Jojoba is my magic oil which I bathe my hair in every.....

I discovered that my hair responded really well to jojoba oil a few months ago and that its the among the only oils with molecules small enough to not just lay on top but to penetrate the hair shaft. I have begun to apply it heavily to my hair b4 washing, sometimes a couple of days b4 provided im not planning on going out for the weekend lol, it is really moisturizing,, a dab on dry ends immediately moisturizes and i dont feel guilty about using chemicals. I use NOW foods organic jojoba and ive used Desert Essence, theyre both good
Ive recently begun to use jojoba oil, too. Not the one from Sallys, but a health food store. Its 100% jojoba oil, and my hair loves it. Mine is also the NOW brand:)
I love jojoba too! It's supposed to be good for dandruff and other scalp problems, plus you can find it in a lot of places.
I love jojoba oil too. YOu can get it at any health food store. I mix mine w/rosemary and lavendar essential oils. It smells really nice and is perfect for my scalp. Its the only thing I use on my scalp.
Ooohhh!! I'm so excited!! I ordered some jojoba from From Nature With Love, and it should be sitting on my doorstep when I get home tonight!!

*happy dance*
I just ordered some jojoba oil Friday.

I can't wait till it comes. I have high hopes!

I'm still researching all the best ways to use it though ...
I got mines at Trader Joe's this weekend, I read in a post that it cost $3.99 for an 8oz bottle, so I was excited to get a bargain like that........but I didn't check that the post was from like 2003! It was $6.99 for 4oz of the Desert Essence brand - I got it anyway!

It does feel good on my hair, very light. I use it together with my conditioner, and then on it's own after my hair dries. I'm not crazy about it, my hair sucks up moisturizers like a black hole:rolleyes:, so after like an hour it feels like I didn't put anything on at all. Does anyone know where I can get a better deal on this stuff? I'd like to keep using it cos it my hair feels softer after just one weekend.
BlackCardinal said:
My hair :love: jojoba.
Try it on your face too, ladies. You'll be amazed how your skin looks after a few days.:yep:

Face and body. It's the ultimate all purpose product. Ladies don't forget ebay as well.
Nymphe said:
Oh yeah, I just bought 16 oz for $15.30 including shipping from this seller. I adore eBay...

Man - I wish I had seen that earlier - I got mine for then I got a buncha other stuff with it, so I suppose I can't complain - too much. :lachen:
I love eBay...

nappywomyn said:
Man - I wish I had seen that earlier - I got mine for then I got a buncha other stuff with it, so I suppose I can't complain - too much. :lachen:
Shoot, when I hear about a new product, eBay is the first place I run to and break out my calculator for price per oz. including shipping. I love the sellers with one price for shipping multiple items.
I like using it with a leave-in conditioner after shampooing/conditioning my hair. I currently have the HobaCare brand but I prefer the Mountain Rose Herbs brand. I like my oils unrefined and organic--if possible. The Mountain Rose Brand meets both of my requirements.
Jojoba oil can be used on wet hair to seal in moisture or dry hair. I like to wash my hair then braid it up wet ( the day b4 i flat iron) and apply some jojoba to the wet unbraided ends,, they are silky soft air dried when i do this. I also like to apply to dry ends or all over the hair in a small amount, I literally use a couple of dabs. I like to put a little in my hand, rub them 2gether and then make a bun while massaging the jojoba into all the top layers of hair which get dry, the possibilities are endless. On weekends I mix it with rosemary and lavendar and oil HEAVILY all over and even rub my scalp since jojoba also breaks down dirt and grime and rosemary and lavendar are energizing for the scalp. I use organic jojoba which maintains all the good qualities of it although it smells a but like smoked salmon inside the bottle lol but this smell does not go into your hair, its just inside the bottle, ive never even smelled it in my hands
I use it after i moisturize on either wet or dry hair (to seal ends and edges). It really is a great oil. Its the oil closest to the chemical make up of our natural sebum that our scalp produces. Thats why I think our hair adores it so much.
Hmmmm.....I was reading on fnwl that jojoba is not an oil but a liquid wax. I think I will be trying this out.
BlackCardinal said:
My hair :love: jojoba.
Try it on your face too, ladies. You'll be amazed how your skin looks after a few days.:yep:
As a moisturizer or cleanser? I have some already and would like to try it for my skin.
OOoo I'm so excited! I just bought some Jojoba Oil along with Rosemary & Peppermint Oils and I can't wait to use them. I've heard so many good things about them.

By the way, does anyone know how many drops of Rosemary & Peppermint I should put in the jojoba to dilute it?
I spray my hair with distilled water and seal with a mix of castor and jojoba oil. :love: :love: It makes my hair soo soft and shiny! They are staples for me. I buy both from Whole Foods.

That peppermint and rosemary sound good...I may add those into the mix as well. Im trying to curb PJism so I will keep that in my back pocket of hair ideas for now ;)
I love jojoba oil too. I've been using that and coconut oil and my seal in. I got a real small bottle from Walgreens. It mixed jojoba oil, almond oil and i forgot the other one but it smells really nice when your hair dries.