It's Time For A Touch-up...But...


It\'s Time For A Touch-up...But...

I am getting a touch-up at the end of this week, but my hair is extremely dry, I am concerned that if I don't do something right away to add some moisture, my hair is going to snap, crackle and pop and I think for those who read my previous post concerning Beautician Loyalty, you can kinda feel me on making sure I do whatever is necessary on my end to keep what hair I have left. I know it's too close for comfort to try and wash it right now. So any suggestions what I could apply to my hair, before my relaxer to keep it's strength?
Re: It\'s Time For A Touch-up...But...

Since you mentioned your hair is extremely dry, you could start moisturizing good each day until you get a relaxer touch-up. What moisturizer are you currently using? Maybe you could just you that. As far as strength, I do a MILD protein treatment about a week or two prior to getting a relaxer touch-up, but not all the time. Like Supergirl, I feel like my hair is a pillar of strength.