It's gone, gone gone...


Well-Known Member
It\'s gone, gone gone...

The relaxer is gone! I did the BC yesterday and today I went to get it shaped. I absolutly love it. I think I look so good. No one I know has seen it but they are in for a big surprise. I wasn't planning on doing the BC so soon but I was tired of relaxed hair taking too much of my time. I am so happy. I will post pictures very soon. Thanks for all you support ladies.
Re: It\'s gone, gone gone...


I'm really happy for you, and I'm so glad you are pleased. That is a huge step, I really admire that. Can't wait to see pics!!!
Re: It\'s gone, gone gone...

We'll be on pins and needles to see your new hair, but we already feel your joy!! Good for you
Re: It\'s gone, gone gone...

Brittany, judging from your pics, I think we have the same hair texture, well at least that's how the right side of my head grows.
I'm curious to know what your texture looks like now.
Re: It\'s gone, gone gone...

congrats, Congrats, CONGRATS ! ! !


i bet you look WONDERFUL ! ! ! be sure to update us with pics, ASAP ! ! !
Re: It\'s gone, gone gone...

I am SOOOOO happy for you. I love to see other women take the big plunge b/c it is very scary at times but once you do it it feels so good. Right after I did it I had doubts but they went away really quickly. Enjoy your TWA b/c it will not last that long.
Re: It\'s gone, gone gone...

Congrats!! We had are last relaxer on the same day too!

I may soon follow (if I can work up the courage).
Re: It\'s gone, gone gone...

HotCoCoGurl130 said:
I am SOOOOO happy for you. I love to see other women take the big plunge b/c it is very scary at times but once you do it it feels so good. Right after I did it I had doubts but they went away really quickly. Enjoy your TWA b/c it will not last that long.

[/ QUOTE ]


Good for you
. And Im really glad that you liked it right away. It took me a couple of days to get used to my cut
Re: It\'s gone, gone gone...

Thanks ladies! I look so cute. I don't think I have ever looked better. I am so happy. I feel so good. My hair is pretty much exclusively 4a with a serious curl pattern. My stylist kept talking about it and decided to cut it with scissors instead of the clippers so that you could see it. I never thought that I would have short natural hair but I am very happy with it. I have received a lot of compliments and this guy tried to talk about me but her really complimented me without knowing it. He was saying, behind my back of course, that I looked like an African. But I felt honored because I know that Africans are some of the most beautiful people on earth. That was the best he could do because he could not say that I look ugly becuase that would be a lie. LOL Sorry, I hope I don't sound too full of myself. I am just really pleased.

Anyway, I will go turn in my pictures tomorrow and hopefully get them back the same day. I will try to get them up ASAP. Thanks ladies for all your lovely words.
Re: It\'s gone, gone gone...

I am very happy for you. We both started our transition at the same time- and you got the courage up before me. Good for you, congrats.
Re: It\'s gone, gone gone...

Congratulations, Brittany!

LOL @ the guy who thought that saying you looked "African" was saying something bad.
Re: It\'s gone, gone gone...

Good for you! Now you get to "know" you natural hair and trust me,it is going to be an exciting journey...
Re: It\'s gone, gone gone...

congrats Brit! I'm so excited for you. I've been having a lot of "natural" thoughts recently so I can imagine how cute your hair looks :-d