Just getting started


New Member
Hello, everyone. I signed up the other day and I have been reading the results of your hair regime. I want to start growing my hair to about bra strap length maybe just past my shoulders. But I dont know where to begin. I am a hair product fanatic have so many different types of products and usually i dont use them for more than a week or two and they they sit in the cabinet waiting for me to either throw them out or use them once more. Basically, I want to know where to begin. I used to take care of my hair very well, when I was in high school and my hair would grow so well. Like Stacia, I too had a bad experience with a colorand a relaxer and after that incidient my hair grew out pretty long as well, but now I am starting over. Could you guys give me some ideas on some great products to use. I like MOtions and use their CPR shampoo and conditioner. I used to use Suave and I have never tried V05 and Herbal Essence. Also, I dont mean to sound dumb but can someone explain a conditioner wash to me? Just give me some pointers on where to begin. THanks!! TI look forward to hear replies.
Welcome Licia!!!

First I would say..make sure you're moisturizing your hair everyday!!! And protect your hair at night with a silk or satin scarf or bonnet and/or pillowcase. That will make a world of difference.
Good luck!
make sure you're moisturizing your hair everyday!!! And protect your hair at night with a silk or satin scarf or bonnet and/or pillowcase.

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I agree and WELCOME!
High Licia, welcome!

You say you're starting over... Is your hair relaxed now or natural?

Conditioner washes are just washes where you apply conditioner in place of shampoo and use that alone to wash your hair. Some people massage it onto their scalp for some minutes then rinse off. I personally don't apply to my scalp for fear of residue build-up that may clog my pores. When I do a conditioner wash, I just apply conditioner to my hair at the start of my shower and then put on a plastic cap while I complete my shower. At the end of my shower, I rinse off.

I don't do conditioner washed often enough to claim authority over them so hopefully someone with better experience will give a better suggestion.

The other thing I have learnt is that the best moisturizer is water so make sure it's listed as the first ingredient in your leave-in or else apply your leave-in when your hair is damp, so that it seals that moisture in. I use oils rather than creams/cremes as my leave-in and always apply them when my hair is wet. I then air-dry instead of using heat which could rob my hair of the moisture - not to mention promote the damage I'm trying to minimize.

Wish you success on your hair growing journey!
When I say starting over, I mean I am just now starting to take care of my hair better. I have been on hiatus for a while now and will have spurts where I take care of my hair and other times i dont. I want to get my own hair regime, I dont know where to begin. Water is a good spot I know, but as far as products. I dont know what to use. I will take any suggestions. I dont know much about oils and things like that. Oh and I am relaxed
hey there Licia. Well oils are a good place to start. Before shampooing you can do a hot-oil treatment. There's so many different oils out there you can use: Extra Virgin Olive oil, Castor oil,Sweet Almond oil, Avocado oil, Cocunut oil,etc. You can use one or a mixture of the oils, however you want to do it. I also like to add a generous amount of honey maybe like 1/4 to 1/2 of the mixture. You can also buy a commercial hot oil treatment from the store like the Vo5,etc. I haven't tried any of those though.

Just cover with a plastic cap and let it absorb for at least 30 mins. You can also do it with heat if you want.

After that you shampoo. Try and use the gentlest shampoo you can find. Most shampoos contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Amonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS) which are way too harsh for out hair. Have you ever tried Creme of Nature shampoo? The one in the green and white bottle. It's gentle and many of the ladies here love it. And I'm sure that you'll get many other suggestions.

Make sure when you're washing your hair that you concentrate on the scalp and not the actual length of the hair and the ends. And while you're shampooing you can get a nice scalp massage in there to stimulate circulation and promote growth.

Now its time for the conditioning or deep conditioning. A favorite conditioner among board members is Loreal Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment (LUST). It can be found at Sally's. Another favorite is Lustrasilk's Cholesterol or LeKair Cholesterol. Personally I use Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonnaise and I like it
I just slather it on and cover my hair with a plastic cap and a towel over that and keep it in for 1-2 hours or just plastic cap and go under the hood dryer for 30 mins.

Well this should be a good place to start,good luck with everything and I will be adding more advice to this thread in a lil while

Also I know it would help if you gave us some more info on your hair type and condition it's in. Also, how often you relax and what styles you usually do.
Welcome, fellow NEWBIE-an!

I just joined this board about a week or so ago so I'm still new, too. After reading many posts here, I decided to buy some vitamin supplements. Last week, I started taking Biotin (5 mgs) with a multivitamin and today I bought some MSM. Looks like I'll be taking Biotin, MSM, a multivitamin, and fish oil supplements every day. I've also joined the "Bun Challenge" so I'm covering my ends every day for the next twelve months. Actually, I've been wearing a scarf over my whole head for the past week and I think I'm going to see how long I can get away with doing that (at work).

Today, I started drinking more water, too. (Someone on another thread said that water is very important if you're going to take MSM supps.) What else...what else...oh, and I bought two jars of LeKair Natural Shea Butter Cholesterol Creme today. (It's payday, so I had to load up while I had the chance.)

I haven't taken any pictures of my hair yet, but I did include my current length (starting point) in my signature. One day...(I can dream, can't I?)...one day, I hope my hair is as long as the lady's in my signature! I love visiting this board because it reminds me to stay focused.
hey there Licia. Well oils are a good place to start. Before shampooing you can do a hot-oil treatment. There's so many different oils out there you can use: Extra Virgin Olive oil, Castor oil,Sweet Almond oil, Avocado oil, Cocunut oil,etc. You can use one or a mixture of the oils, however you want to do it. I also like to add a generous amount of honey maybe like 1/4 to 1/2 of the mixture. You can also buy a commercial hot oil treatment from the store like the Vo5,etc. I haven't tried any of those though.

Just cover with a plastic cap and let it absorb for at least 30 mins. You can also do it with heat if you want.

After that you shampoo. Try and use the gentlest shampoo you can find. Most shampoos contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Amonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS) which are way too harsh for out hair. Have you ever tried Creme of Nature shampoo? The one in the green and white bottle. It's gentle and many of the ladies here love it. And I'm sure that you'll get many other suggestions.

Make sure when you're washing your hair that you concentrate on the scalp and not the actual length of the hair and the ends. And while you're shampooing you can get a nice scalp massage in there to stimulate circulation and promote growth.

Now its time for the conditioning or deep conditioning. A favorite conditioner among board members is Loreal Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment (LUST). It can be found at Sally's. Another favorite is Lustrasilk's Cholesterol or LeKair Cholesterol. Personally I use Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonnaise and I like it
I just slather it on and cover my hair with a plastic cap and a towel over that and keep it in for 1-2 hours or just plastic cap and go under the hood dryer for 30 mins.

Well this should be a good place to start,good luck with everything and I will be adding more advice to this thread in a lil while

Also I know it would help if you gave us some more info on your hair type and condition it's in. Also, how often you relax and what styles you usually do.

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My hair type I would say is a 4b. I have the hardest time keeping it moisturized. No matter what I do, it is always dry and it sheds so much. It is in better condition than it was a month ago. I have been using oil in my hair like once a week. That is my main problem, taking time out to care for it. But I know I have to do it. I just really didnt know where to start. Thanks for the warm welcome and all your help. I look forward to reading new posts.

Welcome Licia nysa! Just stick with this board and you'll achieve your goals for long, beautiful, healthy hair!
