Key to hair growth/type --- it's SULFUR! (LONG)


New Member
Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG)

This post is long, but important info:

Biotin, MSM, Cystein, protein, fish, eggs. Many folks rave about getting great results from these supplements/foods, but few state why these seemingly different nutrients are helpful for the hair. What's the connection? Sulfur.

I was thinking about this and did a search for the connection, so check this out:

Functions: As part of four amino acids, sulfur performs a number of functions in enzyme reactions and protein synthesis. It is necessary for formation of collagen, the protein found in connective tissue in our bodies. Sulfur is also present in keratin, which is necessary for the maintenance of the skin, hair, and nails, helping to give strength, shape, and hardness to these protein tissues. The cystine in hair gives off the sulfur smell when it is burned. The sulfur-containing amino acids help form other substances as well, such as biotin, coenzyme A, lipoic acid, and glutathione. Sulfur is also important for joint tissues. (hint, hint...MSM)

In the twentieth century, the focus is more on the sulfur-containing amino acids, used internally; or as elemental sulfur-containing ointments used for skin disorders such as eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Psoriasis has been treated with oral sulfur along with zinc. (remember, these diseases usually afflict serum-rich areas like the face and scalp---good news to those who have "flaky issues".)

Joint problems may be helped by sulfur, which is found in high amounts in the joint tissues. A physiologic form of sulfur called methylsulfonyl methane (MSM) has recently become available and may be helpful in patients with allergies.

If we need additional sulfur, we can get it by eating an egg or two a day or eating extra garlic or onions, as well as other sulfur foods.
And what about the essential fatty acids, and the oils that have them, flax seed and epo?
Dr. Budwig believes that much degenerative disease results from fatty acid deficiencies. Her research suggests that our saturated fat diets are killing us and that flaxseed oil is the key to correcting our dysfunctional fat metabolism. Dr. Budwig says that we need to eat a sulfur-containing protein food with the flaxseed oil to render the oil water soluble.

As far as hair type is concerned:
I found several research articles that show hair type (meaning curly, wavy or straight). Has ALOT to do with the sulfur-protein bonds in your hair. One study showed that Japanese subjects have vary different sulfur bonds than Caucasion subjects. Straight hair lacks the many sulfur amino acids that curly hair does.

Which brings up another point, relaxers.
People can temporarily alter their hair to force it into a straight state, or a curly state, but only on a temporary, not on a permanent, basis. When a straight-haired person gets a "permanent wave," known as a "perm," he or she is chemically forcing the making of strong disulfide bonds. The wave does not stay permanently, because new hair, which is straight, grows in as the "perm" grows out. People with curly hair may chemically alter their hair to give it a straighter appearance by breaking the sulfur bonds. But this, too, is also a temporary solution to a permanent "problem," with the same end result.

Well there you have it! I guess to those who had those eggs, fish, protein, msm, biotin, efas, etc., they do help your hair!

(Well, back to studying. I know my parents didn't send me to college to learn how my hair works!
Re: Hair growth/type--- must be the sulfur!!! (LONG)

Dr. Budwig says that we need to eat a sulfur-containing protein food with the flaxseed oil to render the oil water soluble.

Good to know

Thank you Bobbie.
Re: Hair growth/type--- must be the sulfur!!! (LONG)

Thanks for the info. Also, just want to say that I love Viggo (your Avatar) too, what a hunk!
Re: Hair growth/type--- must be the sulfur!!! (LONG)

great research. I always knew my Grandmother was right.
Re: Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG)

Thanks! I got a LOT from that article.
Re: Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG)

Thanks for the info Bobbie!

I don't understand though why the more MSM (sulfur) I take, the looser my hair's wave pattern is? Shouldn't it be the opposite? Does anyone know why? Thanks.

