It's official, I Hate Surge!!!!


Well-Known Member
Not because of dryness or breaking that other ladies have experienced. I experienced NONE of that. In fact, I think I may use my other bottle as a leave in because my hair felt pretty good after using it.

No, I hate surge for what it has done to me!!!! It raised my expectations. It made me feel as though maybe my slow growing hair would perhaps SURGE out my head. This was not the case. I have been using Surge for 2 months now...I believe 2 months exactly. I don't think I've seen ONE extra hair on my head or any special growth at all. I've been keeping my hair in cornrows (under wig) to better gauge my growth (by seeing how much my hair pulls of my scalp) and I've seen barely any growth. In fact, in the last 2 months, I wouls be lucky to say I've even had a full quarter inch of growth each month.

I'm let down, I'm sad. Surge, surge, surge, how could you do this to me? I used you oh so faithfully and yet no miraculous growth has occured. *sigh*
Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that the Surge didn't yield the results you were looking for! :(

For me in the past, my mom and I were using it at the same time and her hair grew a LOT faster than mine with it, and while I was a little green w/envy, I was happy for her and happy at the thickness that I gained. My growth wasn't as much as I would have liked either.

How often did you wash/rinse your hair? Unfortunately, there are so many variables that can come into play, it can be difficult to pinpoint where the problem may lie.

For myself, I concede that perhaps my regimen could have included more frequent scalp cleaning, perhaps that does make a difference in the growth? Is there anything that you can think of that perhaps would make a difference if you incorporated in conjunction w/the Surge (i.e. more frequent washes/rinses, scalp massage, following the application w/a moisturizer)? Might you consider tweaking your routine instead of throwing in the towel altogether?

I'm willing to help ya brainstorm some strategies!! :)
I'm sorry to hear that, but I am very pleased with it! It has worked for me. I use Surge with Wild growth oil and rosemary essential oil.
Did you take pictures of your head the day you started Surge and today to see if there really is a difference?
ReaLuvsAOxymoron said:
No, but I had just reached the milestone of brastrap and why is my hair still right at my brastrap?

Damn you Surge!

Could you have had breakage? Maybe you did have growth, but lost length. Did you use heat during that time? Did you use a blow dryer or a curling iron? Were you careful to tie your hair up at night?

I would not automatically assume you had no growth just because your hair appears to be still at the bra strap.

Another factor:

If you relax and your new growth has not been relaxed yet...the new growth will have shrinkage, which means you will not see the length of this new growth until it is stretched. So when the new growth is flattened, it could truly be an inch or two never know. Do you relax? Have you already relaxed your new growth? Can you tell you have new growth?
I don't relax and my hair has been covered the whole time. I don't think its breaking, because I have been putting it in a baggy and there are minimal hairs lost when I take it off. I guess unfortunately Surge just does not work for me. :(