Kick-off: Lhcf Hair Photo Album Is The New Fotki!


On break

Several ladies were discussing how much folks miss Fotki and the wonderful knowledge and photos it contained. (Please see this thread

Someone came up with the idea of using the LHCF photo album system for recreating the Fotki experience/knowledge. The description and comment features should allow for knowledge sharing and discussion. :up:

What do you think? Do we want to try it?

I tried to think of how we might have an album-naming scheme to yield some uniformity for ease of sharing, navigation, etc. So far this is what I came up with. If interested, please feel free to make improvements, reductions, additions, etc.

[2018] Hair Length Checks
[2018] Hair Regimen
[2018] Hair Faves & HGs
[2018] Hair Styles+Tools
[2018] Product Combos
[2018] Reviews (Hair Ed.)

I thought about combining the last 2, but reviewing an individual product or tool is different from assessing a unique product-technique combination.

This is what it would look like when you go to a user's album page.

Not necessary at all, but it might help if we named our photos for easy finding:
  • 2018Jan23_blablahblah (e.g., 2018Jan23_HairRegimenUpdate)
  • ReviewOfOyinHairDew or 2018Jan_ReviewOfOyinHairDew

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It doesn't seem like the capability to make folders exists.

If we can't make folders of albums (e.g., separate a 2018 folder of albums from a 2019 folder, and so forth), then perhaps leading the album names with the year (like above) will suffice.