Re: Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG)

you're welome ladies!

as for what happens with MSM...that's an interesting issue. I'll get back soon with more research on it.
Re: Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG)

Great info, Bobbie. I was thinking the same thing the other day, especially about biotin----I was thinking it [biotin] works so well for some people in terms of growth because of it's sulfur content. Maybe it's not the biotin that's so great for growth, maybe it's just the sulfur, which is supposed to increase growth.
Re: Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG

there are other threads on this board that give more information- give 'em a look!
Re: Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG

This is fabulous reasearch Bobbie....that's an interesting connection - all of the things we love with a common single ingredient. I wonder if there is a supplement that can be taken orally that is JUST sulfur...

Not like MSM or Biotin - but something that is more potent. It could be that physiologically that would be dangerous, problematic, impossible etc....but I wonder...
Re: Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG

Very interesting. This made me think back when my hair was almost waist length and you know what??? I did eat a lot of eggs. I use to eat eggs for breakfast, in salads, deviled, and sometimes for a light dinner.
Re: Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG

Excellent research Bobbie!!! I LOVE it! Thanks a bunch! You know what 72792, I used to eat Egg whites every day for breakfast when I worked in this building that had the Deli downstairs and I'm into fitness and trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and when I was eating those egg whites everyday, my hair was growing sooooooo fast!! Also, my best friend who got me started on the egg whites in the first place, her hair has been growing super good and healthy!!! Interesting how all these things go together! I'm going to buy some eggs tonight and make me some egg whites! I'm going to start having egg whites (you don't get the bad cholesterol associated with the yellow part), 100 wheat toast and natural peach preserves and 32 ounces of water and brussel sprouts with a little boneless chicken breast. I know these foods don't go together, but I've learned that sometimes your food doesn't have to "fit" it's as long as we're getting the healthy stuff! I've also noticed that when I'm watching what I eat and eat healthy my hair grows much much faster!!! Thanks again for this great thread Bobbie!!!
Re: Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG's too bad I can't take MSM (I'm allergic to sulfur drugs), but I'll keep eating eggs on a daily basis. Thanks for the info!
Re: Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG

CocoaCure said:
100 wheat toast and natural peach preserves and 32 ounces of water and brussel sprouts with a little boneless chicken breast. I know these foods don't go together, but I've learned that sometimes your food doesn't have to "fit" it's as long as we're getting the healthy stuff! I've also noticed that when I'm watching what I eat and eat healthy my hair grows much much faster!!! Thanks again for this great thread Bobbie!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I know exactly what you mean, sometimes I pair breakfast foods together that dont supposedly match, strictly for nutritional purposes. I'll have some tomatoe slices, egg whites, a slice of 12 grain toast, a 3 table spoons of cottage cheese, or what ever. It's all good
Re: Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG)


I'm very impressed at this detailed research! You go girl
And thanks so much
Re: Key to hair growth/type --- it\'s SULFUR! (LONG)

Thanks all!

As for the board, here's a thread on doo grow products and having sulfur content:

Supergirl said it about curly/straight hair:

Here's a thread on scalp issues that started talking about sulfur 8. ComfortablyNumb mentioned it on the last page (did anyone else get that tingly sensation when using it? i remember my mom giving it to me as a child when i had bad dandruff).

Here's another thread about Sulfur 8 and Glovers:

I also remember getting alot of growth in the spring (I normally don't), and I asked a friend today, "Did I eat alot of eggs last spring?"
Answer: "WAY too much! I'm surprised you're still alive." (haha... a

I also remember my mom popping an egg in my mouth every chance she got when I was younger, and she used sulfur 8 religiously.
She also told me to wash my hair more than once a week and sleep with a scarf to reduce damage and try not to sleep on one side too much. She also told me to take my b-complex vitamins. She always had really long hair too (and a HUGE afro when she was natural). Gotta give her props now when I get home!

A thread that also touched on hair type between races and how sulfur plays a part:

As far as the last one shows, it is strange how sulfur works to straighten/curl hair types.

Everyone touched on it one some products, but it's nice to see how all these vitamins are connected.
All this research (believe me, there's plenty more), sure convinced me!
As far as eating eggs daily, here's an article on what the American Heart Association has to say about it. They've "changed their mind" about eggs.,4780,4026,00.html

Ok, now to see how silica, b-complex and other vitamins fit in the mix!