Jilbere VS Goody shower combs... *ding ding*


SuperDuper Member
I've seen rave reviews about the Jilbere shower comb. I got my Goody shower comb from Walgreens a while ago, I love it. I was in Sallys and decided I'd try the Jilbere comb. For me the winner is Goody brand. I can say the the Jilbere comb is sturdier than the Goody one, but the Goody glides through my hair like no one's business!! I recommend the Goody shower comb over the Jilbere anyday! :mwahahafire: I feel so gangsta going against the grain like that LOL
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I have the Goody one because I couldnt find the other brand. It looks just like the other comb and I'm sure works just as well. Although I like mine, I just love my extra large black comb to detangle, it's amazing. lol But I do second that the Goody one is very very good!
Yeah, I recently bought the Goody's shower comb and love it as well; I love the give it has, but also it's strength.