kiddee perms for adult usage?


New Member
i was wondering what do you girls and (guy?)
think about adults using kid relaxer... i used to use relaxers like "african pride" "optimum" etc but i would experience such horrific burning and scabbing no matter how much vasiline i based with, that i switched to a kid relaxer and haven't looked back since... granted my new growth isn't coming out bone straight but since i don't get any burning i can live with that. do you think i should switch back to adult relaxers for the health of my hair; or is it ok to use kid perms? and... can you all recommend any adult relaxers that won't burn? btw, i'm a "no lye" person; i've never had a relaxer that wasn't bought in a box at a super market.*S*
I have been using the same 'kiddie' perm for the past 10 yrs, and its been perfectly fine. I use Just for Me (I'm glad they don't advertise with the corny song anymore, quite embarrassing). I look at it this way, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Besides, its all chemicals anyway...

I couldn't advise about switching between brands because I've never done that.

edited to add: I have never experienced burning or scabbing or any of the horror stories with stronger perms.
thanx kaela... i'm using just for me, as well. i find that its the only relaxer that doesn't burn my scalp; i guss 'll just stick to it.
I used kid formulas for quite a while too (I'm only 19 now but I used them longer than most people do). My hair relaxes very quickly so I was a little worried about switching too. I tried a couple different ones but even the Gentle Treatment kind made my scalp itch/burn (My mom and sister both use this kind without any problems). One time I actually got a little scab with the GT. Now I use Soft & Beautiful Botanicals. It never burns at all and my hair is straightened fine. I barely even get any itching with this one. If you're happy with what you're using then definitely stick with it. But if you do decide to try an adult relaxer I would suggest the Botanicals kind