K.I.S.S challenge Update #3


New Member
Hello ladies. I wasn't going to even post a check in but I decided to since we have new people in the challenge that may want to share their progress.

Here's what's been going on with me:

I didn't wear any braids this month. I need to braid my hair because I have finals coming up. I really don't feel like it though. I may braid my hair up Saturday or at least have my sister braid it for me

I bought Lekair cholesterol plus and I love it. I think I will continue to use it when I run out.

I still haven't bought anymore shampoo. I'll be using it for a while.

I'm only buying conditioners and deep conditioners. Although I haven't bought a regular conditioner since the last check in.

Oh... and I'm experimenting with deep conditioning. I've done it on dry hair for 3 hours and I've done it on wet hair and let it sit w/o the plastic cap for a while ( I didn't time it, maybe an hour and a half). I love both ways.

What's being going on with you ladies?
I have not had braids since the set I got in October, but I will be getting another set on or around the the 17th. Until then I am chiling with my twists.

I also bought LeKair cholesteral plus..glad to hear to like it. I have not had a chance to try it yet so I hope I have good results as well. That is the only new product I have bought so I guess I am doing great on the challenge and not being a pj.

I may sign off the challenge for a week, I have been itching to try a rollerset so I think I am going to do that when I take my twists out next week.
So far so good.

I've still been keeing it simple. Conditioner washing daily and using alcohol-free gel to style and that's it.:)
i'm still co-washing 5 days a week and shampooing 2x a week. I am deep conditioning weekly for 45-60 mins weekly. I did use heat for one day last week but i deep conditioned overnite and used heat protectant when i did it.
Other than that i am still on my growth spurt. i purchase bee pollen and alfalfa supplements, multipurpose liquid castille soap(shampoo) and palm oil.
Still wearing my twists full time and my hair has been doing well. I bought Aquolina hair mask last week I will try soon and I have been using an ACJazz28 spritz daily to freshen my twists. Overall its been going well.
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Trying to limit money spent on trying new products, as well as using too many different products on my hair. My hair is growing, it's now pulling back into 2, except for the hair at the very top of my head. But I'm really liking this challenge so far :p

I recently found out about a really good natural hair salon in my area though, so I'm thinking of going and getting my hair twisted for the very first time. I'll put pics up when I do!
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Good job everyone!

I'm putting tiny braids in my hair right now. I know better than this but I'm doing this anyway, so yes these with probably be in my hair for a while. At least until the 13th.
I was doing well but then earlier this week, my daughter was getting a touchup and for some crazy reason after over a year of transitoning, I put the relaxer in for like 7 mins. So I guess it is texturized ....well, it is more like a hot trash on a rainy day!!! I will still keep to my KISS regimen though .........braidouts, twistouts and rollersets.
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