control, mutant type 4zzzzzz medusa hair imaginable, but at that point I was so sick of getting touch ups that it didn't matter.

Now that said, I'm a 4A/B mix. Some of it coils, some of it cusses me out for trying to get it to coil. But in the end, it's nowhere near as crazy looking as I thought it was going to be and I dig the texture.

So my long winded answer is that I was a little apprehensive, but did it anyway and ended up pleasantly surprised.
I'm not scared but still curious. At 24 weeks in I am pretty sure I'm 4a (pin spring spirals) which is okay with me. If it turns out that I am really 4z or something then I may rethink the idea and possibly use a texturizer to loosen the curl. A few friends have done this (one used Just for Me) and it worked out well for them.
I'm not scared but still curious. At 24 weeks in I am pretty sure I'm 4a (pin spring spirals) which is okay with me. If it turns out that I am really 4z or something then I may rethink the idea and possibly use a texturizer to loosen the curl. A few friends have done this (one used Just for Me) and it worked out well for them.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Thanks
I can understand being apprehensive. You just don't know what you will see. When I started to transition, I fully expected my hair to be 4b. I envisioned myself with an Angela Davis afro. I was excited about that. But things turned out differently and I had to adjust my thinking and my plans for taking care of my hair.

Like others have said, going natural doesn't have to be permanent. ;) You can relax, texturize or whatever if you want to. So, until you know, just enjoy the journey. :)