
New Member
This thread may not be for you married woman (IDK), but heyyyy feel free to respond.

Here's my sorry,
Ladies I live in an apartment, and when I first moved to my location, there was this FINE gentleman that lives directly above me. Now granted, I an single therefore after initiating conversation with him, and I eventually asked him out to meal. Well, he declined...stating "I am still in love with my ex".

Sooooo, I let it go..... Shortly thereafter, approximately 30-60 Days he found out that his ex was dating someone new, and made sure that he mentioned this to me. I still let it go.....

Moving on to fast forward, here we are almost 1 year later and I have trimmed down alot; my hair has grown alot (thank you C&G Method), and we won't even talk about thicky~thick~thick. Currently I am NL, but trust me when I say, I know I can reach BSL, so watch out here I

Just the other days, as I was walking out my door, my neighbor was coming up the stairs. Now normally he sees me with braids in my hair, all twisted up professional, etc... He has only seen me coming\going in my workout clothes from heading to, or coming from the gym....

Well, this day I was in my casual wear; fully dressed; make up on...and when I say this man STOPPED IN HIS TRACKS AND SAID "WOW...DANG! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING TO YOURSELF"....hahahrofl... I am understating his reaction.

He was like, man! I should've taken her up on her offer. It made me feel good. After his response, I told him "I'll take that as a compliment thankyouverymuch!, ":grin: and I kept on walking....lolol (He stopped on the stairs for sooo long as if I would give him conversation, yet I was on my cell phone thinking..."Can't you see I am on the"

(Long story I know, but it's the fun of it all.....)

Soooo ladies, is there anyone out there, an who has shown their jealousy from your progresss?

And you want to say out loud...THANK-YOU-VERY-MUCH!?:lachen:
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Well I wouldn't say that your neighbor is jealous, I would just say he is slapping himself in the face for not getting with you when he had the chance. Stupidity and regret maybe but not jealousy.

Strut yo stuff girl
Sounds like he’s shocked to see your “makeover.” I get that response when I wear my hair down at work.
Regret for not going out with you? Yes. Surprise at how foine you are? Yes. Jealousy? No. You keep it up. Soon he'll be the one asking you out.
Thank all of you ladies for your encouragement. Ok, ok, he may not be jealous...just "slapping~(what you say) slapping himself" as someone said..:lachen::drunk:

Honestly, would I go out with him, well...the brotha is foine! But, sometimes things are better left as is.... I will just continue to watch him through my binoculars and sigh....*hummmm like~whoaaaa*:grin:

Ok Ladies....Im kidding...brotha is kool..and I plan to just leave things as

Thanks for of your input. OOhhh BTW - the jealousy thing just came to mine when I began writing. Original title was "MAKE THEM HATE ~'CAUSE THEY LOVE US...LOL"
Good for you! See that's what happens when you sleep on a good one. He get's nothing.

This thread may not be for you married woman (IDK), but heyyyy feel free to respond.

Here's my sorry,
Ladies I live in an apartment, and when I first moved to my location, there was this FINE gentleman that lives directly above me. Now granted, I an single therefore after initiating conversation with him, and I eventually asked him out to meal. Well, he declined...stating "I am still in love with my ex".

Sooooo, I let it go..... Shortly thereafter, approximately 30-60 Days he found out that his ex was dating someone new, and made sure that he mentioned this to me. I still let it go.....

Moving on to fast forward, here we are almost 1 year later and I have trimmed down alot; my hair has grown alot (thank you C&G Method), and we won't even talk about thicky~thick~thick. Currently I am NL, but trust me when I say, I know I can reach BSL, so watch out here I

Just the other days, as I was walking out my door, my neighbor was coming up the stairs. Now normally he sees me with braids in my hair, all twisted up professional, etc... He has only seen me coming\going in my workout clothes from heading to, or coming from the gym....

Well, this day I was in my casual wear; fully dressed; make up on...and when I say this man STOPPED IN HIS TRACKS AND SAID "WOW...DANG! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING TO YOURSELF"....hahahrofl... I am understating his reaction.

He was like, man! I should've taken her up on her offer. It made me feel good. After his response, I told him "I'll take that as a compliment thankyouverymuch!, ":grin: and I kept on walking....lolol (He stopped on the stairs for sooo long as if I would give him conversation, yet I was on my cell phone thinking..."Can't you see I am on the"

(Long story I know, but it's the fun of it all.....)

Soooo ladies, is there anyone out there, an who has shown their jealousy from your progresss?

And you want to say out loud...THANK-YOU-VERY-MUCH!?:lachen:
Who's jealous? The man? and why? It seems that he noticed your improvement and was happy about...i dont get it
Congrats! I know you feelin good right about now! Keep on struttin yo stuff, gurl! He's gonna love playin the cat n-mouse game....

Although i don't think you should give him the time of the day... but it is fun to have attention!!!