
Well-Known Member
Ok ladies I've been doing a lot of reading of books and research and i'm coming to a lot of dead ends when it comes to scalp care....MOST THINGS SAY THE SCALP DOES NOT NEED EXTRA OIL - B/C OF THE NATURAL OIL THAT THE SCALP PRODUCES
(i'm going to take all this stuff i'm learning into consideration and stick to a strict regimen and report in 6 months....ANYWAY)

with that being said in the past when I was trying to use JBCO for thickness I would apply it to my scalp

1 - b/c I thought that would be getting to the root of the problem b/c that is where the hair grows from

2 - b/c its sooo thick that on my hair/ends it was really really thick and I thought that would not aid in thickness

what I noticed is that after applying on my scalp (which I have not done in a while) my hair seemed really thick (also considering the lack of manipulation I did to my hair so basically the oil would be sitting there and applying it 2-3x a week it would be like adding more oil on top of oil)

So my question is...is JBCO really making the hair thicker??
Or does it just seem that way b/c the oil is so thick and those that apply it for thickness apply it frequently which is adding more of a thick oil onto of a thick oil thus creating the illusion of thicker hair?!?
I do not think so. My sister and I have been on our own personal JBCO challenge and I have noticed that my hair did get a bit thicker not alot though, even when I wash my hair and forget to apply the oil. Also my older sister edges has started to fill in and she's had extremely thin almost non-existent edges for as long as I could remember. now I hair there seems to be getting thicker and filling in. It's still noticeable even when she doesn't use JBCO