It's me again


New Member
It\'s me again

My hair has been refuting all attempts to keep it moisturized! AND something very odd is going on with my scalp...I posted last night about the immense amount of shedding I've been seeing..well my scalp is itching like a beeyotch! It's also flaking alot; I dont have buildup or anything..I thought it could have stuff I was putting on my scalp, so I stopped for a couple stayed flaky, so i put oil on it...still flaky. I think I may need to make a doctor visit because my skin is very dry too, no matter what I do to it and it's hurts to the touch. Could it be the humidity in the air???? I'm in the middle of KY and we have moderate to high humidity...I'm so confused and itchy right now ladies!!!!

Edited to add: none of my products seem to be working anymore either..I even tried clarify AND my hair is splitting...I havent even used heat but a couple times and since this cut, I sure cant put it in a ponytail so it isnt that.
Re: It\'s me again

I just recently posted about some things i did that really really helped my daughter's scalp alot!!
here is the thread,,,All_Forums,,,&Words=&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Main=531530&Search=true&where=&Name=2601&daterange=&newerval=&newertype=&olderval=&oldertype=&bodyprev=#Post532532

if your hair is feeling dry , dont clarify anymore girl.
Re: It\'s me again

btw i have no clue if any of the stuff i did for her hair will help your hair, but i wanted to put it out there , maybe you can take something from it that might be usefull.....Cocoa Butter has proven to be extremely healing for her scalp, amazingly healing, and moisturizing and soothing. you have been going through so much with your hair, i hope you find the answers that will work soon, i know it can be a very trying task.
Re: It\'s me again

Could this be related to the bad relaxer experience you had, with the scalp burns? You should definitely check with a doctor about this.

Also, what kind of flakes is it? Is it dandruff (white, easily removable), or is it the darker variety that looks like the skin flaked off (don't mean to be gross here). Definitely check with a doctor to see if you have a skin condition (if it's also affecting your skin as well).

Have you had another touchup after that experience?

Hope this helps,
Re: It\'s me again


Definitely make an appt with a doctor. This could be something outside/not related to anything you did or didn't do to your hair. If you can, have a complete physical done. I just think it's better to be safe than sorry. I hope things get better for you.

In the mean time, in terms of your hair, try a minimalist approach. Do as little as possible until after the results of a physical (if you choose to get one). Once you and your doctor determine it is not an underlying medical condition then you can address any recent changes to your hair regime.

Re: It\'s me again

Well for dandruff I use ORS No More Flakes cream and it works great if you are deligent with it and apply it to your scalp everyday.
Re: It\'s me again

Yes Iris, I have been through alot...I need to learn to just leave it alone! Bobbie, it may have something to do with the bad relaxer, I haven't put any chemicals in it since them, I stay far far from them. It's not dandruff, it's definitely skin that has flaked off. I have an appointment this week to get alot of bloodwork done, my whole body seems to be shutting down...I'm always tired and weak and dizzy and I don't eat and I've been very stressed the past week and a half, I've had quite a few emotional upsets and had many bawling sessions...maybe my emotions are effecting my overall health
Re: It\'s me again

The tiredness, weakness and dizziness sound like anemia, which I hope you'll have tested in your bloodwork. Having anemia or low red blood cell count can cause major hair problems including lots of shedding, breakage too.
Re: It\'s me again

CheerBear said:
Yes Iris, I have been through alot...I need to learn to just leave it alone! Bobbie, it may have something to do with the bad relaxer, I haven't put any chemicals in it since them, I stay far far from them. It's not dandruff, it's definitely skin that has flaked off. I have an appointment this week to get alot of bloodwork done, my whole body seems to be shutting down...I'm always tired and weak and dizzy and I don't eat and I've been very stressed the past week and a half, I've had quite a few emotional upsets and had many bawling sessions...maybe my emotions are effecting my overall health

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds like your hormones may be out of wack. Definitely go to the doctor and have them do a complete blood work up. STRESS affects your overall health in addition to what we eat! EVERYTHING that goes into the body (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually) comes out in some form or it better health, worse health, hair breakage, shedding, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, comes out. Pay attention to how you treat yourself. I hope you feel better soon.