Jason Damage Control shampoo and conditioner


old head

Have any of you tried Jason's Damage Control line? I was looking at it on their website and it looks nice. I want to get some GPB from vitamin shoppe before the sale is over and I also wanted to try a Jason product or two while I'm at it. I've heard good things about the Sea Kelp formulas too. Any thoughts?
Doin the BUMP...heeyyyy sexy, sexyyyy! Ain't nothin' wrong...

But seriously, I know with all the PJ's here SOMEBODY has to have tried it...or should I venture out into the unknown and be a pioneer for the LHCF?
I'm sitting right now with the damage control conditioner on. I purhased it yesterday and tried it. So far, I like it. It detangles really well. I'm eight weeks post relaxer so, detangling conditioners are important to me right now.
ooh! really? detangling is important to me too, as I'm about 4 months post relaxer. I want to try this but I also really want to try some Deep Brilliance products....oh, decisions, decisions...
I have never tried it, but I do have the sea kelp. Try that too, it is ultra moisturizing.