Join Me In A 3 Mth Vit Challenge!


New Member
Join Me In A 3 Mth Vit Challenge! ((after 01.05.05, PLEASE POST ONLY REGIMENS HERE))


Anyone want to join me in a 3 mth "vit challenge"?
I'm really frustrated that I haven't seen any growth since I've chopped off my relaxed ends 3 mths ago :cry3: . So I've decided to step up my game, & challenge myself to take supplements DAILY. If my growth rate still doesn't increase, then that's cool... my overall health will improve :) .

A lil about my vit background... I HATE SWALLOWING VITAMINS! I want to take them daily, but it's difficult :( ... I need sisterly support ;)

I'm recruiting a certain type...

1) You have the desire to take supplements daily, but aren't disciplined enough... (for whateva' reason)
2) You have tried, tried, & tried again, but you still keep slackin' off your vit regimen... you just need a lil sisterly encouragement to remain committed.
3) You will stay committed to the challenge, even if u've skipped a wks worth of vits :lol:
4) You have a simple vit regime (no more than 4 vits daily)

If this sounds like U, then join me in this 3 mth challenge. I need all of the support that I can get... I'm really swell at giving support too :kiss:

Challenge begins Jan 5th.....
Will have bi-wkly check in's...
Concludes Apr 5th :cool:

Ok, I'll sign up 1st....

Here's my vit regimen.... very simple

1) Flintstone's Complete Chewables :lachen:
2) Coutry Life Biotin 5mg
3) Haven't decided yet....
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Okay, I'm in!

Everything that you have experienced with vitamins I have too!

here's my list

-Centrum Multivitamin
I'm in. I'm already taking vitamins so I guess it doesn't hurt to support others.

Here's what I am taking:
Multi-vitamin (Wal-Mart brand)
biotin (Wal-Mart brand)

Keeping it simple makes it easier to swallow for me.
I'm in. My list is:

All One Green Phyto Based Powdered Multi
Andrew Lessman Hair Skin Nails

That may be it but if I add something else it will be one Solgar 1250 mg Flaxseed oil softgel.

Peachtree, your list is just like mine was a few months ago. I started taking Flinstones chewables and a 5mg biotin capsule because I was sick of swallowing pills. Now I'm taking a powdered multi and mixing it in juice.
Champagne_Wishes said:
I'm in. I'm already taking vitamins so I guess it doesn't hurt to support others.

Champagne Wishes, thanks hon. We'll need a "big sista" to look up to :cool:

Divine, girl, Flintstone's are the BOMB! :lick: :lol:
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neeki said:
I'm in. My list is:

Peachtree, your list is just like mine was a few months ago. I started taking Flinstones chewables and a 5mg biotin capsule because I was sick of swallowing pills. Now I'm taking a powdered multi and mixing it in juice.

I thought about taking a powdered multi... I couldn't find it in my area...
Peachtree ~ your hair looks gorgeous in your signature! I'm in. I'm supposed to be taking these prenatal vits anyway (how come no one tells you that they make you nauseous?) so I have two dailies: (1) prenatal vitamins and (2) viviscal.

Hopefully by March, my hair will be SIGNIFICANTLY longer (a girl can dream, can't she? :lol: )
:clap: YAY... 4 recruits! :clap: :trampoline:

...make that 5 :clap: ... Nyambura slipped in on me :look:

..Awww shucks, we have a "MOMMY" on board :babyb: :babyg:
thanks for the compliment luv :Rose:
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Peachtree said:
Champagne_Wishes said:
I'm in. I'm already taking vitamins so I guess it doesn't hurt to support others.

Champagne Wishes, thanks hon. We'll need a "big sista" to look up to :cool:

Divine, girl, Flintstone's are the BOMB! :lick: :lol:

I use to eat them like candy when I was little. I got real sick doing that mess.
I will join also. I am currently taking Vitamin Shoppe brand vitamins.

One Daily Multivitamin
Biotin - 1mg
MSM - 500 mg
I'm in because I need to speed up my growth so I can end my transition.

What I'm taking:

GNC Ultra Nourish Hair
Puritan's Pride Biotin 10 mg
PP L-Cysteine
GNC Silica
I already take my supplements faithfully for the last few years. But I am trying to get myself to drink at least one protein shake perday. I know I'm not getting enough protein in my diet with all of the exercising I do. Can I join but instead of vitamins vow to drink my protein shakes?
I'm in...I think this is challenge #3 for worries :)

1) ONE Source Chewables (1 X /day)
2)Puritan's Pride Brewer's Yeast 7 1/2 grains (3 tabs X 2/day)
3) Flaxseed Oil (1 teaspoon daily)
I'm in! The vitamins I take are listed below.

GNC Ultra Nourishair (2 Tablets/day)
Puritan's Pride Biotin (1000 mcg - 5 tablets/day)
GNC Silica (11 mg - 2 tablets/day)
Spring Valley Evening Primrose Oil (1000 mg - 1 softgel/day))
Spring Valley MSM w/Glucosamine (500 mg - 2 capsules/day)
Spring Valley Flax Oil (1000 mg - 1 softgel/day)
GNC Folic Acid (400 mcg - 1 tablet/day)
Nature Made Vitamin C (500 mg - 1 caplet/day)

Good Luck Everyone!!
I'm in was doing this anyways and I recently restocked my vitamins to last me about 3 months.

I'm taking
GNC Ultra nourishhair
Purtian Pride 10 mg of Biotin
Vitamin World Powdered MSM 3,000 mg
Vitamin C
GNC Calcuim and Magnesium
GNC Womens Multi
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For those that have been taking vitamins daily already have you experienced any growth? I've been taking mine for 30 days faithfully, and don't see any growth. Maybe I need to give it some more time. This challenge will be good for me.
I'll join:
2 GNC Women's Mega without Iron
4 (300mcg) GNC Biotin
1 GNC sublingual b-12 (gotta purchase)
1 Tbs. Flaxseed oil (gotta purchase)
I'm joining in...I have so many vitamins, but no discipline to actually take them.

I'll start out taking the following once daily(even though the directions say 2-3 times daily):

1) Coral Calcium Supreme
2) Puritan's Pride MSM 1000mg

I'm sure we'll be able to do this with each others support...great challenge Peachtree.
By the way, your daughter's hair is GORGEOUS!!!