Just want to introduce myself!


New Member
Just want to introduce myself! (progress pics in fotki)
Hi I've been a lurker since 10/08, member since 11/08, and want to officially introduce myself. :hiya2: Like many other newbie's/members here, I've learned so many wonder things here on this site. As a result my hair is making milestones. It is currently, probably the longest I've allowed it to grow in the past. However, usually when it'd reach this length it'd look a little too thin for my taste and I'd cut it. I always realized that as my hair got longer it'd tangle more and I'd loose more hair in detangeling, but I thought that was normal. But now w/ all of the techniques I've learned here I loose far less hair in the detangeling process and I've been able to maintain my thickness as my hair grows. My first stretch (3mo) was the hardest b/c I had to learn how to deal w/ my new growth and had to battle my hair depression. My second stretch (6mo) was far better as I am learning what works best for me and as my idea of what my hair should look like has changed...which occured as a result of me embracing my coils/napps--actually I've even come to love them. I truely could've stretched longer but the itch to see my progress was too overwhelming. Anywhoo, I finially uploaded most of my pics up until now in a fotki. However, I do not have my start pics as they're trapped on my laptop that took sick--my start length was just at shoulder length. Like any good LHCFer I've spread the word to many of my fellow sisters, and several have adopted some of the techniques. My mom is my newest recruit and I've included her pics from natural to texlaxed in my fotki as well. I hope you enjoy. And thanks to all of you ladies w/ PhD's in hairology for imparting all of your knowledge!

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ETA: I just checked out your fotki! I see a lot of progress in the health of your hair.
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Welcome to LHCF :). And congrats on getting some of your family members to follow advice on caring for healthy hair. Mine can be quite hard-headed.
Hi Tayflea. Welcome to the board. I also went and checked out your fotki, you and your moms hair looks beautiful :grin:. Hope you enjoy your time here!